>In the season 2 premiere, Jazz finds out she needs surgery so she doesn't go through male puberty
Why is TLC enabling child abuse like this?
>In the season 2 premiere, Jazz finds out she needs surgery so she doesn't go through male puberty
Why is TLC enabling child abuse like this?
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I want to impregnate her.
Little hook nosed bitch.
This meme needs to die.
So does every single tranny.
She doesn't
She just literally needs to take anti androgens and oestrogen
I find this show uncomfortable, I mean, shows that revolve around kids in general are pretty exploitative
You know, even if he goes through the hormones, he's still a kike faggot. No matter how much plastic surgery, no matter how much people say "literally duh, like duh" when you point this out.
That guy has to look the man in the mirror every day for the rest of his short life.
She's beautiful.
Not gonna lie, I jerked off to Jazz twice. Why do straight men love traps so much?
What abomination is this?
You are just a chaser who wants her to keep her femdick
I wish they would make a show with the kind of trannies that hangs in shitty malls. The ones that look like Chris Benois but with gigantic tits. People need to know that not all trannies are cute underage ladyboys.
There was a scientific study that says traps are attractive to straight men because of the fact that they are feminine. Being a man attracted to traps/t-girl is because you like women.
So it's totally not gay to want to fuck a girly trap.
Well, it's a little gay
>>“Jennings is our pseudonym, to sort of make life easier. We try to hide our real last name as much as possible,” Jeanette says. “Our last name is a very Jewish, long last name. We found it easier at this point. She’s known as Jazz Jennings. With the TV show, they’re not going to tell anybody where we live. The TV show is not going to reference our true last name.”
Sup Forums is always right.
>"I know i'm really a girl i just want to be who i naturally am"
>Gets cut up outside and drugs pumped inside
A one hundred years ago he would have been happy just acting a little effeminate and would probably get over it at puberty or just go on to be homosexual.
But thanks to modern medicine he can be altered and ruin himself permanently and statistically go on to commit suicide in a decade or so when he realized what his family let him do to himself when he isn't even old enough to drive or see a horror film alone.
In 15 or so years when this person is horrifically depressed and feeling even more unfulfilled and unsure of who they are they will probably sue the network for enabling them.
That sounds like something a dumb faggot would would say.
If jazz chops off the dick then the market value on him goes down exponentially.
>Well, it's a little gay
It's a lot gay, faggot.
It's gay only if you fuck her or suck her dick
Calling it "her" doesn't make it a girl, you fucking queer.
>that video of bailey jay losing a contest to a guy and he slaps the shit out of her/him and writes "slut" on her/him
literally hot
>Being attracted to she-males isn't gay
The denial on these fags.
Oh, be nice
You don't know what a meme is.
Is anyone else watching?
>Why is TLC enabling child abuse like this?
Freedom. Fortunately, this is the same freedom that will eventually, I hope, make it illegal to do that sick shit to stupid kids.
I am just to see this little faggot get BTFO.
I'm sure am glad the evil nazis lost the war huh you guys
No dude, you can fuck her, but having her fuck you is super gay.
I need to find this video for various reasons
I seen a guy fuck a horse before. A guy dressing up as a chick on television doesn't phase me.
>Which medicine are you out of?
She's not even pretty. I've fapped to way cuter.
What you do at your grandfather's ranch is none of our business.
I find it funny that they want to be so tolerant and accepting to the point where they say trans are normal people, but they have such a problem with being considered gay they come up with loopholes and any excuse to prove they aren't gay. If you are fucking a human in the ass with its dick flopping around then yes, that is gay regardless of how they identify or what you identify them as
These fucking kikes.
>God has created you the way you are.
As a warning?
Would you a Jazz, Sup Forums?
Be honest.
>Sample size of 63 people
Well, I'm convinced. That's certainly conclusive and not simply suggestive.
Also any difference reactions within brain patterns may be a result of neural pathways that already respond radically different to arousal.
You and the closet case who conducted this are just ashamed of being a faggot. No one cares anymore, fag. Just go fuck a man already and be content with yourself.
our only solace is that trans subhumans have no way of producing offspring, it's natural selection at work really
Yeah of course, she is a qt after all
Sup Forums, please
>this closested faggot
you know your cock cant tell the difference between a girl with a cock and a girl with a pussy when shes wearing pants or facing down?
you're a faggot and you hate yourself kek
This show is actually a good redpill. The amount of drugs they have to pump this thing full of to keep it from killing itself.
Oh wow she's crazy like us.
>I never know what will trigger her
>my sides are on standby
I really wish the edgy Sup Forums teens could find a different board to shit up
fuck that let her penis grow you monsters
Probably but only from behind unless he gets a nose job.
>mfw triggered trannies
No one thinks you're a woman, hon.
Thinking trannies are freaks is normal.
When has TLC not?
Fuck guys what he's missing out on like a 9 incher? Fuckkkkkk
I'm not the one rationalizing chicks with dicks, closet queen.
>Referring to her as a boy
Good Lord.
So when it kills itself, how is TLC, or whatever retarded network this is on, going to go about it?
nah youre like xmen or someshit you can see into her pants
haha faggot
Even though throughout history effeminate men/boys have been a huge part of society/culture ?
You can't impregnate a colon, buddy.
>Our last name is a very Jewish, long last name.
what kinda fucking name is jazz? its not a boys name and its certainly not a fucking girls name
Not with that attitude. ;)
"Greeks practiced pederasty is times of social decline
>that make sit normal
This. Even achilles had a fuckboi
I didn't realize there was a show on it. I remember years ago it was on 2020 or 60 minutes or some shit as it was being deformed.
But I saw a clip on YouTube where it complained about no boys wanting it as a gf. Big fucking surprise.
It's a dog's name, which I guess is more fitting.
>thread about this shit on Sup Forums
The only fucking reason I know about this crap is because I went to go cut my parent's grass and after I got finished and went inside to take a small break before heading home my mom was watching this shit.
Disgusting as all fuck but not surprising because she watches all kinds of retarded reality shows that make me want to stab my eyes out.
This thread is kinky as fuck.
TLC is the freakshow channel, always has been.
Before this shit it was the 800 lb people, Honey Boo Boo and whatever other modern circus acts they could cook up.
But he didn't believe that he was a real girl
>what kinda fucking name is jazz?
A trans name.
I will never understand why men will get their penis and balls chopped off. I will never suck or get fucked by a dick but it's easily the superior set of genitals: low maintenance, more hygenic, and more aesthetically pleasing than a vagina.
Traps are better off keeping it.
The kind of name liberal parents coked off their asses give their children, like Angel or Candy.
And homosexuality as it is defined now was never accepted or seen as "normal".
Ass shots?
Their real name is Bloshinsky.
It won't be for lack of trying
This isn't the same as homosexuality. She's dressed and acting like a chick. Sex with a dude and sex with a dude acting like a chick are two different things.
Jazz is often short for jasmine. But I doubt this fag was named jasmine at birth
>Jazz finds out she needs surgery so she doesn't go through male puberty
How is that shit illegal? Its like tattooing a baby or giving breast implants to a 13 year old.
Of course it should be, in any sane society. But the fear of being called a bigot has muzzled common sense.
hnnngg more
Make sure to share those #JazzHands, Sup Forums!
At least shell have a few million bucks to do all the reversal surgeries to save face in a few years. That's if she doesn't commit suicide
Moar like #JazzHandjobs.
>guy doesn't care about chick talk