What was 2007 alike in your country?

What was 2007 alike in your country?
In Russia: the best year ever. Great fashion, music, high salaries, wealth unseen in all our history before and after, youth.

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I was in UPYACHKA forces and btfo'd emo sites and forums

Dumb meme


I was emo and loved Upyachka the same time.

Do not offend spirit of 2007 pls

I loved Blazer

2007 was the year that Steve Jobs killed the internet.

That year we Entered the EU and not a month after that our economy started going to absolute shit. Partly thanks to Russia and friends who started shitting in our mouths for siding with the west. We regained our 2007 GDP in early 2015. It was a fucking shitshow.

Emo x Upyachka= lov

But you could move to the West with no efforts.

I was in army...

Bush was still president so...

Sarkozy got elected and it marked another step in becoming a shit country

2007 is the point where we stopped even trying to be a serious country with serious presidents
The election was between a dumbfuck socialist woman and a trashy vulgar fake-conservative jew
Now that i think about it in fact it was exactly the same as the 2016 US election

It was a year I was almost kicked from the uni. Instead they let me into one year academic leave. My parents were pissed and told to find a job so I went to a construction site where I dug trenches, carried bags of cement and other great stuff.

It's not pol, stop talking about politics. What was the life in your countries? In Russia people feel extremely nostalgic about 2007 because after that year everything started to decline and now we are in shit.

I was shitposting in Sup Forums, and going to highschool.
We laughed at emos back then too.

>working in construction in 2007
There were TONS of jobs back then, you could find pretty anything but you preferred one of the shittiest jobs. Dude, they could hire anyone as system administrator if you could reinstal Windows, internet was thriving, tons of local providers, etc.

I'd rather be first in Gaul than second in Rome

2007: I surf Sup Forums and despise 2ch, considering the latter to be a site for retarded anime schoolboys.
2017: I go to Sup Forums only to practice my English and learn about life in other countries because now Sup Forums is a site for retarded anime schoolboys infested by pol and 2ch is interesting anonymous forum with good Sup Forums and great thematics.

>In Russia: the best year ever

pretty good

What kind of autism is this?

I would say 2003-2008. In the late 2008 crisis started (well, looking from the current moment, it was a meme crisis compared to shit we are in now).
And 2005 was really cool, but the wealth started to be real in 2003 or so.

2007 was a pretty shitty year

It's a long, long story...

t. mom slapped me with a belt for bad grades in school in 2007

Dumb Romanians and gypsies invaded Italy and others European countries

I dont know, I was playing Lineage2 14 hours a day

t. mom slapped me with a belt for bad grades in school in 2007

nothing good happened in 2007

>rice shortages
>family problems