The 80s is objectively the WORST decade for movies
The 80s is objectively the WORST decade for movies
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and music
No, that would be the 60's or the 90's.
also people
2000 - 2010 was the worst, but 2011-2020 is on track to be even worse
What about Konan the barbarian?
That is not incorrect
I want to breed lavren.
Doesn't she think we're all misogynists?
Robocop came out in the 80s, so u are wrong
Yeah, but it was the golden era of action movies though
You mean 2010s
2000s were the worst for music, objectively.
Only Sup Forums
You mean the decade when actual auteurs were still working at the height of their experience and Hollywood was cranking out the best blockbuster shit that people would be apeing for 3 decades to come?
Fuck you kid.
Hollywood's obsession with grown men in latex outfits flying around and PG-13 ratings has cemented right now as the worst period for the film industry.
2000s had some fantastic albums. You're thinking of the 90s
Lauren Mayberry i think?
80's best movies, hair, clothing, music
suck it
stop posting lauren burpberry and admit youre a pedophile
Prime arnold action movies. 80s being the worst decade kys
>the shining
>empire strikes back
>raging bull was 80's i think
>roger rabbit
eat shit
>not liking comfy 80s pop
that's the 70s mongoloid
80s was the golden age of the blockbuster era
neck yourself
We're talking about the past
2000's - present still hasn't settled, it's the worst era/s by far but we can't look back until we've past it to make it official
How's your swag collection coming along?
i want to suck on her perky nipples
>he considers those good movies
outside shining and raging bull kill yourself
As someone who hates 80s culture in America, the film industry was admittedly pretty great. 2000-2009 was the worst decade for film and this decade may very well top it
What bastard corrupted my waifu with this blasphemy?
Fuck you nigger Tears for Fears is my go to music
Not all bad
>Raging Bull
>Empire Strikes Back
>Indiana Jones trilogy
>Full Metal Jacket
>John Carpenter's the Thing
>Blade Runner
>the Shining
The 80s was one of the best decades for film. A lot of original big budget blockbusters, and objectively the best decade for science fiction.
ree reddit
Robocop is overrated
Read this post then laughed out loud.
i did
does anyone have a picture of lavren's pale pussy lips?
Alien was developed, produced, and released during the 1970s user.
>2000's - present still hasn't settled
2001-2010 is a decade.
It is the PAST.
How do you not understand this?
This decade is shaping up to be WOAT.
I'm sick and tired of millennials shit talking the god tier 80's while fellating over the god awful 90's.
Roger Rabbit was panned by critics, it was just a kid movie back then. It's funny how you think it's patrician now, no surprise since it's the grandfather of what modern movies are today. It laid out the blueprint
Kill yourself. 80s music was comfy as fuck.
Good for blockbusters, not good for actual films.
I agree with this
And this
no, she's pure user
Kill yourself
No, kill YOURself.
Raging Bull is the only good film there, and let's be honest, it was made in 1980,it didn't really have that much 80s influence.
There's no difference. One decade overlapped the other in a continuous stream of shittyness
It's exactly the same really
As far as lead singers of pop bands go, Lauren Mayberry isn't as qt as Sydney Sierota
Everyone's a superhero, everyone's a Captain Kirk
60's and 70's movies were horrible
So many classics came out of the 80's
Can you even name ten 10/10 movies from the 60's?
>motley crue and glam general
>charlie sheen and aids general
>women with ugly big hair and baggy clothes general
80's were so shit literally
Quick post that 80s jam that gets you moving
People turned into pussies with new wave and hair metal
yeah right, 90s movies are my absolute favorite
stop this "robocop is awesome" meme
One of the Connery-era Bond films.
robocop was garbage
>new wave and synthpop
>Arnold and sci-fi general
>women were still mostly thin and knew their place
ITT: People ignoring the fact that nowadays movies are all PG-13 superhero comic adaptations and the industry has never been this shitty.
Misread your post... baka
>Kill yourself. 80s music was comfy as fuck.
I feel like vomiting now -Hhhurg
.. Thanks reminding me how """"""comfy"""""" the music was
literally go to any other thread to discuss that shit, that's all this board is about. This is about finished decades.
The 10's were much worst.
I want to tie up Lauren and make her drink water until she wets herself. Then I'll spank her until she cries for pissing herself and have her blow me.
>new wave and synthpop
and thanks to that we have skrillex and tomorrowland
>Arnold and sci-fi general
arnold is pretty based, bad 80's sci-fi is mostly shit
>women were still mostly thin and knew their place
wrong, coke and liberals went worse during the 80's
It was way better than now, but that doesn't necessarily make it a great decade for music or film
>and thanks to that we have skrillex and tomorrowland
You can use this argument for anything from the past. Also there's nothing wrong with coke, nerd.
Hellooooo, reddit!
this board is already 100% reddit kek
since when?
haven't browsed this place since LOST ended
90s kid who hates what his parents watched spotted.
Everyone in this thread was born after 1995
since GoT
since probably over a year now.
just look at how many capeshit threads there are every single day
the fuck
there is literally nothing more reddit than liking 80s music
we wouldn't have imagine dragons, neon indian and other gay shit if 80s music wasn't popular with hipsters
>The Shining
>Stand By Me
>The Thing
>Full Metal Jacket
>Who Framed Roger Rabbit
>Empire Strikes Back
>Raiders of the Lost Ark
>Back to the Future
>The Terminator
>The Goonies
>Princess Bride
does the 60's have any movies that compare to this?
Pretty much. 1975, Chvrches itself, Tame Impala, Carly Rae Jepsen are all reddit and are all 80s influenced
80s were dogshit for music, but I still think they are the era of the best blockbuster/action movies.
The worst era for movies is probably around 1994-2001. Terrible CGI used over practical effects despite the CGI being PS1 tier, all the fucking XXXXXTREEEEME fucking aesthetics, every sound track being fucking terrible big beat and pop DnB tracks.
80s and 90s legit have the worst aesthetics though, jesus christ 80s and 90s fashion and design was fucking atrocious.
>Muh Neo-80s is so a e s t h e t i c though.
Neo-80s has basically fucking nothing to do with actual 80s design as it was back then.
Nice argument fag you sure convinced me with your hot opinions
>Ignoring the massive amounts of awesome synthpop and new wave
You took the bait.
Just take a look at this intro list
60s straight up had kino as the best, all that you mentioned is just blockbuster flicks
Hellooooo, reddit!
well I'm sorry to hear that
kys 80s fag
Are you gay?
80s is HANDSDOWN the best decade for:
get cucked op