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Another race traitor self hating stand up comic who married a she-boon. Fuck this hack
>Born June 10, 1968 (age 47)
You know the person you're married to is a litteral shit, when it's necessary to put "Lovely" before her name to make your fans respect her
Cleo get down.
Oh this fuckin dog. I don't get it. All she does is sleep.
Nia could you please talk into the fucking mic.
>it's a Bill becomes distracted by a game on his hotel room television episode
>yfw Nia dropped the g's from her name
>its a sports episode
That's what a dog that you spend all your time with does when you are sedentary, talking to ur m8s or being cerebral. They sleep.
>Modal? Modal?
>complex helicopter story that I don't get at all because I don't know how to fly a helicopter episode
Did Bill become a cuck by marrying Nia?
Haven't listened to the podcast in a long while
why would he marry such an ugly dumb liberal nigger, hes gotta be rich right ?
>it's a bill shits on his sponsors episode
He's either :
1)Afraid of Dying alone
2) A fag who married a beard.
I've seen a pic of him kissing Nia and it looks awkward as fuck, just a little peck on the lips. His wrist is limp as fuck in that pic as well. Anyone have it? He looks like a real TWINKLETOES OVAH THEYA.
I'd love it if he came out and started doing stand up and interviews and shit exclusively in that camp woman's voice he does. If he became a transgender sports pundit, that would be fucking unreal.
But I think his marriage to a (very) black woman, if it's not purely based on him loving the individual regardless of race, could be down to him playing the odds. White male-black female marriages are statistically the most successful.
He's always talked about how divorce can wreck a guy's life even if he does everything right, so it could be a calculated effort to avoid membership in the JUSTice League of America.
Pic related.
The only way to avoid the JUST league is to marry into some religious bitch whos family would banish her if she divorced and shamed herself
Sadly religion is boring and I hate church ;_;
>Sadly religion is boring and I hate church ;_;
Sounds like you need to stop being a fag.
go worship a kikecross bro
then turn the other cheek and let muslims overrun your countries
then wash the feet of migrants
then whatever else you gotta do before you goto heaven
>its a helicopter episode
> kikecross
Christianity kept the Jews in line for centuries before the Protestants ruined everything.
>then turn the other cheek
Only applies to petty insults and fights.
> let muslims overrun your countries
The most Catholic countries are the ones most resistant to immigration. Secular liberal countries are ruining Europe.
>then wash the feet of migrants
Everybody, even Catholics, think Francis is a fag.
Jews kept the pagans in line by forcing them to be Christians you kikecross retard
>Jews forced the pagans to be Christian
You're gay and retarded. The Jews conspired with the pagans to suppress the Christians.
>I replied by reminding Lady Michele that that the most famous convert to Hellenism was Julian the Apostate, who thought he could wash the effect of baptism from his person with the blood of bulls and ended up conniving with the Jews in their attempt to rebuild the Temple. Hellenism was another word for magic and mumbo jumbo. Greek philosophy, even in its pure state, as when it came from the lips of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle was incapable of saving itself from decadence. The only thing that had saved Logos as discovered by Greeks like Plato and Aristotle was Christianity and its fusion with the Hebrew scriptures by thinkers like St. Augustine.
what the fuck
the christians were jews and pagans
the first christians were jews, then they recruited the pagans
literally jew control of pagans
Modern Judaism isn't the Israelite religion, and the Jewsh converts had no loyalty to the Pharisees who created modern Judaism.
yeah ok bra go sniff some petrol
the jews just disappeared and another group of people calling themselves jews who have the same texts and rituals just magically evolved from ether
you are deranged, such is the mind of a kikecross
Nia is great
Them disagreeing is the highlight of any podcast she is on
They're like asymmetrical, she keeps Bill on his toes
>Pull up a fuckin chair! Pull up a chair and grab a microphone, you asshole
The Ancient Israelite religion had splintered after the time of the prophets, one of these sects were pharisees who created modern Judaism after the destruction of the temple. The early Israelite converts had no loyalty to the Pharisees, and history clearly shows ith was the pagans who conspired with the Jews against the Christians.
>Daahctah Cahve'ys Eeasy Shaaave Bahtaaaaaaaaaah!
His early Club W shit was the best
>Club W (my daddy bought me a ranch)
>The ol right there Fred
>How's ya memahrial day? Oh, ya havin a cookout, I'll be ovah with a couple a millahs!
Ba doo doo doo
me undies, me undies
no more sweaty balls
>Doctah Cahvey's easy shave buttahh!
