Favorite fat fuck shows? Everybody loves a good freakshow

Favorite fat fuck shows? Everybody loves a good freakshow

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I want them all to sit on my face

my favorite american show? i liked breaking bad.

Choose life bro

She was damn fine in the first pic, just about borderline fuckable in the second one, but that green landwhale pic makes throw up a little.


How does that happen to someone in such little time?

Maybe it's because i'm borderline anorexic and hate having to eat myself, but I can't comprehend the amount of work it takes to get that big. Like you have to constantly be eating, driving to get food, taking the time to shovel in bigger portions. It seems like a chore

Life is only worth living if you can die under a fat ass

I'm a lanklet and I can't imagine eating that much unless it's a fetish for her.

PCOS she claims

>What is polycystic ovarian disease?
>Women with PCOS may have enlarged ovaries that contain small collections of fluid — called follicles — located in each ovary as seen during an ultrasound exam. Infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne, and obesity can all occur in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

>It seems like a chore
Exactly. It takes effort, so the fattie logic is that you're burning calories while you eat.

I eat alot, I MEAN A LOT, and barely went from 80 kgs to 110 kgs in 12 years.

I can't even imagine how much a human needs to eat to gain that much fat.

Who else has been fat for as long as they can remember? I don't have a single memory of not being a fat fuck. Feels bad man.

those british ones where the fat person has to eat like the skinny person and the skinny like the fatty. I love when they present them with the food they actually eat.

Start working out you stupid cunt
You'll feel better
You can thank me later

i was born with a pig nose and dumbo ears so i just sorta rolled with it, my advice is just pack on muscle because there really isnt any going back

>want to work out
>running/going to the gym is embarrassing
>buying equipment is expensive

i don't get how they can do it either i didn't do shit for 5 years and ate horribly and i barely got over 200lbs

Yeah, forget the whole thing. You'll never make it.

Should've sat on your ass for 12 years too.
Start walking around the block, doing pushups, eat better.

I was a skinnyfat idiot when i started and i could see the other people at the gym looking at me and thinking i was disgusting
I didn't care because i wasn't there to please them
I was there to get fit and stop feeling like shit
And you know what? when i didn't quit after a month people started talking to me and being nice
People will judge you but if you're not a quitter they'll end up respecting you

But isn't walking around with a bunch of muscle just as hard on your heart as walking around with a bunch of fat?

Just go to a Planet Fitness, they're made specifically for out of shape people to try to exercise and quit after 2 months. If you go to a serious gym for big guys of course you'll feel insecure

my camera in youre mom's room

most of the time anyone looking at you is admiring that your fat ass is as least trying.

UNLESS your form is horrible in whatever workout you do. Then they are judging your form and wondering if you would be offended if they came over and tried to give you pointers.

>tfw old man in the gym is doing bicep curls with 60s but doing crazy pelvic thrusts and arm swinging to get them up.

ahhh what do I do?

Literally just cut out sugary drinks, go for walks every day and dont eat too much unhealthy food. You really dont need a lot of willpower to simply lose weight.

>just cut out sugary drinks
But those are the best kinds.

What's with fat fucks and working out? First and foremost, you have to eat WELL

That was the hardest part of losing weight and getting relatively fit for me too.

But once you do it, you stop craving em and just start drinking lots of milk and water.

Now I drink maybe a coke or two a month when I use to have to have at least two cans a day

protip: you got fat by eating too much not by being a lazy piece of shit (though that did contribute to it). You get unfat by not eating like a fatass. You don't need a gym, you don't even need to exercise (you should though) to lose weight. It's almost impossible to outrun a shitty diet.

I didn't "get" fat though. I've literally never not been fat.

>milk and water.
Sounds terrible tbhf, I'd rather be a fattie.

heeeere we go...

>i was born with a pig nose and dumbo ears so i just sorta rolled with it
>i just sorta rolled with it

Bet you did ya fat bastard

You're gonna die anyway, so what's it matter. Showcase your fatness on youtube.

nigga you weren't born fat. Even if you were fat as a kid, you got fat from overeating and eating like a fat ass.

I would have said the same thing.

But like I said, it doesnt affect you once you're here.

I'm not trying to be a dick or anything; I honestly have no recollection of a time when I wasn't fat. My first memory was probably around 3 years old, and I was fat then, too.

can you remember what your diet consisted of back then?

