Why is she not buff? Isn't she meant to be a super soldier?
New GitS photos
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no actually she isn't.
with Batou
Are those the female version of Jewlocks?
>taking a perfect movie and making it shit
she's a robot m8
Eh, could be worse. Better than I expected. I like the hair
she doesnt look like a super soldier in the 1995 anime, she just has the strength anyway
She actually looks mixed asian.
could be good.
They'll do it in post.
>perfect movie
Found the tasteless 15 year old from Sup Forums
robo strength, not muscle strength
her eyes look asian
>that goofy hair
because she's a cyborg not because she has big muscles.
>Didn't take plastic bottle caps and put them over Batou's eyes.
Shit movie already.
closeup on Batou
It was quite boring actually
Ewan Mcgregor?
But that's racist.
i think she looks pretty qt desu
>cast American actress to play Japanese character
>claim it's okay because it's fiction, she's a robot, it doesn't matter, character looks Western in the anime
>go out of your way to make the actress look Asian
Look, I was on board with the whole, "It's fiction and she's a robot, so who cares?" angle at one point, when I thought it would just be regular ScarJo playing the role (she's a robot with an idealized body, so it makes sense she'd look American because Japan idealizes Western features), but if they're going to darken ScarJo's skin, give her an Asian wig, and make her eyes squinty then why the FUCK did they cast her in the first place? This is just retarded.
>ywn be her water bottle
looks like charlie brooker
She's not really all that talented. Surely there's a better actress for this role.
How come the same 50 people get all the major roles in hollywood? What's up with that?
remember when...
>I'm gonna give that cyborg bitch my big fat cock, whether she likes it or not!
What did he mean by this?
She looks just like her.
She looks pretty hot desu
why is her hair so shit?
art imitates life
her tits look smaller too
ITT autists who actually think the OP pic is ScarJo and not a stunt double
She looks ridiculous.
Movies are way too expensive these days. They can't take risks with unknown actors. It's also the reason why there's nothing but shooters coming out for PS4 and Xbox One. Nobody dares making anything more creative and out of formula. It costs as much as a Hollywood film to make AAA games. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that it's all fucked up and we will keep on seeing Scarlett johanson and jennifer lawrence, michael fassbender and other very similar faces as leading actors in big budget films
It does actually look too hot to be Scarlett Johanson
Boring is a state of mind, and more a critique of one's own tastes than of said film.
When they announced a Scar Jo remake I assumed they were doing the obvious thing and relocating the story to the U.S.
This is full retard.
There is nothing inherently Japanese about the story. They could change locations without an issue.
This is Hollywood stupidity on a glorious scale.
Exactly what does that have to do with what I said?
Because The Avengers and ESPECIALLY because of Lucy.
Lucy is the only reason this film exists. It's not "We're making GiTS, who can we cast?" It's "What Sci-Fi action properties do we have for Scar Jo?"
Is that the Dawson's Creek fag?
And here I thought I was going to complain more about Motoko but no...that fucking Batou, man, not even close, not even enhanced eyes.
>not even enhanced eyes.
They'll probably add them with CGI.
>There is nothing inherently Japanese about the story. They could change locations without an issue.
it's an anime, that's why it's japanese
that's why blade runner looks very asain, it's alien and futuristic and exotic
pretty good
dude doesn't look old enough, and where's his prosthetic eyes?
There's nothing inherently Japanese about the story.
Are you actually a fucking retard?
Because Scarjo makes bank. The only reason this movie got greenlit in the first place is because she signed the contract. Hollywood is a business first and foremost
maybe this is early in the stoy and an accident forces him to get new eyes
That's even worse, because it doesn't make sense. He had them from his time in the rangers, and he's already a full body cyborg.
>he's already a full body cyborg.
He's not.
Shame that the RE movie stole the idea for this gun.
Why are you lying? He is a full body cyborg like Motoko.
so? it's a US company making a remake for a US audience so why would they give a fuck? How is it full retard?
Remember when...
why asians have such big noses?
This. Thousands is the only one of the field agents who isn't, and they tease him relentlessly for it.
>Batou's limbs are all cybernetic prosthetics.
>It is unknown to what degree Batou's body has been cyberized. Evidence suggests that, at the very least, his head is natural.
>In the manga, after making a snide remark to the Major, she strikes Batou on the forehead with a coffee mug, and as he staggers away, he contemplates if he should go full cyborg.
