WTF I hate Germans now. How could they kill all those poor 6 million Jews?
WTF I hate Germans now. How could they kill all those poor 6 million Jews?
How many times can they retell the same fucking story?
The six million.
There were six million of them.
Six million.
for real tho
is it really possible to kill 6 million people and get rid of the bodies?
>what are ovens
Yes, they decided to eliminate 6 million workers
You cant even question it.
They actually were able to stuff 4 human bodies into single-body wood-fire ovens, and the bodies and bones turned to ash in remarkable time without additional fuel because the fat from the bodies caused the fire to get so hot that it cremated them
^It is illegal to question this in Europe
How long are Jews and Blacks going to play the victim card? It's getting old.
>what are holocaust rollercoasters shooting them into ovens
Not according to the laws of physics, even with a modern crematoria.
Hundreds of thousands though? Definitely.
Why do the Germans not want accept their war atrocities? Dindu Nuffin?
And don't forget the dreadful masturbation machines they had
>How long are Jews and Blacks going to play the victim card?
Until they succeed in creating a global mongrelized race of consumers.
Probably because of the blatant falsehoods in the accusations.
They definitely committed war crimes and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people during the Holocaust. But 6 million+? With non-sealed Zyklon showers that would kill the staff as well? Nope.
Victors write history.
>How could they kill all those poor 6 million Jews?
How could you watch all those 10 hours?
It's like 9/11. Never forget....
>Its another Sup Forums thread
Persistent today aren't we?
hah triggert
What fat? They were literally skin and bones.
for your fiction needs
I'm just waiting for the day when the blacks fight the Jews over who had it the worst.
I found this hilarious
>not admiring a group of people could fabricate something so awful and have 98% of the world consider it to absolute fact
Step up Sup Forums
There was a webm of /wsg/ of some fat nigger saying "muh Holocaust" to some greasy little Jew. Made him cry, it was fucking gold
Sup Forums propaganda is literally 1913 tier. We all know it's them; we all know what they're doing. It's not even a problem.
If Sup Forums sees fit to put propaganda here, who else is doing it? The propaganda you want to watch out for is, surprise surprise, governments and corporations. Their propaganda is so space age, and so ubiquitous, that you don't even see it. The brainwashing that's happening today makes 1940's stuff look like childsplay. It's really scary stuff.
They actually killed something like 11 million people using labor/concentration camps. I mean, the jews are more than half, but tons of other people were killed for lots of other things too, and I think just focusing on the six million jews kind of puts the third Reich's social engineering ideology out of perspective...
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>Those crocodile tears
>Glancing around, expecting the goys to jump in and defend him
What about the "death pools" where they cruelly forced Jews to swim until they were exhausted and then refused to let them out so they drowned? Or what about soap and lampshades made from Jewish fat and skin? It's amazing how such fairy tales were believed and in fact are still believed to this day even after many of the authors of such accounts have publicly recanted.
>death pools
Why not just shoot them? That would seem needlessly time consuming, and inefficient.
They must have been feeding them really well, cause I thought they were all malnourished and starved to the point of skeletal thinness.
Top kek
Some nonsense about firing a gun at a person would fuck them up mentally. That and wasting bullets.
>It's a dumb frogpost
Because that's not shocking enough, just shooting people loses the horror after a certain point so they had to keep coming up with more outrageous and incredible methods of torture and execution. I've read many books on the Holocaust written by survivors and I think all but one of them has admitted the account to be purely fictional. The one who wrote a faithful account never saw the inside of a camp, he lived in a Ghetto up til the end of the war before being "liberated" by the Soviets. Apparently his father managed to keep him and his family safe by continually bribing the SS officers until they ran out of money, but luckily another Jewish family took them in that still had money to bribe the SS. Then the Russians came and the first thing his dad did was try to get all his money and valuables back from the Germans. He never did. By far the most believable account of the Holocaust I've ever read.
>all but one of them has admitted the account to be purely fictional
Examples please
Not user, but holocaust stories being outed as bullshit has happened numerous times. And even a cursory glance into the subject of survivors' testimonies brings up numerous contradicting or outright impossible claims about horrors done to jews by germans.
