/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Partial fretting edition


Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav

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First for transistors only cost 10ยข

What am I even looking at

>school starts back up again
>haven't touched bass in 2 weeks

Fuck, I need to get back into playing again

Someone explain how the instrument in the OP image works.

The low 3 strings play like a fretless and the top 4 play like a normal fretted instrument. I'm not sure what's so confusing.

Seconding this. Everyone should know how to solder and put together at least basic circuits given the diagram.

Yeah but the pick ups

I think it's got a piezo in it.

meme magic