That's on your parents, a lot of people ignore that aspect of obesity, people get bad eating habits from how they're raised. Once you live on your own though it's up to you to change your habits

How does a 2 year old toddler overeat?

milk/water/coffee are the drinks of the gods

How the fuck am I supposed to remember that? I wasn't even in preschool yet.

Well generally in your childhood. I doubt there was a drastic change from when you were 3 to when you were 6 or an age thats easier to remember.

No, that's Fruit Twist Fanta.

People don't exercise there, they go for pizza day.

You can eat a bit shitty and not get fat but you need to be really active, doing sports or exercising regularly.

I'm fairly /fit/ but the only reason i'm not lean is because I drink thousands of calories over 3 nights a week on average. I don't understand how people get obese from food alone. They must be eating pizza, giant chocolate bars and drinking fizzy drinks 24/7

School lunches and shitty white trash food that my parents liked even though they became upper middle class.

its parents keep feeding it. Not rocket science.

>It's almost impossible to outrun a shitty diet.
Truer words have never been spoken

I have the most respect for fatties at the gym.

Of course you might get some bad looks and stink eye for the first week or so because there's a stigma against people that are in for the "get fit quick / ez" scam.

But if you're a regular that goes 3-5 days a week at the same time people will notice and not care. If anything you'll get more respect for dedicating to it despite being disgustingly fat. Just make sure you actually break a sweat

Wouldn't that be overfeeding, not overeating? Overeating presumes a conscious choice.

Dude, what kind of fucking logic is that? "I haven't experienced not being fat so obviously that's a justification for me to allow myself to not try to lose weight." You what, man? You are lying to yourself on a fundamental level. Stop it.

you seriously want to argue over semantics?

Simple: tasty calories.

Not all calories are created equally. By that I mean, not all calories fill you up as well.

Thermodynamics can't be gotten around: You eat more than you take in, and you will gain weight. But with certain diets, it's a lot easier to eat more and more and more.

Consider the milk shake. It maybe has 800 calories, and will barely fill you up. Same with non diet sodas. This is because sugar doesn't satiate you. In fact, our bodies are usually rigged up to always want sugar. Consider a salad. They can have any number of calories, even negative calories. But you can only ever eat so much salad, because vegetables are highly satiating.

So fat people are probably avoiding vegetables and eating high carb/high sugar foods. It's also a terrible cycle, because the more you eat of them, the less satiating high carb/high sugar foods become, so you eat even more of them. This raises your body's set point, making it harder to lose weight.

tl;dr: if you want to gain weight, drink, or coat your food with, a tablespoon of olive oil with every meal and snack. It will have almost no impact on your ability to eat your meal, but, at the end of the day, you'll have added an entire meal's worth of calories to your diet.

>Overeating presumes a conscious choice
No it doesn't.

classic not gonna make it

Therein lies the problem.

School lunches are garbage half the time and white trash cuisine is empty calories, carbs and butter. Young you probably had a slower metabolism so that shit packed on quick.

Just cook for yourself with real ingredients and you will probably lose weight. Not overnight but at a steady respectable pace, granted you dont cheat yourself.

>planet "free pizza and donuts" fitness
>planet "mock people who do well with the lunk alarm" fitness
>planet "accepting of fat lards doing curls in the squat rack" fitness

Nobody who seriously wants to get shredded goes to planet fitness

probably tendies, candy, and soda

Exactly. The best possible meal you can eat is a nice salad (personally I prefer spinach over lettuce I mean look at Popeye. Lettuce is for faggots), and a good protein, like a steak or a nice piece of chicken, preferably oven roasted breast (less fat and shit). And a tall glass of water.
Now I am a fat fuck and I almost never eat that, but back when I was actually taking care of my health I did eat that and lost like 30 pounds just from eating healthy in a matter of 3 months, I didn't exercise or anything. this is what some people fail to understand.

But what about the 6-18 beers I have a day?

Yes, thats what I said. People that want to try to get healthy without feeling insecure go there. The mentality that if you aren't already or intending to get ripped means you can't use a gym puts a lot of people off

>lunk alarm
I've never actually seen that used, I didn't think it was a real thing

I was fat as fuck and managed to lose my first 30 pounds just by starting to exercise a lot (walking, football (soccer), gym) but now I'm stuck and can't lose those last 30 pounds for this exact reason

Can't stop eating shitty food and drinking sugary crap

Why I don't know, because my fit football teammates are lazier than me, but I just can't into dieting


Welp...thats a whole different problem.

Do you happen to live in wisconsin or vermont?

