>We’re just developing the script at the moment. I’d heard of it but had never played the game. I don’t have a video game player."
>We’re just developing the script at the moment. I’d heard of it but had never played the game. I don’t have a video game player."
Based desu
> video game player
Oh fassy. i'll forgive you for that one.
It suddenly has a chance. Assassin's Creed is the blandest, most forgetful series with an interesting premise out there. There is nothing to learn from the games.
daily reminder that video games are for children, children, undeveloped, that are still growing tall, still going to school, children. anybody who plays them or cares for them after the age of 16 is a literal manchild autist and should be ignored.
if i was fassbender i wouldnt be playing videogames either
>handsome, talented and successful adult male gives zero shits about video games
what theeee does he not even care about gamergate?
How is time traveling an interesting premise? It is the most generic and stupid sci fi bullshit imaginable.
I never understood how people can say stuff like that. Like when they ask porn stars what games they play and they say they only have a DVD player or something. The industry is a multibillion dollar industry. How ignorant and stupid do people have to be to never, ever see a video game EVER?
It's not time-travel, it's genetic memories. 100% bullshit, but a novelty.
There still is a huge social stigma around video games, people will be revolted by the image and stay away, wisely.
Sup Forumsedditors BTFO
The guy just isn't a video game playist, how is that even a fucking problem?
Series went to shit when they dropped the glyphs and riddles and shit tbqhf.
Assassin's Creed is a huge time waster even as a video game. Tailing missions and collectibles scattered throughout the entire map with no rhyme or reason will never be fun.
I remember Sara Jay saying her favorite was Muscle March which actually took me by surprise.
Michael Basedbender
It's multibillion dollar because games are fucking expensive, and those who DO play spend absurd amounts compared to your average movie watcher/music listener.
>getting paid millions of dollars to play a character from a game
>do zero research into the game
>don't even know what systems it's on
>accepts a part for a video game adaptation that neither he or his kids have no interest in
For what purpose?
tfw seeing your meme on the frontpage
exactly. based.
Sup Forums fags btfo
Too bad he beats women, he shouldn't be working desu.
he's too busy wrecking black girl pussy to care.
is this the new "I don't even own a tv"
what a poser, fag, niggerlover, asshole
Why do you think he's attracted to black women? Their bruises don't show.
>Le video games are for babeis meme
>Not playing FIFA with the lads
The only autist here is you.
Because he;s interested in a movie script, not a game.
>It's not time-travel, it's genetic memories.
Still one of the stupidest plot devices I've ever heard. I never played any of them until a year ago and beforehand believed they were just period pieces.
I was hoping the movie would skip it just to save on time and CGI costs.
>Having friends you play silly games with
Waste of time in today's society. The only friends you should ever see are ones that can help advise and push you forward in life.
He most likely doesn't play videogames and was either told not to mention a specific game console or doesn't know what console the game is on.
It basically sums up everything wrong with modern vidya. The first one built up every assassination as some ocean's eleven style event but it always degenerated in to a chase and parryfest. The second one didn't try to fix that, it just added shitloads of sidequests and it became an instant AAA franchise loved by all.
This. I didn't even finish the first game because I got bored about halfway through it. Just the same shit over and over again and once the parkour gimmick wears off it's got nothing to pull you in really.
>o-or that's what I learned from the movies anyway. I d-don't have any friends
So far we've only seen flipping around at random over "I Am a God" by Kanye West.
Not looking too good overall. Hopefully it's just a shit marketing team.
nice projecting Sup Forumsedditor
It's because video games demand a major part of your free time and simply getting involved isn't worth the time and effort for lots of adults. He's just not a part of this generation where vidya is a big fucking deal instead of something virgins play in their basement.
>I don’t have a video game player.
He doesn't have a computer?
Or did he mean he doesn't have the software to run it? I'm sure if blizzard or whoever gave him the rights to make a movie out of the game, they must have also given him information about the game and possibly a free copy/subscription for the game for research purposes.
