What did he mean by that?

What did he mean by that?

he has profitable ties with the non-banned muzzie countries

also the ban on Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians and Libyans is an absolute joke. The rest I can get behind

t. Leb

Only 7 countries were on Obama Admin's bad boy list. Ask him.

of course he won't ban the oil rich niggers thats money right there

If he already did business with them, then he can feel safe to not banned them.

It's still Trump's fault for using Obama's list.


When Egyptians and Turks killed Americans in American soil? Care to provide a source on that?

the banned muslim countries are shit holes tho, no one has business in them lol

Because those 4 countries are also the places that many other American elite have businesses.
Because he's establishment bullshit just like the last door knob we were stupid enough to elect into office.

Honestly, Trump could have avoided half the controversy if he didn't ban Iran -- the Persians have been quite vocal about this and they do send a lot of students to America.

Don't know why he put them in but then didn't include warzone Afghanistan.

It's ridiculous. Okay, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Somalia and Lybia are in civil wars and face big terrorism problem. Maybe Sudan too - but idk anything about Sudan. On the other hand, their citizens are likely to have no money to go to USA, but anyway.
But Iran? Is he retarded? There is no terrorism in Iran, and, moreover, doing something against Iran empowers Saudi Arabia, the main supporter of political Islam in the world, the biggest donator to terrorist organizations.
Also, there are countries with real problems with terrorism - Afghanistan and Pakistan struggle with Taliban, Egypt has problems with their ISIS branch, and list can go on.
And I don't even mention that he just could do intensive background checks instead of doing shit like that, when greencard holders can't come back to USA to their families and are detained in the airports.
Banning all the refugees is total idiocy. I don't understand how for example gays fleeing Russia, or our liberals may pose a threat to USA. People want to get the fuck out of the shitty place, come to USA, work and pay taxes. Things he is doing are harmful for USA.
The idea of benefiting religious minorities after lifting a ban is disgusting. Prioritize the most uneducated and poor groups who religious people are to come to USA wouldn't be good for US, why don't just prioritize young people with education and job experience? I don't even mention that Muslims which are hated by Trump could easily use that loop to come to US from place like Central African Republic or Myanmar where they are heavily persecuted.
His executive order reveals Trump as ignorant populist, having no idea about international politics. The only chance to save USA is to impeach him and Pence and have re-elections electing someone reasonable. Ted Cruz or Sanders would be way more adequate candidates.

>Nigeria wasn't banned despite Boko Haram
>Nigeria has a lot of oil

Really gets the noggin joggin...

Turkey is part of nato, saudi arabia keeps the petrodollar going egypt is an ally and gets noney every year to be friendly with israel. Historically all of those other countries have been at odds with the usa wich would would have made bussiness with them troubling. Iran has been designated a terror aponsor aswell.


What did you mean by posting fake news?

Your pic is horseshit. Stop sharing Occupy Democrats nonsense.

Since when have those countries ever kill a real american?

they just kill yurogarbage colonists and all the zoo they flooded north amerika with

>ban people from presumed dangerous countries
>don't do business in dangerous countries
>trust cooperation with governments in countries where you do business and trust the government
>this is deeply illogical

t. everyone on my facebook

also note this statistic only counts killings ON us soil for no discernible reason, and only counts successful attacks even though the odds of a terrorist attack being a success are extremely small

Even if we include the terrorists in Europe, this is hella stupid.
Iran is Shi'a and they're not exactly known to massively fund terrorism in Western countries unlike the sa*dis.
The American Army is actually helping the Iraqis against ISIS. Antagonize them will only help ISIS in the short run. Same for Libya.
I can only make sense of Somalia, Syria and Sudan, that are the worst of both worlds.

I shall enjoy the show though.

>The American Army is actually helping the Iraqis against ISIS.

the american army literally destroyed Iraq

that former country's clay is now unofficially divided with it's neighbors, and they're all fighting for who gets what.

you fucking subhuman retard.

remind me again, which country did the 9/11 terrorists come from?

Egyptians in 1993 WTC bombing killing 6

We didn't kill any Amerifats. Source is wrong.

Dont' know why the fuck Saudis and Pakis aren't banned when it's the most common terrorists

Your inability to understand my point seems to be caused by serious brain damage, to the point where name-calling is considered as an argument.

Is the red of your flag standing for hemorrhoids? That would explain a couple of things.

he used the same list from obama. it isn't a conspiracy, idiot.

look you fucking retard

I only addressed your bullshit claim, and thats where I stopped reading the rest of your bullshit because I automatically knew just from that sentence alone youre a clueless fuckwitt

There's been one somalian and one from Yemen

We didn't kill Americans. Is this the Democrat propaganda? Fuck I am a Republican now.

I suppose all those suppos are not helping.

many of the hijackers were known ex-jihadis who had been to afghanistan for training. guess what countries are hotspots for terrorist training now that the us are in afghanistan?

and you're counting one successful attack, which is a completely backwards way to look at it. Profiling foreign countries will only work if you base it on participation in terrorist plots, not successful attacks

Fixed it

Hey idiot, Trump promised to keep us safe. Him continuing the same failed policies from Obama is BAD. Trump should have expanded the ban list.

did they come to USA with afghan or saudi passports?