>(Docterr Carrverr's easy shave butterrrr)
Heyyy Billy Redface, ya freckled cunt
so uh me n fucking Virzi n Bartnick were uh
Reminder that he became the John Lennon.
oh, fuck off
Nia isn't co-writing F is for Family, she's not writing his stand-up, just get over it you sad, sad nigger hating faggot
>ah, what the fuck was I talking about??
the pride of new jersey
Paul "Don't say I'm from Jersey" Virzi
>It's a something semi-humourous happened when Bill was walking Cleo episode
Of course she isn't, she's just there in the background making screeching noises.
one of the best listener submitted stories ive heard
she's in the background of his cartoon and his stand up specials?
her being on half a podcast once every two months and mildly annoying you =/= John Lennon + Yoko Ono
fuck, if you don't like her, don't listen to the podcast. There, no more Nia, she no longer affects anything Bill-related.
sad, sad faggots.
GOAT moments on the MMP
>story of guy falling down a hill
>Brian regan episode
>Doug Stanhope episode
>granny watta
>bootleg stair master story
Sorry Bill, but you're a little bitch now.
I really liked that story where that kid wrote in about the 40 year old dickhead on his block that was bullying him despite not knowing that he was trained in MMA and Bill got super upset about it on the kid's behalf
>Bill marries mildly SJW woman
>Occasionally she says something SJW-y on the podcast she's rarely on, her and bill argue laughingly and move on
>Every faggot on earth: "BILL MARRIED A NIGGER! HE'S A PUSSY SJW NOW!!!"
>Latest special has Bill defending Donald Sterling, Paula Deen, & Duck Dynasty guy, Bill shitting on religion, Bill talking about getting a gun
>mfw yeah what a SJW.....wait
>You're all faggots
But Nia episodes are the best, they yell at each other and disagree on basically everything. That's the polar opposite of yoko and lennon
Thank you
Goddammit these people are retarded
i hope that pitbull "rescue" snaps and bites nia in the jugular.
>bill's father was so racist that it pushed bill to marry a nigger, then adopt a nigger dog
wew lad
Does Nia know you call her am SJW online?
Middle schoolers on Sup Forums
Mvment watches everybody. I don't wear these pieces of shit but it's like a $100 watch that looks like a $200 watch.
I want him to have kids.
This man is wasted on not having kids.
>*throws baseball*
>What's that son? Nah, we're not goin' to church today, fuck that
>Wanting more autists in the world
agreed, he needs to pass his genes on.
we need another generation of pasty, red headed, freckled face comedians, oh wait thats impossible lel
>bitches about how men can't just have anything anymore
>regularly lets his negress wife with nothing interesting or important to say ruin his podcasts
He can adopt
That's only for women, he just needs to strangle Nia with the garden hose and feed her to Cleo then get himself a nice young qt
someone needs to nuke britbongistan desu
I dunno edge master, does he get off watching other people fuck her?
Cuck is the dumbest insult ever created.
Ring Video Doorbell advert
>get himself a nice young qt
You mean like Johnny Depp did?
Too soon m8.
If you just killed all the jews it would probably suffice.
Post your favorite bits from the podcast
They must be missing you at Sup Forums. Go back there.
>Club W (Daddy loves me more than Jeb)
>Club W (they got weapons of mass destruction)
found the cuck
Deluded christfag with cognitive dissonance
Jesus was a Jew who preached only to the Jews, hence "pearls before swine" comment. Then Paul decided to open a franchise and let all the ruffians in. TL;dr go wash some nigger feet like your kike Messiah, brave Christian warrior
Yes. Holy fuck, he may put up some fight with her on his podcast, but holy shit, has he become a fucking cuck. He even tries to be more careful with his words, except only when it's insulting shit like feminists.
This thread is pure cancer. Holy shit.
are you saying that because you were expecting lots of Bill references or because there isn't enough nigger hating, usage of the word cuck, and discussion of jews
>the redditor is triggered
All the rose bowl stories where he gets blackout drunk and smokes cigars.
The GOAT story is the 2008 Rose Bowl where he's hanging out with another comedian named Joe (wouldn't say his last name), and they chugged crown royal and screamed at an old bitch for the entire game ending with them getting lost in the parking lot.
>I only posted
>I said nigger but am still being called a redditor
School's out, here's all the middle schoolers
Thanks for the feedback user. Next time, if you're more specific about what you expect from Sup Forums, then we can make sure future threads meet your expectations.
>le bacon