Ask him about Sup Forums

Ask him about Sup Forums

I would need to have a reddit account to do that

when is this holding a written sign shit going to stop?

What would an episode of Seinfeld be like if it aired today?

so whats the problem :^)

Amazing. He went from being handsome almost being able to pass for a goyim to being an absolutely disgusting looking money grabbing kike.


but user this is simply not true he was never handsome



oy vey

Ask him what airline food

>Bee Movie 1 is iconic
lol wut

"What's the deal with airline food?"

what does he think seinfeld would be like today

but like w/ new episodes


jeri get iphon

It's one of the biggest tumblr memes, which he mentions. Learn reading comprehension

>tumblr memes
>expecting me to know anything about this
>thinking that makes it iconic
kys (kill yourself).

stupid phoneposter

Ask him if he minds being the "boring character" in the show.

Kramer was the wacky one.
Costanza is one of the most iconic comedic characters ever.

Fuck you

He's the straight man, not that theres anything wrong with that

I got a job

Jerry is a modern day capitalist buddha

He believes in reincarnation and meditates daily, and he fucks bitches and gets paid and does what he loves

again with the poor reading comprehension

He's saying his daughter showed him that it's an internet meme and he doesn't want to shit on that since she found it funny

Erm you realize Buddha only did half those things

Who is it?


Kel Varnsen

thats why hes a capitalist buddha

>saying I have shit reading comprehension
>goes on to butchers what he says
wew lad

Can you guys please not fight? Sup Forums is my family I HATE IT WHEN YOU FIGHT


i recognize these lyrics