Have you ever wanted a movie to flop so badly?
Have you ever wanted a movie to flop so badly?
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no, not really
after transformers 4 happened and i skipped that because it looked horrible, i just only cares about stuff i liked
i keep forgetting it exists until i see Sup Forums posts about it
We had already so many flops, we don't really need that much more.
Though I wouldn't care if it does.
This tbhwy
Stop making threads
I hope it's the highest grossing movie of the summer and brings a tidal wave of female driven blockbusters. It would be a nice change of pace.
Think about this, OP.
Its going to make millions
Get praised by all the "top" critics
Probably produce a sequel
Claim to be better than the original
And we'll start to see more reboots with women
Reasons why I want it to fail.
1: Feigi
2: Who the actresses are
3: Why the cast is women
435,198: That the cast is women.
Seriously, the only reason they made this movie is for a feminist boner. Some things you just dont touch after they've ended. Its like covering Stairway to Heaven: You could do it, but fuck you if you do.
Why do SJWs want hollywood to make all these movies where white men are replaced with women or PoCs. It doesn't really prove the capability or appeal of those demographics, instead it just shows that they can succeed in an already popular franchise made by white men, which is obligatory, because franchise films always succeed. Why cant they make an original female action/comedy franchise, or, instead of just making james bond a women, how about the women get there own spy, who can prove there capability not based on every white man before them.
Hollywood execs know exactly how to play the brain dead liberal SJW crowd and get them all worked up.
wasn't it just a decade ago these SJWs and Feminists were fighting AGAINST corporate greed and hollywood CEOs?
Now liberals are being used by Hollywood to pan their shitty movies... and the liberals have no self awareness that they're being used.
>Now liberals are being used by Hollywood to pan their shitty movies... and the liberals have no self awareness that they're being used.
I think the hippies of the boomer generation would be mortally terrified by how liberals went from being against big $$$ and greed to basically selling out to corporations.. via the "nerd" movement.
Disney is raking billions from this herd mentality.
What did they mean by this?
Yes the new Star Wars
>Why do SJWs want hollywood to make all these movies where white men are replaced with women or PoCs.
Useful idiots. They want what is convenient for them to want for the ends of cultural marxism
No way that's not intentional.
Jews, man.
I also wanted the transformers movies to fail until I watched the first one about 3-4 years after it came and realized it was a decent movie and I was just hopping the contrarian bandwagon. I haven't seen any others but now I don't care how much they make.
The new star wars, actually.
so rogue one desperately reshooting like half the movie is good news to me.
>Why do SJWs want hollywood to make all these movies where white men are replaced with women or PoCs
because white men are the bad guys so we should demonize them and replace them in all beloved franchises so they hold less power to OPPRESS everyone else
What should I be seeing here?
I want quipshit to die as a genre.
I sincerely hope it becomes the worst flop in the history of cinema
I want studios to learn that you don't fuck with the source material
>Its going to make millions
They explicitly despise their main demographic (nerds) and the nerds hate them in return. Their preferred demographic (women in their 20's) don't give a shit about ghostbusters. They probably won't make much from toys either, as little boys don't like playing with girl dolls, and little girls don't like the ghostbusters, and this SNL-tier cum-joke laden movie isn't likely to convert them.
Even 2nd world plebs like the chinese aren't likely to cotton to it, even if the movie was decent - comedies don't translate well. It's not like Transformers with lots of action and special effects to hold their attention. It relies on nostalgia for a movie they haven't seen, starring 3 white women and a black one too (remember how they phtosohopped out boyega out of the star wars posters)
Their tactic of calling all critics mysoginist was cute, and will inflate their review score, but it won't save them at the box office. They'll break even at best. No sequel.
I haven't wanted something to fail so much since SWTOR
Lady Robocop.
what? They're loud, stupid, racist, incomprehensible during action sequences, they focus too much on the stupid human characters instead of the Transformers & the Transformers designs looks like piles of shit that had no thought put into them because they just scramble in a million polygons then ta da now I'm a truck!
I have no doubt that it will be bad, but there's almost no way it could be bad enough to justify all the hate you guys have given it
Are we pretending to care about the original ghostbusters again? Ok.
