>it's a Garak episode
It's a Garak episode
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Posting in real Star Trek thread. The other thread is cancer
God tier:
High Tier:
Gal Dukat
Solid Tier:
Odo (nobunaga)
Qt tier:
Kind of a bitch but sexy Tier:
Into the trash tier:
>it's a Wallace Shawn obviously plays Grand Nagus episode
>it's a Sisko overacts to mask his inner chimp series
>gal dukat
cardassians confirmed israeli
>it's a white guy cast with an asian episode
What's with the RACIST SHITHEAD ruining every Star Trek thread???
what about Riker he pops up every now and then on VOY and DS9
calling bullshit. cardassians are cold war era russians or WWII era germans
literally 99% of the online interpretation
>Into the trash tier:
you forgot ezri
didn't intend to be racist, it's actually meant to point out a fairly common and semi-racist casting choice in many movies/series
eh, I didn't feel like listing all the minor characters.
Riker's a total bro though
it was a joke about how he wrote "gal" instead of "gul", but one of the writers said that the bajorans were specifically inspired by the PLO
good call. ezri a shit
Move Bashir into high and it's spot on.
Wow, this list is literally perfect. Well done mate.
really? had no idea, interesting stuff.
Is there a more based character in the series though? genuinely asking.
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
I was sort of torn, but Bashir never really struck me as a standout character as much as I wanted him to be. He's just sort of a good, well-moraled guy but never really achieved the heights of the above chars
Ay man there a pussy on at dude head wtf
recently stumbled on a current photo of the actress that played kira.
she's pushing 60 and I'd honestly still get with her
So the official Star Trek podcast launched this week, don't know wtf they're gonna talk about for the next 7 months until the show airs
loved how Dukat and Sisko's relationship developed into one of mutual respect.
how he'd pop in every once in a while and either save ds9's ass or the other way around was perfect
Sisko and Gal Dukat seem like a Cardassian/Federation iteration of one another
Probably reflections of actor's time in the series and behind the scenes sort of stuff
or analysis/musings on past storylines
On a related not, I just found out about the 2017 series and am so pumped in light of the recent Star Trek (may as well be star wars) series. Not that star wars isn't great in it's own right, but it fulfills an entirely different purpose. A slightly less salient one imo
get in line pal
confirmed for finding elixir of eternal youth
non-germanics age gracefully
Adults are just getting home from work on the East coast of the USA. Will this thread's quality improve?
>That feel when Axanar's ship designs are fucking sex yet the leaked script for the film is complete shit
>That feel when JJ-verse fucked up every ship design rather than just improve and build upon the original ship designs.