Not saying he has to play it. Just saying he should at least know what it runs on
hehehe this
but forreal he's probably too busy doing drugs and fucking models
you can take one look at this guy and tell hes a sex addict
That's actually a good thing then. They will just create a good story and don't pander
>tfw don't want to be a degenerate gamer
>it's the thing i'm best at on this earth
>brings me happiness
it's a curse
He comes from a poo in loo Irish family
>REEEEEEEEEEEEE fucking normie how dare he call my nintendos a video game player
I want Sup Forums to leave forever.
>play a character from a game
>his character isn't from any of the games
Are you retarded?
>The first one built up every assassination as some ocean's eleven style event
>do this for every single assassination target
Did you even play the game? First game was repetitive as shit. It belongs with 3 and Unity in the Shit Tier of AssCreed games
Because it's a waste of time and you could spend your time better doing literally anything
everything is a waste of time
haha fassbender the FUCKING LEGEND
>you can take one look at this guy and tell hes a sex addict
what the FUCK is the point of
being in shape
being famous
being rich
if youre not going to fuck the 11/10s?
what the FUCK would the point be
>playing FIFA
you don't actually do this, do you?
Because he's an adult
>playing le futbol vidya gaem instead of actual football
You are the autist here, friend.
most people don't count phone games.
But you don't get anything back from video games I've never played one that taught me about myself or the world or made ask questions I wouldn't otherwise like other art forms do
That's because you only play mainstream meme games. Search for some indies ones, you will be surprised. Played The Cat Lady the other day myself and was BTFO by how good and meaningful it was.
The point is you can learn all those things and it still be a waste of time cause you gon die
If you are having fun, it's not a waste of time. You like gaming, it's a hobby, it makes you happy. Wasting time on Sup Forums like we are all doing right now is a fucking waste of time though. I hate my life.
i can interact with people without unfair judgement more readily in video games than i can in real life.
That's an existential argument that doesn't belong on Sup Forums
opinion trashed
user I... What
I will never understand why interviewers always ask actors/actresses in capeshit movies if they read comics. The answer is always no. You seriously think a bunch of rich, good-looking actors are going to read superhero comics or play video games?
They didn't even write the fucking script when he accepted the role.
i bet you're real fun at parties
The only time it fucked up was with its awful fucking definition of the term "internet troll". Liked the game myself, but that bit came off as just a tad bootyblasted.
Despite the meme, who has a decent answer to the first game's premise? What is instinct if not genetic memory?
lol This. And the worst part is people actually getting mad at them when the answer is "no".
Honestly video games are an entire culture now; if you aren't paying attention you are "a retard" for not knowing specifics about something which may have no relevance or interest to you.
Elizabeth Olsen used to. That's why she's so perfect.
Honestly that makes me like him even more. Video games as a whole are pretty shit. Very few games are decent and Assassin's Creed is about as normie and dudebro as you can get.
just british for console
You like shitposting, it's a hobby, it makes you happy... maybe?
To feed said kids.
define genetic memory
instinct can be
based on prior experience
The first game was the worst of them. Easily the most unapologetically self-important entry to the series.
The Ezio trilogy toned it down a bit by focusing more on the past, but still left Desmond's stupid fucking story in to keep the narrative going.
I stopped playing 3 when it switched to connor. I didn't give a fuck about the indian and his father's story had a much more interesting premise: being a templar.
4 was just Sid Meyer's Pirates but watered down. Fun, and the animus shit was reduced to a parody of Ubisoft itself, probably the most interesting use of the concept yet, and even that blew into fucking stupidity.
Haven't played any of the others.
>and beforehand believed they were just period pieces.
the story is fucking dumb and it's better to treat them like that
and if it was just a period piece then there'd be no point in it being an assassin's creed movie
the whole thing is retarded
>it makes you happy
Does it though? I mean, think about. How much time do you spend on Sup Forums, everyday? What do you get from it, satisfaction? But, do you really? Do you feel good shitposting on Sup Forums? I don't, that's for sure. And yet I keep coming back.
consoles are called "beepy boopy point and shootys" in england
>It's because video games demand a major part of your free time and simply getting involved isn't worth the time and effort for lots of adults
True. Single player games usually last about 10 hours but multiplayer games can easily suck away the time despite the fact that it's horribly repetitive.
Multiplayer games are a lifestyle
Should've picked James Bond.