Only a trump voter would question the destruction of 20 million jews
>It's a dumb Fredpost
I gotta say americans, your streets sound pretty entertaining
"The bigger the lie the more people will believe it" -- Joseph Goebbels
So how many people actually died in the Holocaust?
even some trump supporters I know aren't that racist and admit that 48 million jews died
only in the big cities
i live in bumfuck and the most entertaining street action we get is someones loose dog going from store to store for treats
Probably like a couple hundred thousand, mostly from Typhus. There's no solid estimate because the courts, media, and academics bulldog anything that touches the holy story.
I live in a small town and one time I saw a homeless person eating powder out of a box that looked like laundry detergent. They saw an electric socket on a wall and immediately dropped the box, put up their fists, and said "WHATCHU KNOW 'BOUT L.A.?" to it.
I'd love to see this adapted into a movie. This would be a holocaust movie i'd be willing to watch for a change, if only to laff my fuggen ass off
The jews were generally speaking just shipped to extermination camps, the vast majority of the jewish deaths were planned exterminations. In contrast the majority of the long term occupants of concentration camps were the other undesirables: gypsies, homosexuals, political dissenters etc.
This is why there is such an emphasis on the jewish deaths because they were singled out for exterminations, the other groups effected were also killed (and obviously should be remembered) but more through uncaring negligence rather than systematic killings.
>the vast majority of the jewish deaths were planned exterminations
More jews probably died of the typhus epidemic that broke out in the camps towards the end of the war. Probably like 200k - 300k total deaths. Sounds hard to believe, I know. I'm not going to argue about it. Look into it.
Nice sources there, (((Anonymous)))
the part about pulverizing bones into dust and dumping it into the river makes me think yes if you had enough manpower, which they were constantly importing.
How fucking dare you. You sully the integrity of the brave souls that survived the lamp shade factory, the bear and the eagle, the holocoaster and the giant frying pan.
Today I will remind them
I've always liked how all the smug yankee northerners stand on the moral highground of "ending slavery" but turn a blind eye to Grant kicking the Jews out.
No, the 6 million figure is exaggeration.
It's a top level meme though.
>They must have been feeding them really well, cause I thought they were all malnourished and starved to the point of skeletal thinness.
Of course people in labour camps were starving.
It was the end of the war, the German people themselves were starving to death.
You expect that the people in labour camps would be well fed?
Is it really illegal to question the masturbation murder machines or the diamond shitter in Europe?
It was real in my mind.
Banning filth isn't the same as enslaving them.
If you do it in a way that starts rocking boats and causing problems, bringing too much attention to the subject, then yes you could get hit with jailtime.
this is gold. Jesus Christ how do normies actually fall for this shit?
They don't look into it. They're told, authoritatively, from a young age, that the horror story happened, and that people who "deny" it are hateful, insane, monsters and freaks.
If Sup Forums or Sup Forums was serious, we would organize around this issue. We could really punch some major, major holes in the social narrative that our entire society is based around.
>Sup Forums
There's your problem though
We're not going to stop talking about history just because you don't like it.
jews have a bigger right to the victim card because the entire history of the jewish people is one of continuing persecution and repeated pogroms, and their only aim is to prevent another holocaust
blacks are still milking the same one time historical injustice to get money for dem programs
The Germans are still paying for it, and so is the US (the benefits aren't taxed)
The best part...."In 2009, Israeli Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz announced that he will demand a further €450 million to €1 billion in reparations from Germany."....Greedy Jews. You almost wonder if they faked the holocaust to get money to build Israel.
>the entire history of the jewish people is one of continuing persecution and repeated pogroms
All for absolutely no reason, too. What an amazing coincidence.
>entire history of the jewish people is one of continuing persecution and repeated pogroms
At some point you must ask yourself if everyone else is really the problem?
You can't organize because you're the least intelligent rats this planet has ever seen, and your entire narrative hinges on the lack of accountability and the lack of standards for evidence inherent on an anonymous image board. To organize would be antithetical to your entire movement, which is based on scurrying away from being demolished in every "debate" you've ever entered -- either by screaming about JIDF and cucks and spamming a gish gallop of propaganda, or by closing the thread and pretending it never happened. Usually all of those things though.
>be polish
>war happens
>country devastated by war
>millions of citizens dead
>priority targets were educated people
>commies come and occupy poland for next 50 years
>they track down what survived of the country's elites
>commies leave
>country is total shit and always will be
>everyone offends you and shits on you
>be jewish
>war happens
>millions of citizens dead (or not)
>no actual priority targets
>many rich and educated jews flee to the west
>after the war they get their own country
>and money
>and combat gear from america
>they control media
>everyone believes them
>someone recollects there was a slaying of jews in one village in eastern poland (where everybody used to kill everybody anyway)
>poland gets blamed for holocaust
Most of the persecution was related to most of the other persecution though. Were Catholics in the same minority position as Jews, they'd have been persecuted just as much. The only difference is power. Your logic is incredibly bad to the extent that you must be mentally retarded.
