Kpop general
Other urls found in this thread:
if RV are still considered rookies does that mean they can still win rookie of the year awards?
>kpop general
seasoned with lies
K Chicken General
Just saying, using "kpop general" instead of "KPOP GENERAL" counts as evading filters
>Say hello to Brazil!
>Brazil loves you!
anyone who knows regex won't have that problem
whew thought choa had a FUPA for a sec
this segment made me a seohyun fan
it's her well-hidden dick
that mic is pulling her shirt down awfully low...
if you make an early deposit i'll throw in a complementary water bottle
whoa sejeong is good at drawling
it is actually, but not user filters like hes talking about
plus any non-idiot would make it case insensitive anyway
id absorb her
filters aren't even case sensitive, don't reply to that autist baiter
sejeong gets assaulted by big muscle gook
>Oh~! Let's Go!
what did he mean by this
rest in peace sejong
she's more buff than him
any sane man would
is yeoreum good
uh yeah about that... stick to your day job, yeoreum
Burger tho
i just said the filters hes whining about isn't apart of the rules
site-wide word filters are, though
more like booger, because she looks like something i picked out of my nose after a long day slaving away in the coal mines
this is the gayest post I've read all day and I've read the last 2 threads
our girls
Post short haired, voluptuous lipped qts
arab fans love you
personal Sup Forums extension filters or Sup Forums x filters
that was a great episode
funny that the show was getting better when it was cancelled, the banter with yoo heeyeol was great
that would be the dream though, banning everyone that triggers my gaypop filters
post more yeorums pls, id appreciate it
i wonder if she thinks she actually deserved that
bogum does this to her every night
>omgfan.cu.cc is down
good thing I downloaded a lot of stuff yesterday
Emptiest house award 2017
which idol would you be openly racist towards
beautiful pics
all the black idols are nugu and not even worth the effort, jayden smith should be debuting any day now though
Assaulting Sexjeong's muscular little dookie hole like that, aigo...
I'd say "cesar... home" and point towards a cage
like people who say 'dbh' because teebh is filtered?
she's pure
you wouldn't because ur a cracker
A small bottle of Soju is 550 calories. How is Babysoul not fat?
She can drink 8 of them.
seolhyun had to run
choa has a bike
not anymore
just to see her reaction
xuan qt
the best thing YG has done this year is put this abomination out of its misery
that's just exercise and the only apartment she's going into is her own
that's the moment he became an arinboy
I'm not in Korea, that's the only thing stopping me
I'm creeping in your heart, babe
needs a hat
>RV still consider themselves rookies...
>How is Babysoul not fat?
lmfaoooo he was kidding right?
by the looks on their faces and the outfits theyre wearing,
yeri most definitely had to visit the sponsors that day
delete this you fucking idiot
coping mechanisms
these are the girls
rv is a rookie until fx disbands
lvlz has no excuse tho
no they don't
what wrong with kpop general
as always Slug and Wendy looks the best