What's the worst American accent you've seen in film?
What's the worst American accent you've seen in film?
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Those are real Yanks.
Typical Euro-trotting Yanks. You either see those or the extremely loud and literally big mouthed middle-class Yanks that won't sut up about loving Europe. They're all over the major cities here. Insufferable.
Can you keep them? We don't want them back because all they do here is whine that we don't do things like Europe does
Matthew McConaughey's.
Yeah he's american but i hate his stupid unintelligible mumbling.
>I take credit for other people's accomplishments
Should I be impressed that you're from the same continent as Neil Armstrong?
I love how Euros act like only Americans can be annoying tourists.
You people come to our cities and act like cunts as well. It's a two way street.
There are so many Yank 20-somethings over here filling the cafes taking shit about how Europeanised they are now. They're so loud and clueless and unaccountably confident.
Yank hipsters are just the worst.
We're much more civilised than you fucks. You can spot Yank tourists miles off as they're usually obese, got zinc on their doodles, or are dressed like they're climbing Everest.
>all they do here is whine that we don't do things like Europe does
That's a good thing.
Whenever I see a drunkard pissing in public in Miami, it's usually a eurotrash tourist. Is it seriously normal for yuros to piss in the streets? Fucking disgusting.
Lol someone is mad their country is irrelevant.
Germany is hardly irrelevant.
>the cradle of western civilization
>Whenever I see a drunkard pissing in public in Miami, it's usually a eurotrash tourist.
Yeah, that's bullshit.
Miami is a cesspool.
Yank hipsters are annoying, however euro tourists are awful as well. I used to live in Florida and saw tourists constantly, the Euros tended to complain a lot and seemed awkward when someone talked to them. It's like a stranger being friendly is a strange thing to Europeans
Why is it so common for British and Australian actors to play Americans in American films? Aren't there enough American actors to go around?
Lel when I'm drunk I'll piss anywhere
That's a laugh. The filth that you send to the US is only one step better than Chinese tourists. The most rude, arrogant pricks I've ever met in my life.
Growing up and attending a summer camp, there was a bunch of Spanish and French kids who would come too. Everyone hated them because they smoked everywhere, smelled like shit and stole people's stuff. I've hated eurotrash with a passion ever since.
There's no strong tradition of theatre acting in the US. Broadway shit is not theatre and David Mamet is as deep as they go.
They don't produce thesps like the UK or Ireland and they don't have the actor and director-driven film industry Europe has. They had it for a while in the '70s and then Cimino fucked it for everyone.
Kinda ironic you posted a picture of Welles who moved to Europe and lived there the rest of his life. It's also the only place he could fund his masterpieces.
It's a cesspool specifically because there's so many euro tourists. See the connection?
We have our own morons to be embarrassed about.
Apparently to them it is and sometimes it's considered rude depending in which country you are in.
Miami is a cesspool because of all the cuban and latin american immigrants but nice deflecting
Ha, keep telling yourself that. It's not because of the rampant crime, bad city planning, corruption, tacky casinos, awful architecture, etc. etc.
It must be because of tourists.
>our country was only worth having pride in thousands of years ago
It was also where his art started to degenerate and he became a disgusting slob. When in Rome, I suppose.
Nobel prizes
US -- 323
UK -- 117
US Population: 300,000,000
UK Population: 60,000,000
300,000,000 / 60,000,000 = 5
5 X 117 = 585
oh this delusion
You're only showing us all that you're a pleb.
His best film, "Chimes at Midnight" was made in Europe with Euro-money, as was "F for Fake" and "The Trial"
Yanks are not interested in art.
Greece? You mean Turkey's rape colony?
Shame about what happened to them.
Pic related.
I'm more impressed at how the UK is 2nd place on almost everything despite being a fraction of the size
Well too bad, they're in America. Don't be rude just because the country your visiting isn't the same. How can people be so full of themselves?
Who knows but from what I've heard they think we are fake when we smile at strangers or make small chat.
that quote is false, and it even says so in the filename
stay mad, cucko
>w-we'd be better if we had more people!
It feels so good to be American
Gordon in TDK Trilogy
Americans don't have accents, retard.
>got zinc on their doodles
>Yanks are not interested in art.
Good. Art is incredibly overrated, and hasn't led to any positive cultural changes in hundreds of years.
We're better off providing the world with funding for things like science, security, etc.
Someone doesn't understand maths.
Per capita, moron. Look it up.
American logic: more = better
That's the most fedora thing I've ever read.
Eva green in a white bird in a blizzard.
>getting baited on Sup Forums
It's not wrong though; 99% of artists today don't seek to contribute anything to society and just want to masturbate to their own "genius". I'm glad artists struggle so much nowadays.
>99% of artists today don't seek to contribute anything to society and just want to masturbate to their own "genius".
A lot of projection going on there, mate.
>Art is incredibly overrated, and hasn't led to any positive cultural changes in hundreds of years.
Yeah, this just shows that you're an illiterate moron.
b8ed hard m8
But seriously, what positive changes have come from a work of art in the 21st century?
Art is basically just a means of escape nowadays. I will admit that it's had major roles in political and social movements in the 20th century, but nothing really in the 21st
No retard it's because the culture of America (that both we and Neil have in common) lead to the engineering, scientific marvels that enabled the Moon landing to happen, not to mention empowered Neil to become an Astronaut. Faggot.
how would a woman piss into this without splashing her shoes? how would anyone have a watery shit in this without splashing their shoes?
Nazis and Poles enabled the moonlanding you retard.
Yeah the moon landing was a pretty impressive bit of filmmaking on Kubrick's part I guess
McNulty in Punisher Warzone
aim better fgt
They're canadians you fool. How did you miss this, the american vs. canadian gag is played out like three times.
Tradition of excellence, eh wot.
Wait really?
It's literally only relevant for being completely cucked due to your dumbfuck leaders.
Okay I'm actually not sure, but that's how I understood it. Like Ray constantly calls canadians americans (see the restaurant scene) and I think the midget too. So I just assume that all the "americans" in the film are actually canadians.
The midget literally says he's american
Why would they make a fat guy with Yankees hat Canadian?
Every major US city has auditoriums that play plenty of modernist and Brechtian crap every day of the week. Only the UK has a decent theater scene (or did, Pinter is dead and Stoppard is on the verge) Berlin and Paris are all shit with 24/7 Marxist bullshit. Europe doesn't have director and actor driven industry, it has a grant driven industry. It is one of the reasons why European films on average are worse than crap that comes from the Hollyjew. Though there does seem to be change occurring with a non grant based industry starting to emerge.
Welles output was split between Europe, he made Touch of Evil back in the Hollywood. He barely got funding for his works wherever he went.
Don't worry when I came back from Europe I made sure to tell everyone what a shitty city Brussels was and that Paris being an overrated dump that constantly smelled like piss, diesel, and baguettes.