Look, I can understand why you're upset. But if you just take a little while and honestly look into the issue: there is no possible way that 6 million people were killed in gas chambers. I'm sorry, but that's just the reality.
If you won't hear it from me, hear it from another jew. David Cole did some documentaries on this back in the 90's (before going into hiding after getting death threats).
If you really want to understand why so many people believe this conspiracy theory, start with David Cole.
And they should still be paying for it. All of those people had their livelihoods, their careers, their properties, their investments, everything stolen from them. You're calling people greedy for wanting what is rightfully owed to them. You deserve to die mate.
Jews are a pretty amazing people. Goyim gullibility is equally amazing.
Literally no one has ever said 6 million people were killed in gas chambers you halfwitted piece of filth. The vast majority were straight up murdered outside of concentration camps, and the total was far, far, far higher than 6 million including non-Jews. You're an uneducated, gullible, worthless subhuman who would be laughed out of any room you decided to voice your views in with that weaselly screech you call a voice. Go back to your beta coward shitstain containment board you fucking abortion.
>Literally no one has ever said 6 million people were killed in gas chambers
It's an extremely common assertion that is illegal to question in Europe. It's also extremely easy to disprove.
You really need to calm down mate.
Can you cite a single source that was not given to us by the Soviets that show that? Just one that was confirmed by anyone from the West.
Threads like these remind you that Sup Forums's core issue is that those who lie the longest and loudest end up taking over and making it their safe space if they aren't banned. The sheer number of logical contradictions and lies spammed in this thread by Sup Forums hambeasts would take hours to refute. Literally every single post made by a /polumblr/ shill contains numerous lies.
>denying the six million
The shills are here lads. We can't beat them. They're always going to be able to shout us down, but the truth is on our side. So just pack it up and try again at a later date.
>It's an extremely common assertion that is illegal to question in Europe.
No it isn't, literally no one has ever said it apart from shilling neo-nazis. You're just a severely impaired simpleton who can't read, so you misunderstood. The holocaust casualty estimate from day one has included murders done by Nazi death squads. Not one historian at any point ever has stated that 6 million Jews died in gas chambers. You are a moron, and you deserve to suffer.
six million is the total number of dead jews. only a few million were killed in the camps. there were literal death squads that rounded up and shot jews on the spot in eastern europe
>Not one historian at any point ever has stated that 6 million Jews died in gas chambers.
Lol, okay. Yea, technically that's true, but obviously the story is that most of the 6 million died in gas chambers.
Same same. The distinction makes no difference. It's pretty much impossible that that actually happened. In all reasonable honesty, there number of jews that were murdered by gassing was probably somewhere around zero.
Wait some of you dipshits actually believe this? I thought holocaust denying on Sup Forums was a meme.
You must be new here.
Check out David Cole. He's a jew holocaust "denier." Should be an interesting learning experience for you.
>obviously the story is that most of the 6 million died in gas chambers.
no, that's the straw man argument that you made up in your head so that you could pretend that the holocaust didn't happen
It sounds to me like you're the ones changing the story.
>but obviously the story is that most of the 6 million died in gas chambers.
No it isn't, that's the strawman that neo-nazi shills repeat to each other in circle jerks like Sup Forums. No actual human has ever said it. It's hilarious how one's brain turns to mere mush when keeping company like Sup Forums, where the average IQ is somewhere around 50-60.
it was a meme. then a bunch of stormniggers with literal autism stumbled upon Sup Forums and now think that they're redpilled
Like most Sup Forums beliefs, it started out as satire on Sup Forums. Looking back, it's pretty hilarious. Everything now accepted as fact on Sup Forums started out as people pretending to be retarded like 15 years ago.
And yet, you found time to paragraph post without actually refuting a single one.
Any evidence to back that claim up?
Ha! What am I saying, "evidence"? Nazi rollercoasters.
It's all true!
I saw a jew movie about it!
Don't ask the wrong questions or you'll go to jail!
Feel free to question the existence of God, or Christ, the moon landings, or any other historic/scientific narrative, tho.
But we need a law to protect this lie... lest people see through it.