So, what do you think of Cookbook?
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I haven't heard it. I saw her live in Bristol and she was boring.
whats cookbook?
Apparently it's an early album I have an MP3 of
It's one track, 40 minutes long of abstract cooking
sounds amazing please link me the file via pm
Uploading please wait
Via PM? Where?
Sup Forums
pls post link
I have really slow internet connection
Come back in 20 minutes
You know what? Fuck you... and fuck off, you don't have shit, asshole.
alright uploading now
15% done
wow edgy
see pic related
I was uploading
if you upload first thank you
my internet is sweating right now
I still appreciate you
She's great live
Please keep uploading
plees dont laugh at my internets
Here it is:
>7896 copies of the same picture of Kevin Spacey
what are you trying to pull guy?
It's like Tragedy minus Ekstasis
Also, not a real recipe
Sorry you didn't enjoy it. I really liked her live, but to each their own, I guess
Wait are you fucking for real or am I being memed??? I would kill for a new Julia Holter album.
No, it's an early album, as in before Tragedy I think.
Be prepared for no melodies or chords anywhere though (other than samples)
If it's like Tragedy I will love it
its been on youtube for a few months now...
Yeah that would have been easier than uploading it I guess
It's like Tragedy if you take out all the songwriting and leave the samples in
935 eggs
Does anyone have any of her other pre-Tragedy albums? According to RYM there are actually a bunch of them.
I found Cookbook on rutracker, along with a few other things
Maybe you'll have better luck there