We actually overperformed, IIRC expectations were 15/50 overall and we have gymnastics, boxing finale and wrestling tomorrow

>he cares about olympics

nice ref bribing skills vlad

Another one!

Fucking gold medals
Where are they?

Oh man, Russia got gold in the pentathlon.

17 now

>17 silvers
Jesus, you're choking worse than us and we chocked like 5 "sure" golds at least

Still losing to us matey

We're missing half of the team m8. Our own problem, i know and we would've lost to you even if we had them anyway, but it would've been much closer



17 finals lost lmao.

Not our year senpai


>China = Kitai
>Australia = Abstralya

Explain this.


Pretty much

that's cute
you could both add all your medals together and just barely be ahead.




It's OK we just got 1 million athletes arrived there training on benfits now.

There be able read quran super fast

How many medals will you lose after retrospective testing over the coming years?

F rossiya

Why is my country named CYKA?

In Russian, Usually "W" letter at the beginning of a word or combination of letters "AU" reads like a "V". For example, Bruce Willis and William Shakespeare , read as Bruce Villis and Villiam Shakespeare

It's avstrayla

A lot of team sports you mongrel

You forget that we're about 200 short of what we took to London

Kitay means a bit wall if I'm not mistaken. We have a district in Moscow called Kitay gorod, which can be mistakenly translated to China town. When I learned about it as a kid I was so exited.

>India 124


kitay as in country kitay(china) comes from Khitan people, (chinese Qi Dan) it has nothing to do with the etymology of kitay-gorod

Very nicely, Russia.

Congrats on beating the nazi empire once again.

>You forget that we're about 200 short of what we took to London

A lot of those 200 were just there because we got automatic entry without qualifying because we were hosts.

So we entered athletes for absolutely everything we could, even if they didn't stand a chance. What I'm saying is it's not a linear relationship

Turkmany = doo doo

Feels good to be part of the CWA man. Poccnr faggots literally BTFO.

Hello there Alberto

Who /CWA/ here?

go POCCNR you can catch KNTaN if you just believe


and I thought horse dancing was a meme sport

our girls - dropped germanags their rightful place

Toчнo пpoиcхoждeниe нaзвaния дo cих пop нe ycтaнoвлeнo. Coглacнo нaибoлee pacпpocтpaнённoй вepcии, нaзвaниe paйoнa пpoиcхoдит oт cтapoгo cлoвa «китa», тo ecть вязкa жepдeй, кoтopыe пpимeнялиcь пpи пocтpoйкe yкpeплeний[2] Eщё oднa вepcия пpoиcхoждeния нaзвaния из двyх cлoв: «кий»-пaлкa, oбpaзyющaя вязь, и «тaй»-вepшинa или выcoтa (Aлтaй-«Aл»-глaвный, «тaй»-вepшинa (выcoтa)). Ceгoдня oнo yжe нe yпoтpeбляeтcя в иcхoднoм знaчeнии, нo дo XVII вeкa этo cлoвo былo oбычным в pyccкoм языкe. Coглacнo «Cлoвapю pyccкoгo языкa XI—XVII вв.», cлoвo «китa» oзнaчaeт нeчтo плeтёнoe, cвязaннoe в пyчoк, в кocy[3].

Cyщecтвyют тaкжe вepcии, чтo нaзвaниe пpoизoшлo oт итaльянcкoгo cлoвa citta (пoлнocтью cittadelle — цитaдeль, yкpeплeниe) или тюpкcкoгo кaтaй — гopoд, кpeпocть[4], или aнглийcкoгo city — цeнтp гopoдa.

Pyccкий пиcaтeль-жypнaлиcт Bлaдимиp Гиляpoвcкий в cвoeй книгe «Mocквa и мocквичи», a тaкжe pяд иcтopикoв yкaзывaют нa пpoиcхoждeниe нaзвaния oт Китaй-гopoдкa нa Пoдoлии, cyщecтвoвaвшeгo в гopoдe Пpoнcкe.

but nazi was defeated by USA

Werent you the first to reach the reichstag?

nah, just soviet propaganda

this is Putin's propaganda

We all did our part.

How can Mexico and India be this embarrassing?

who cares

> India: 124
> 1x silver, 1x bronze

> Mexico: 125
> 2x silver, 2x bronze

> Kosovo, "Independent athletes", Armenia, Bahrein are above them


4 place, 5, 12, 24 what is the difference?

GBR moarly superpover than we

fucing pocchr

That football match result is good news for you Ivans. Is it impossible for Germany to get ahead of you now?

pls reform soviet union to surpass the US mr.Putin

why don't all countries get the same amount of golds and medals?

Nice proxies going lads

Do not knov

>even Russians are piling on