>Jimmy Olsen, Iris West and Lucy Lare are black
>Promoting the race mixing
What do you thing of Supergirl and Flash?
>Jimmy Olsen, Iris West and Lucy Lare are black
>Promoting the race mixing
What do you thing of Supergirl and Flash?
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>white washing isn' ok
>black staining is
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Literally the only thing wrong with Jimmy Olsen is the lack of bow tie.
>Jimmy Olsen
I don't like this, the character is NOTHING like Jimmy Olsen.
>Iris West
I don't mind this, Detective West actor is a good catch and logically his daughter should be dark skinned too.
>Lucy Lane
She is white I thought?
what's funny is they don't act black in these shows. they have jobs and speak proper english.
Iris even has a father.
Flash is mediocre but watchable, supergirl is dreadful
Supergirl started beyond dreadful, but I found that I enjoyed more than I hated towards the end. From the white martian episode onwards it's palatable.
Never watched an episode but it looks like shit and of course the blonde woman gets blacked in a season finale
Never watched Supergirl.
Flash, like Arrow, is Superhero Soap Opera trash. But Arrow had at least a decent season 1. On Flash everyone except Harry and Barry are cringeworthy. The plots are terrible, the acting is even worse. And Iris is the worst.
If it wasn't for cool special fx, this show would have no following.
The real cancer however is Legends of Tomorrow.
I want to put my kryptonite in her pussy of steel, if you know what i mean
Dude that show is the best. Just accept it as pants on head retarded fun.
Over Arrow? Surely you jest.
need more shots of her slutty slutty neck
At least Stupidgirl is being cancelled.
One less miscegenation-promoting capeshit on TV.
They make me glad I stopped caring about cape comics years ago.
If you are American, and your family have been in America for at least 4 generations, there is a very good chance that you have nigger blood in you, especially if you're from the South (ironic eh?). If you don't have 4 generations of familt history, then you're a dirty immigrant bildwall pls.
You know, Supergirl actually has a nice costume and her actress looks the part. Shame everything else sucks.
Jimmy Olson being black is fine. Jimmy Olson not acting at all like Jimmy Olson is not.
Both are straight garbage.
>everyone except Harry and Barry are cringeworthy.
Barry's actor is terrible, though. Wells/Thawne from S1 was the best part of the show.
Nope, Arrow s03 and s04 are about on par with Flash. S01 (Ollie, the lone "you failed this city" avenger) is far superior and s02 still a bit.
Nah, Barry's great.
And the lack of Jimmy Olsen's personality, really the entire lack of Jimmy Olsen, the rest is fine.
hows your supergirl looking now
Blacks have no culture, so they need blackwashing.
It's sad, but what else are they going to do?
I want to rape the Flash
Show me an example of good acting if that's the case, please.
This is how you know someone is fucking retarded.
>hows your supergirl looking now
Fucking pretty
She's a ton of fun
I'm not an expert on the canon but having him built like a football player was a bit jarring to me.
Flash>>Arrow>>>>>shit>>>>raping your own dad>>>Legends
Arrow started ok, really went good in the second part of season 1, great season 2 and from that it went to shit.
Flash had a pretty good season 1, but seems the magic is dying, season 2 was kinda awful.
Legends is just stupid, like really stupid, I can understand arbitrary time rules and other shit, ok, but they literally beat Savage every episode and instead of imprison him or killing him or throwing him into a time rift they leave him to do more shit, rinse and repeat every episode.
Me taking the pictures.
ill post the rest i have of her ?
Jimmys always been a little cocky shit. Now he looks the way he must've seen himself. I've only seen the flash crossover, but outside of the new's seeming lack of cockiness and bow tie, the only other quality missing is non-threatening non-target appearance.
Where these leaked in the fappinning or are these just "artistic" expressions?
she is getting fucked in the majority of them. it's from leaks. not artistic shit lol. whores will be whores
she has perfect nipples
This guy isn't cocky though, he's the wise, calmed, with his head screwed on right, etc that's not Jimmy.
are there pics where she gets cumblasted?
such a slutty neck
God damn it Sup Forums, why do I notice this shit?
i have no idea what this means.......sorry... the fuck is leibovitz?
A cosmic coincidence.
I don't mind Iris because of based Joe West
When he let his mother die.
Don't say that about the smartest guy in the room, it's gonna make you look bad.
she's married to a different guy than in those pictures... they were going out since 2013 or so... cuck?
Who took the photos?
>suggesting you yourself aren't mixed as fuck and don't have several niggers up in yo family tree
Nigga you nasty
Will i pound qts like supergirl if i lift and be fit like this faggot?
you are a faggot,
the guy does not look like he lifts,
he might run and swim, but he clearly does not lift heavy weights.
if you got off Sup Forums, moved out of your moms basement, shaved your neck beard, and did a minimal amount of exercise than maybe
>if you got off Sup Forums, moved out of your moms basement, shaved your neck beard, and did a minimal amount of exercise than maybe
Do you have ANY idea how many GBPs that would cost, motherfucker? I'll probably never get that many points in my entire life.
THINK before you post, you stupid idiot.
>if you got off Sup Forums, moved out of your moms basement, shaved your neck beard, and did a minimal amount of exercise than maybe
Sounds like a lot of work, fuck that
Indeed. Supergirl aint worth it
The fact that you are asking how to pound qts on Sup Forums suggests the answer is no.
Those thighs...
>Lucy Lane black
Jenna Dewan is European (Polish, German & English) & Arab (Lebanese).
> Arab (Lebanese)
Not even North African, and I'm triggered.