Things that piss you off about the new Star Wars

>things that piss you off about the new Star Wars

All the officers look like children. Hux is suppose to be a General and he looks like he still has his mother milk on his lips

In the OT officers actually looked like they had had long military careers and could make decisions based on experience, but in episode 7 they're all children, it takes away any sense of experience from them and you lose than sense on intimidation

Your daddy looks like he has my milk on his lips


>complains about people looking like children
>leaves out the D in supposed

They wanted the campus rapist look. Can't portray the patriarchy as masculine after all.

This...this is actually a pretty good observation

No actor currently working WANTS to look as old as Tarkin was. There are like, what, 10 actors that look as old as they are, right?

He was saving it for "diamond dozen." There're three in that, and he didn't want to not have one, when the nee arose.

Because the First Order high command is supposed to be a bunch of younger, Hitler Youth-esque radicals who killed their parents to take their place.

the first order are literally neo-nazis and have existed for slightly less than 30 years since ROTJ.

most, if not all, of the surviving officers of the empire have retired or serves as mentors for the new generation so it makes sense that Hux is young and idealistic

It makes sense
OT officers=Nazis
New officers=Neo-Nazis
The reason of why they failed is because they were inexperienced.

Tumblr can't write Kylo x Hux fanfiction if Hux looks like Tarkin, now can they.

You think this is a joke but it's not, they thought about this. He needed to be someone attractive and young. That's how you get the female fan angle.

Take in consideration that, for the target audience, a 25yo man is old enough to intimidate.

My sister and my nephew where intimidated by Kylo Ren (11 and 12yo).

This was the point you fucking moron

The first order is made up of the children of the Empire's rejects. Theyre meant to be pathetic and only dangerous because of their fanaticism

>All the officers look like children.

That's the point.jpg

They're the children of the Empire, fighting their parents' war because they were raised to do so.

So this pathetic entity builds a new deathstar several times bigger than the old empire using just children?


So they have a superweapon. Who cares

i dont remember her name, but it pissed me off how fast the girl figured out the force or w.e. She was doing mind control stuff on the fly, which took Luke a long time to figure out. I guess we are just supposed to assume she's the best jedi ever, but, that's a weak plot.

Also the dialogue at times felt like some shitty HIMYM sitcom or whatever.

With their daddies money. Classic trust fund kids.


Yeah we know she's a Mary Sue. Let's try to not turn this into a Rey Mary Sue # 2582836273 thread.

the sense of intimidation has changed since the latest generations, who should fight for their power in the world, give up before even reaching their prime.

The force was always about spirit and belief, midichlorians and yoda academy are out

And people dont get that kylo ren is supposed to be an idiot

i reckon in episode viii or ix we'll find out that she knew it all already, from being trained at luke's jedi school and had her memory wiped after the massacre
or maybe it's something to do with picking up anakin's lightsaber and getting this burst of force power running through her
might actually be really interesting if she can't do so much stuff in episode viii, like it was all coming from adrenaline and desperation after being captured, fighting kylo etc and now she can't use those abilities so much

>things that piss you off about the new Star Wars

The fact they avoided politics just because of the prequels. I didn't know what the fuck was going on between the Republic and the First Order.

Did they forget that even the OT has 10-30 minutes of politics in each movie to establish the conflict?

Youth culture, it ebbs and flows. Right now it's at an extreme end where people can barely visualize being above 30, let alone being in their prime in their middle age.

JJ's first cut of the movie was 2 hrs 40 min, theatrical cut was 2 hrs 16 min, apparently a lot of world building exposition was cut out