It depends on your goals. I'll always recommend vegetables because of how nutrient and vitamin rich they are. I'll always recommend a protein. But if you're going to want to gain weight, I like breads and other grains (rice mainly) too. They make it a lot easier than a strictly meat and veggie diet would.

Also, there's a misconception about juice. While juice is definitely better than soda, because it actually has some nutritive value, juices also have almost as much sugar as soda. If you're going to consume fruit, which is fine, do so in it's natural state, so you get the fiber that comes with it. That helps mitigate the sugars.

Not him but I drink 3 nights a week on average, usually 14 tall UK size cans, not shitty coca cola size.

It takes it's toll but it's taken me years to get slightly chubby ( and I mean slight)

I have lifted through out all those thought so most of my meals are pretty healthy and high in protein. I also do cardio a couple times a week.

If I didn't do those things then id definitely be fat, the amount of calories in booze is insane, look up it up some time.

Eating healthy, and less. That's all there is to it my boy.

Working out to loose weight is a meme if you calculate the calories. You work out to get fit, not loose fat.

Get on a diet. Preferably keto. I lost 100 pounds in 4-5 months.

I would go for pasta, but yeah. Salad and protein if you are looking to lose the bitch tits. A balanced protein/carb diet if you are building mass with sass

New season sneak peak:

Check the girl at 0:20

No, I live in Illinois. Why?

>I have lifted through out all those thought

Fuck sake. I have lifted throughout all those years.

I don't know why, but it's easier for me to go 20 miles up and down a hill day after Christmas than it is for me to eat less and healthy

I'm going hiking in Iceland next week but I can't stop drinking Coke Zero


just wondering.

Your eating/drinking habits remind me of those who live in that area. Which I guess I am kinda right...

but yeah, beer is great but not in crazy ass mass like that.

There are better ways to kill yourself.

they eat day in day out
sometimes they show their diets on those shows and some of them eat more in a day than the average person does in more than a week

>tfw my chubby gf eats healthier than I do but has the metabolism of an 80 year old and puts it on immediately
I have some sympathy for these fat people, not the morbidly obese but the 30 pound overweight ones who just can't shed it without eating nothing but lettuce for the rest of their lives. It's everyone's excuse but it sucks to actually have it

>Consider the milk shake. It maybe has 800 calories, and will barely fill you up
I definitely get filled up from a milkshake


At least it doesnt have sugar, and you are a guy so you don't have to worry about osteoporosis.
I fucking love Coke Zero too, but I worry about kidney stones. I can't stop drinking that shit tho.

And a fatty you shall be

>tfw no chubby gf who cant lose weight

The kind that goes to the gym and comes home all sweaty and frustrated cus she cant lose weight so she has to have sex to make herself feel better.

one day.

>>tfw my chubby gf eats healthier than I do but has the metabolism of an 80 year old and puts it on immediately
>I have some sympathy for these fat people, not the morbidly obese but the 30 pound overweight ones who just can't shed it without eating nothing but lettuce for the rest of their lives. It's everyone's excuse but it sucks to actually have it

Bullshit mate, she's lying to you or cheating herself without realizing because she can't understand the basics of a healthy diet.

>has the metabolism of an 80 year old
she doesn't. Metabolism doesn't work that way unless she has some rare disease and even then it still doesn't work that way. If she's chubby it's because she's overeating. A. eating "healthier" doesn't really mean anything because you can still overeat on "healthy" food and b. she probably scarfs down junk when you're not around.

People are fat because they eat like fat asses, they're skinny because they don't eat and metabolism has little to nothing to do with it.

If you prefer left over middle, you don't belong in Sup Forums


they're all fucking gross tbqfhfampei

water only you flavor loving fagoo

does the thirst quench you or do quench the thirst?

meh.. same old shit tv show about people trying to lose weight. I want a TV show about people competing to get the fattest just so housewives can all cluck our tongues at the depths people are willing to go for the slightest bit of fame. It would be sensational.

>tfw taking boxing lessons at a run down gym in the hood
>tfw eating healthy everyday and running on off days
>tfw losing weight

am i going to make it boys.

Bad bait

we're all gonna make it

I'd fuck the one on the left.

>not a cheeky gatorade after hard exercise

Ah, yes, I should spend the rest of my day exhausted because I'd be a real faggot if I drank a sweet drink

I don't watch shows... I watch kino.

penokino maybe

shut the fuck up you amateur meme lord

I'm going to pretend that I don't know what that means so that you can explain it to us.