Is Janice the biggest cunt in this show? or is it Jennifer? or Carmela? Why are all the women so terrible?
Is Janice the biggest cunt in this show? or is it Jennifer? or Carmela? Why are all the women so terrible?
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Janice is THE cunt. Remember how she treated Bobby when she was worming her way into his life? He buried the cake. Fuck her.
Janice is probably the most horrible woman on the show. Carmela isn't that bad
Jennifer is pretty fucking terrible
Janice is a fat cunt, Melfi and Carmella aren't bad. The nigger-loving daughter is an asshole and Livia is just 2 real.
Also peglegfu isn't terrible, she's pretty much perfect aside from her smoking habit.
Carmela really didn't do anything wrong. She put up with a ton of shit with Tony, she even said she didn't care about him fucking around, he was just a pretty terrible husband.
Melfi is based for the most part, but I hate how contrived it is that she bitches out tony in her last episode. It feels like they wanted some kind of resolution in that storyline but didn't earn it
Janice is a cunt but has occasional moments of decency that prevent me from hating her
Livia is THE megacunt, genuine fucking psychopath with no redeeming qualities
Best character, bar none
>literally wanting to kill his own son
worst woman in the show was livia. janice was second worst though
>I don't understand the show, please validate my erroneous beliefs about it
you're FUCKING wrong.
all the characters are great.
She knew Tony was fucked up and had to be put down, truly a mother's love. She was just black pilled...she knew life was all a big nothing.
Most Sopranos were a nasty bunch. Janice was just as impulsively cunty as Tony.
Fuck off.
>not realizing that the genius of this character is in how tony reacts to her
Melfi isn't a bad person, but she was definitely not competent at all. I know they had to keep the show going, but for it's level of realism, realistically Melfi would have stopped treating Tony ever since the events at end of Season 1.
I wouldn't call Carmela an outright cunt, but she's definitely insidious at times.
Whole show is about cunts. Only non-cunt was Leon.
Janice is a white trash piece of shit
>women are nags and get cast as nags
>women get offended they are cast as nags and nag about it
Every great show needs a skank you want dead.
The Sopranos has Janice, Six Feet Under has Brenda, The Shield has Corrine, Breaking Bad has Skyler, The Wire has literally the whole female cast.
They're jersey girls
it's what adds realism to a show
>it's a turbopleb that probably has an unironic sopranos characters power list thread
Brenda was such a shitty-written character. She and her entire fuckin' family. Bunch of edgetards.
Yes, Brenda and her family triggers me so much. Never gonna watch that shit-hole again.
I personally hated Carmella too. Tony provided her with the comfiest life you ever dream of and had to deal with so much shit in his work, but when he came home Carmela's minute little problems were enough to send her into a PMS rage without fail every day. She's a spoiled bitch with a granny ass.
As for Meadow, she's a typical "I'm not good at anything except school" cunt who's only purpose in life is to be some tool to society and look down on everyone else from her delusional tower of superiority.
Livia is an old hag who tony should have strangled to death. And Janice is a fat, ugly, useless hippie who mooches off of everyone. Honestly OP they're all fucking horrible
>Livia is THE megacunt
I actually disagree. Livia was of course a massive cunt but at least she would occasionally drop the act and you could have an actual conversation with her. Janice is like a literal walking soul-leeching monster with absolutely nothing to offer anyone materially or emotionally
Oh poor you
What about Oz and Rome?
Virgin memes aside, all of those women grew up and are around horrible and violent men. That should affect their personalities some amount.
>ywn be dommed by Janice
Oz has Claire Howell
Carmela is an A+ wife. I hope you knock up some terrible fucking slag for having the nerve to criticize her.
The grossest tits in HBO history.
Name a single decent person among the main cast.
If you think skylar did anything at all wrong you are a basement dwelling faggot who has never talked to a woman other than your own mother in your adult life. Commit sudoku.
Yes she is, what a terrible woman
>putting based Melfi on the same level as Janice
I'm insulted, she was a qt and always tried to do her best. Pretty much the most "good" character in the series
Carmella was such a hypocrite.
She married a scumbag gangster for wealth and then would get butthurt whenever he committed scumbag gangster behavior.
If she was a decent person she would've left him ASAP.
I'm currently rewatching the show and am at the part she flips out over Tony sleeping with the one-legged woman.
>leaving a mafia boss for being unfaithful when he always was in the first place
Janice woud've been a nonissue if anyone actually had the balls to tell her to really fuck off.
Carmella is alright. Bit hypocritical how she gripes about living off crime but never really follows through, but she's not a proper sociopath like Tony. If she was ever forced to look at what he really does, I feel like she would get out.
>Tony provided her with the comfiest life you ever dream of
the crux is: at what price?
carmella had a few outstanding realisations: she cant put up with the guilt of benefitting from some of the most immoral actions of earning money, so she tries to leave.
but for the sake of her family, she gets back with him, trying to only live of the "honest parts" of tonys earnings.
of course, she eventually fails, but thats just showing how great this show could depict moral ambiguity.
and this doenst stop at her, it gets the viewer, too:
you hate her actions only because tony has a hard time dealing with it. tony, the "protagonist", who actual is an individual normal people should hate because of his actions. but you, the viewer, love him, because you see his more human side, when you would hate him if you would see him at some law and order episode.
(or you could see her as a money-grabbing bitch who just gets back with him because of his money, but i doubt that this was chases intention)
New Jersey has very low quality women