>he contemplates if he should go full cyborg.
>if he should go full cyborg.
>go full cyborg
He's definitely largely cyborg, but he's clearly not full cyborg. He even has conversations with the Major to that effect. I believe there was also an episode of Stand Alone Complex where she asked him why he doesn't become full cyborg.
No, Togusa is the only field agent without ANY cybernetic enhancements, he's all-natural. I'm pretty sure Motoko is the only full cyborg.
She looks better than I thought she would but that Batou is terrible
Shit, you're right. Still, him not having the Ranger eyes from his time in the Rangers is a fucking stupid idea.
That's the sort of thing that's done in post these days. Otherwise it would interfere with his sight too heavily if it were realistic.
>perfect movie
Fucking anime fans. It's like Akira: Yes, the animation was impressive, but it's pure fucking schlock.
Damn right, Johnny.
It looks fine but it's no Fast & Furious.
She still has her big nose
Thread yesterday about her nose job was bullshit
Yeah batman and xmen are such superior forms of entertainment
...Exactly. Akira and Gits are basically Fast and Furious. Just replace "stunts" with "animation" which, considering the liberal use of CGI these days, is just about interchangeable.
this is 100% correct, akira especially
This is fucking hysterical.
They're shooting for B Movie and missing low.
I'm going to go see this trainwreck and be the only person in the theater and laugh my ass off start to finish
'nuff said
terrible bait
lol, it's breakfast at tiffany's all over again
>(she's a robot with an idealized body, so it makes sense she'd look American because Japan idealizes Western features)
This is what white supremacists actually believe.
>It looks fine but it's no Fast & Furious.
>Yeah batman and xmen are such superior forms of entertainment
That is literally what Akira and GitS are though. What is wrong with you weebs? How the fuck are you talking down Fast and Furious and Capeshit when your favorite movie is the same fucking thing?
Okay, a guy leaps into outer space and punches a satellite from orbit: Am I talking about Man of Steel or Akira?
Here's another: A supersoldier rips the top off a tank to disable it. Am I talking about Captain America or Ghost in the Shell?
It's all the same shit. It's schlock. We all watch schlock every once and awhile but to pretend it's a "perfect movie" and beyond reproach? Please.
this is probably bait
When is the last time you watched Akira? I don't know where you people keep getting this idea it was anything other than a dumb action movie.
Oh man, this beta gets superpowers and goes on a rampage before his buddy shows up on a motorcycle toting a fucking bazooka and then the two fight each other and the beta transforms into a monster.
This is totally nothing like what you'd see in an American superhero film, this is art right here.
GitS and Akira don't have anything to do with superhero movies or Fast & Furious.
They're part Jew!
>there are people who actually think GITS and Akira are some kind of masterpieces
Will it be the next Aeon Flux?
> perfect movie
nope, atmosphere and animation yes, story was shitty put together
>There are people on Sup Forums that act like they're on Sup Forums
>I'm a faggot
>This is what white supremacists actually believe.
I guess the booming plastic surgery industry built around widening eyes, bleaching skin, and shrinking noses is some figment of white supremacists' imaginations? Or the fact that celebrities and pop idols have all had this exact type of work done? Pic related, unless you're fool enough to think those people are 100% natural and that's what Japanese people look like.
why are you quoting yourself?
yeah people like you and op
if that truly is Batou, that's blasphous
You are confusing Korea with Japan. Don't worry, it's a common mistake.
>expecting women to put in effort for roles
GitS is boring, at least Akira is entertaining
You're both fucking retarded and don't know what those features mean in Asian culture.
Shut the fuck up.
>implying this role needs effort
see swtfa
Where did I say anything about what some features mean in Asian culture?
Don't ever reply to me or my son's posts ever again.
That picture is of J-pop idols. This picture is of natural Japanese girls. Notice the skin that's several shades darker, the more narrow eyes, the difference in the eyelid size. Korea may have more of a mainstream streak of plastic surgery, but if you don't believe Japanese celebrities/idols get these surgeries done and if you don't believe that's something Japanese people idealize then you're deep in denial or just ignorant of the issue.
Euron Greyjoy as Batou?
would look decent with the prosthetic eyes. Hopefully they will have those. Maybe.
Still expect nothing from this. I have no idea how they thought this would be a good idea.