J.k. simmons
every interview he done with the director of whiplash he j.k. always jokingly mentions that he's pissed of that his exercising montage was cut out.
I took your pepe
He was my idol in Oz
If i had money...
>tfw my dad's nearly 63 and still squats+deadlifts
Bet this cunt doesn't.
Give it back. Give it fucking back.
I knew it was you
i hate how beards became a meme in this day and age.
Literally only person Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums can agree is a pretty cool.
and now /fit/
he looks fucking stupid, look at that smirk, someone should punch off that cunt's face
Why do you talk like this?
>10 kilo dumbbells
>Being that natty
I guess at that age there really isn't any reason not to use steroids, especially since you don't get much puss anyway.
t. 23yo virgin neckbeard
Every day is biceps day.
>what is shocking
Can't wait to see what other great pics I'll find when I search #OldManCranking
>Leave Darkseid to me.
Famous actors grow beards so they look nothing like the characters they play. It's so they might not get recognized in public as quickly.
someone give this guy a bottle of water, he looks a dried raisin.
Gym Gordon.
Ah, you're one of those skinny kids I see in the gym swinging around huge weight you can't manage.
>gloves in the gym
Never gonna make it
>not natty
His arms are pressed against a metal bar, that's why his triceps look superhuman, he's definitely natty
post a timestamped picture of your arms
Or they grow beards and long hair because a role may require them, just in case
It's easier to shave/cut than to wait until it grows
He looks like if one of the Founding Fathers got lost in Dragon Ball Z.
Never gonna make it brah
Yeah I'm surprised more people army realizing this.
make it happen
>seen this picture 100 times on Sup Forums
>never once realized it was jk simons
Wow, he's either got a HUUUUGE head or a small body.
>100 times
>recent picture
This is either a shop or JK has mad imbalanced tricep head development
Honestly if I look like that body wise when I'm 100 or whatever I'd be pretty happy
>I want spotterman!
Mate.. None of us are gonna live that long because we spend all day inside. We're not getting enough Vitamin C or w/e the sun gives out.
People from Ching-chong get a lot of it because they all work in fields, that's why they live so long.
His arms aren't pressed against a bar, look at his feet and judge the distance of the bench behind him. He's not even close to it.
And bracing your back against something so you don't cheat isolation is a good idea with curls but they haven't developed a floating lateral back brace as far as I know.
Besides, I can tell it's a shoop from the pixels on his triceps and from seeing a few shoops in my time.
you should think africans would live longer, they literally roast 24/7
it's vitamin D u fuck
Yeah, but they all die from diseases and shit. Not natural causes.
C, D, one letter apart. How different can they be?
He went to the same University as me.
>roasting outside where the guns, machetes and burning tyres are
what's that metal thing he's wearing? never seen anyone doing that before. to move his triceps?
Cast him.
You bastard you had me right up to the end
Wait so doing more dumbbell sets with lower weight actually makes the muscles look better? Do you do it slowly or fast?
Low weight high rep- definition and tone
High weight low rep- bulk and size
What was he like in school? Nice guy?
do you honor him through sick gains?
i believe using smaller weights with more reps make your muscles more defined, not necessarily "better" looking. also not much fat on his scrawny old body.
What about high weight high rep? Ultra hulk mode?
That would be impossible.
I attended years and years after him. He visited once while I was there. Yeah, he's a nice guy. No idea what he was like when he was younger.
>just play faster than you give fucking hand jobs, will you please?
Oh so that's a challenge?
I'm on this.
doing low weight high rep actually stunts muscle growth. not good at all
There's a set of diminishing returns with the max weight you can move. High weight is relative up to this point, if you can do a high amount of reps with it then it's not high weight for you. Past a certain point the human body simply can't lift anymore, so there is a built in cap.
But is he a big guy like Affleck?
please never talk about weightlifting like you know what you're talking about again. leave it to /fit/
Get fucked m8.
>What about high weight high rep? Ultra hulk mode?
Yeah I was clearly talking about weightlifting like I knew what I was talking about...
>bend over, prag
He sure aged a lot sense Spiderman
implying I dont take vitamin and fish oil supplements daily
Yeah, but people who get huge often have heart failures early.
Christian Bale does it between every role.
>mfw the yellow m&m can kick my ass
looks like he literally only trains his arms
Man, she really bulked up.
Just another Hllywood roidfag. Lost all respect I had for him.
Looks like shit. Bad choice for WW.