Not everyone here is 16, if you can imagine
Three out of four are barely recongnisable as such. No amount of money would convnce me to let the half-ape near me.
I bet they'll keep the dick shot part.
>all this shitposting and memery comes from grown adults
Guess the sequel was canceled. Makes since given that Jaden is kind of box office poison and too much time has passed.
Karate Kid Kontinuation
I've never really cared about a film flopping but I would be happy if this fails completely, which i'm sad to say it won't.
Too many strong womenz about and too many cucks. It will sell decently I feel.
The ? must be in Karate instead of kid.
Nigga Jackie Chan is Kung Fu master not japanese shit.
>implying women pay for their own movie tickets
92% of the audience will be female UCB students.
I almost want it to flop because I don't want a flood of copycat movies that rely on shallow surface gimmicks such as "popular IP," "all female cast," "popular character cameo," and "quips" to sell tickets, instead of just sticking to MAKING A GOOD MOVIE
pic related, random forced cameo
Obviously that movie flopped because of misogyny
>He missed the cuck part
Don't underestimate them.
If they couldn't raise even one million for their Patron Saint Anita in all her combined years in the public eye, then I sincerely doubt they will mobilize enough to push this movie into the 200 Million+ it will need to be considered successfully profitable one way or the other.
You could almost say Chu is guilty of rape.
[...the source material of course]
Clearly every woman who complained about source material was just suffering from internalized misogyny
The Nerd guy made a pretty good case of how it shits over the legacy of Ghostbusters, regardless of how it turns out. So yeah I guess it'd be best if it flopped, so something like that doesn't happen again.
I wanted BvS to flop in the hopes that DC would cancel all their plans in favor of making movies that were actually good
It's just those cucks, but also the normies who will say 'sure!' when their gf asks them if they want to see it. The types would rather just say yes even though they think it looks fucking shit.
That's where most of the sales will come from.
>tfw still haven't seen Jurassic World, Terminator: Genisys, Robocop or TFA
I don't bother with soft reboots or franchise renewals. I find it difficult to muster any enthusiasm to see them. So I don't want Ghostbusters to flop but I also don't care if it does. Even if it does do badly one flop will not be enough to stem the tide of remakes/reboots so it wont mean anything
>>tfw still haven't seen Jurassic World, Terminator: Genisys, Robocop or TFA
Same here besides TFA which took me a very long time to finally watch out of a sense of duty. It was a bit enjoyable but pretty shit for a star wars film just as I suspected.
Remakes and reboots are pure shit 99% of the time.
If it gets over 30% on RT, I'll stop using it forever.
the thing is remakes are usually only good if they take a movie which had some good ideas but was flawed and try again to make it better like say The Thing or The Fly. When you try to make something that was already perfect in people's perspectives that's when they tend to hate it because it simply cannot compare.
It's not RT's fault, it's shill mainstream movie critics who are too gutless to call this movie out on being shit and labeled a witch d'I mean a misogynist, so they just bandwagon.
why dont you guys give this movie more free publicity by talking about it some more
that will help it bomb
Jurassic World wasn't BAD, but it was efficient.
Robocop remake was meh but could have been far worse. Only issue was it did not have the satirical charm of the first.
I want the Magnificent Seven remake to actually bankrupt a major movie studio
A remake of a remake should not be legal
>A remake of a remake should not be legal
What about sequels to a remake?
SNL+recycled Bridesmaids humor
Dont' forget For a Few Dollars more, though to be fair I'm not sure if it and The Good The Bad and The Ugly are directly based on sequels to Yojimbo or original screenplays building off the western remake of a Fistfull of Dollars.
Yep, they simply don't need to be made, it's either a cash in or now as we're starting to see, for diversity reasons. Both can fuck off.
Kill yourself
Really? You don't think that making two of the giant walking computers illiterate just because they talk all niggerish is racist? And that's just one example. Go Fuck Yourself
Yes. Fanfourstick. And it did. It bombed super hard, and it felt good to watch the director and cast all just crumble.
I await the same here. We've already caused the director and cast to lose their shit...
Jurassic World was good enough. I liked TFA but it's not as good as it's made out to be by plebs
I mean Spider-man was actually prominent in Civil War. Besides Marvel would have done shit with him sooner if they could
It's not a matter of want rather to see how right your instincts were.