/got/ general

Best actor edition

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Azor Jon

D&D BTFO by Preston AGAIN! Will they ever recover?

First for Preston's joke about the Book of Mormon.

nth for Stannis

First for RapexRetard Connections

>bring in great actor
>let them be great
>kill them immediately

Fucking GoT

stop fucking shilling preston videos, it's just as retarded as normie shilling

t. prestonfag




literally kill yourselves you fucking reddit cunts

First for Stannis, best king and rightful husbando of the seven Kingdoms.

>Sup Forums only

he is literally the reddit's favorite character

>tfw we have the classiest characters

everyone likes theon?

/Highgarden/ master plan in motion

You'll see

You'll all see ...


We waited so long for new Preston video and it was just meh

9/10 soundtrack. cba watching the play. my fedora would fall off watching it.

its not like they ever steal our meta

I-is it true, is Theon, the 'one'?


So, in the show, Bronn lost his castle and his marriage to Stokeworth, correct?

Also why the fuck does nobody care about Dorne murdering the King's sister?

Dead in episode 10 :^)

fucking this
Got that good Deadwood wibe from him instantly and sperged all over the place when he died. Fuck.

hail king&queen

More like Hoegarden

We all see

Reddit loves Alfie Allen, and Theon is like the 4th most talked about ASOIAF character on tumblr, he's their favourite male character by far (the Reek chapters really got to them)

and to /got/, a lot of us consider him a fantastically written character, brilliantly acted, and often relatable

i think he's the best written character in the series

>muh Cleganebowl
It will never happen faggots. It was a shit theory to begin with. You're just as bad as normies with your wishful thinking

He's following George's lead by disappointing his fans

no mind control, pyrokinetics and nuclear bombs in this weeks got episode. nothing much for him to talk about but forced jokes

Fuck yeah.

it just means he hasn't been claimed by any side of the meems, yet

Everyone's had collective amnesia regarding Dorne.

D&D are hoping by not mentioning it, the audience will forget too.

Post pictures of your face and we'll guess what house you're from

He was taken from her before she could say goodbye. She wouldn't just cry, she would be angry.

>Rickon and Dickon will never EVER become the gay emperors of Essos

You think I'm crazy?

Literally the worst possible outcome.

He's baaaaaaaack


>Also why the fuck does nobody care about Dorne murdering the King's sister?
they can't prove that since she didn't actually die in Dorne.

I would sacrifice my life for King Stannis.

>Actor only wants to be a port of GoT if it's for 1 episode
>Fucking GoT


>QoT not Sup Forums
go fuck yourself with jaime's severed hand you absolute fuckface

Kinda hard to forget when Cersei has been in black this entire season after her daughter was killed.

I'm just going to be butthurt as fuck when they ally with Dany and we're expected to view them as heroic.

HS is 7 steps ahead of hoegarden master plan. Margaery is only doing what he lets her do and seeing who he lets her see. He knew she's acting and would send Olenna away.

But based Bronn is ours!

he's really good in Pillars of the Earth

Eh, it'll probably happen.

The Hound just got fed up with everything and it won't take much plotting to get him eventually facing the Mountain. He'll probably die though but he'll make enough time for someone to escape or deal the killing blow or something like that

>The peaceful tribe were killed because Lemoncloak recognised the hound and affiliated him with the Lannisters

I dont get the ending joke with chad, what am I missing here

I think you need to get back with Tommen and stop dreaming about IncredaBull. You'll live longer.

God she was sexy, why the hell did they kill her

Post booty and/or spread boipussi pls


>they can't prove that since she didn't actually die in Dorne.
She died off the coast of Dorne after an attempted assassination attempt on her in Dorne

Nobody could possibly defend this writing. Dorne is a complete failure.

Oh yeah, I'll see

fuck off

Post Margaery

There's literally no reason for him to go to King's Landing

In my bedroom.

How can you not like the Queen of Sass?

Not till volcano cock happens

Not really. Sparrow's not as clever as he thinks. Olenna and Margaery are the best at playing the Game of Thrones™


Septa Unella's in on the HMP

High level milf.
She's up there with Cersei.

is he the next hodor?

What was the point of the conversation between Margery and HS about her and Tommen not fucking? Was it just to establish that the HS is a misogynist (as if that wasn't already clear)?

I mean, why would Margery avoid fucking him? She wants to manipulate him, right? It felt like another "hey the Lannisters are out of gold lol" scenes, where the writers didn't really think of what they were writing.

Stannis is as reddit as they come. Liking him is a bandwagon thing that only came about after he defeated the wildlings in ASoS

>best actor

top kek. No one tops Tywin

Renly is not right!

>Septa Unella's in on the HMP
That's exactly what I mean, my sweet little queen.


/got/ hates show Jaime though, because he's an awful character.

Do you think show renly was a bottom or a top?

that's not how you sit on a chair? the fuck is she doing?

Fuck off, Glover. You made Robb a king. You wouldn't know a true king if it crawled up your dick hole.

>yfw you will most likely never see Rickon Stark, the Wild Wolf

Has the Umber ruse been discarded guys? Please say no

Was Jaime dismissed from the KG in the book?

he's back on track as he is in Riverlands

To show how engrained the HS is, he knows all about the King of the Seven Kingdom's sex life.

Perhaps he needs Marge to give Tommen an heir too?

Anything that is popular here eventually makes its way to reddit. Most recent is based mace

Because it represented him finally understanding the reciprocal nature of kingship. Protect the Kingdom = become the King.

Before that he's deliberately written as a bit of a prick. And it's proof that he can bend, so Doonal Noye was talking out of his ass.

She's on Highgarden's side

keep dreaming

There never was an Umber ruse

>Being this new

/got/ has always been Stannis country

Yeah, no.

You have to move to Westeros, where do you choose to live?

I choose the Riverlands. Comfy as fuck

>was never a cunt to Marge
>a little too deliberately broke Cersei
I believe it

where the fuck is frogfu

Show Renly was vers.
Book Renly is a dom daddy top.

Are you retarded? Did you not hear what he said in the preview? He's still madly in love with Cersei, and he's out of the kingsguard.

He's ruined.


Reddit started liking him (like everything) when he was extremely popular on /got/




No. Smalljon shouts WHO OWNS THE NORTH (he's a full blown Bolton cuck) before Tormund kills him. Also Rickon is brought out and Ramsay shoots him with arrows.

How do you go from this..