Except this film and a lot of liberal pro commie stuff that has been declassified has proven McCarthy was right.

At this point they've gone from "THEY WERE NOT COMMUNISTS STOP MAKING FALSE ACCUSATIONS" to "They were Communists, so what? There's nothing wrong with that."

Reminds me of "BILL CLINTON IS A DEVOTED HUSBAND AND A GOOD CHRISTIAN MAN AND THESE FALSE ACCUSATIONS ARE A RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY" to "lol it was just a blowjob who cares, stop being such a prude."

About a month after Obama leaves office I expect him to say he actually was born in Kenya but he felt the law was discriminatory so it was his duty to disobey it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Autism: the post

Nobody cares what you think, nerd.

you new right fags are retards. Thanks to McCarthy, a bunch of energy was devoted to pursuing frivolous or irrelevant allegations while real Soviet spies were doing their work, and his retardation made redbaiting look so bad that it helped stigmatize anything left of center. he did nothing but make things worse for you faggots but no, he was right-wing so he MUST be unjustly maligned!

god you faggot cucks are pathetic

helped destigmatize*


If somebody is stupid enough to believe Mccarthy is bad based on Marxist shit, then let them be idiots.

Nice fives though

not an argument

>declassified stuff has proven McCarthyism was right

Except it didn't.

McCarthy was a based god.

>Except this film and a lot of liberal pro commie stuff that has been declassified has proven McCarthy was right.

But that's wrong. It's been proven USA was the aggressive side of the cold war. They even had a pre-emptive nuclear strike plan for the whole Europe

We should have nuked those commies anyway.

Really? Is that why the Sovieta practiced naked imperialism against, say, their European neighbors? Get fucked red

> USA was the aggressive side of the cold war.

I'll just know you are either cuck american or western european

fuck off.

>who is Harry Dexter White
>who is Alger Hiss
>who are the Rosenbergs

Hell, even Trumbo himself was right on the line. On orders from Moscow he was agitating against the US joining the war while the USSR was allied with the Nazis.

You sound triggered, redditor . Go post your emotional rant in r/movies so you can get the upvotes.

I'm a communist.

He's completely right.


>shit that happened decades after the soviet empire conquered eastern europe by fore


Hail Caesar was better

McCarthyism was fascist. The US isn't fascist. The end.

How fucking hard is it for you alt-rightists to understand?

>Have an enemy


^Literally you.

>If you kill your enemies, they win.

Hello Justin Trudeau

who cares nobody watched it except you while your gf was fucked by her bull

Shills and libtards out in force.

Good job, OP.

But our first fascist president is one of our most beloved historical figures.

Besides, the HUAC was created in the 30's to persecute suspected fascists, commies just had it turned around on them.

Tell that to Adler Hiss, Dexter White, David Greenglass, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Morris Cohen etc. etc.

>Adler Hiss, Dexter White, David Greenglass, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Morris Cohen


I know these had a common denominator, but I don't know if Hiss did...

Joseph was right, he did nothing wrong. Fuck communists.

The man who was the most right in all of this was Patton.

We should have killed the reds when we had the chance.

>who are the Rosenbergs

A pair of Soviet spies, given up by confessions of other spies, completely unrelated to McCarthy.

>who is Alger Hiss

A person who was accused of spying for the Soviets by McCarthy but never proven, either during McCarthy's lifetime, or after the collapse of the Soviet Union

>Harry Dexter White

A soviet spy, identified by Soviet defectors in 1945, before McCarthy or HUAC.

The fact that the Soviets had spies in the U.S. was never an issue.

The issue was McCarthy abusing his power and ruining or attempting to ruin the lives of loyal American citizens, like Dalton Trumbo, Abbie Hoffman, Fred Fisher, and Edward R. Murrow.


Their whole gist is getting people to fight each other in order to implant themselves in power.

Then when everything doesn't work like it did in their dream journal they blame saboteurs.

What's the matter, user, don't believe in free speech?

Talk about unamerican.

They can say whatever they want, won't do them much good since commie bullshit tends not to do very well in the marketplace of ideas if challenged which is why leftists are always trying to legally and extralegally curtail free speech and openly mock it ("freeze peach")

But if you believe for a seconds that any of those people are truly "loyal" Americans and wouldn't have sided with the soviets in an instant if given the choice you're a fool or deliberately disingenuous.

Who gives a