Thos man was the leader of the brazilian fascist party

Thos man was the leader of the brazilian fascist party
What do you think of him?

Their hymns:

Other urls found in this thread:

They literally believed in race mixing to make one ""great"" race.
Basically what the globalist kikes want nowadays, fuck them all.

Delete this. This man ought to be forgotten. I'm the leader of the Integralist party now. The movement is mine.

It's been dead for a long time and its ideas are obsolete, hence why there must be a new leader. I'm the guy who will bring Nationalism back to Apeland. Just wait.

No YouTube won't. You're Just a pussy shitposting on a lebanese origami Trading image board


you're already a nation of mutts

stop being an autist

It doesn't mean we should get rid of the few whites we have by making them breed with niggers.

I think he was just being realistic.
Ethno-centrism in Brasil is purely ridiculous

not what I meant. you could be like the roman empire, which had plenty of african legionaries

>be Brazilian
>get oppressed by Groucho Marx

>Ethno-centrism in Brasil is purely ridiculous
Agreed. But that idea is purely ridiculous as well. Brazilians should focus on Nativism whilst preserving the pure breeds they've got. Making whites breed with each other would be great also, since we're running low on Germanic folks here.

>I'm the guy who will bring Nationalism back to Apeland
That's rich coming from the worst self-hater in this board, do you have autism by any chance?

You're too much of a subhuman baboon to understand my motivations.

and how do you intend to do so? Explain me your masterplan

When will you realise that Brazil is not a germanic country? Brazil is Brazil!

There's way too many things to fix first in Brazil besides race concepts and so on

Shitposting about niggers being niggers won't trigger ethnic cleansing or secession sentiments if that's what you are implying.

Or even nationalistic views to combat the shitposting, it just makes you look like a self-hating retard and nothing else.

>you will never have a significant anti-racist fascist party in your country
Why live

>anti-racist fascist party in your country

Truly a country of love and friendship

Just listen to the second song i linked. How many fascist parties could say they have such a jolly and jovial anthem?

so NazBol/Strasserism?

Check this out

>There's way too many things to fix first in Brazil besides race concepts and so on
Yes, but race is important and shouldn't be overlooked. Preserving race means preserving culture. What would happen if all the Germans we've got were outbreeded? Or our Italians? We'd lose a part of our identity as a multiracial nation. As I said before we ought to preserve the few pure breeds we've got, instead of letting them fade away into brown people whose only identity is favela culture.

>trigger ethnic cleansing
Holy shit you're really dumb, even for a Chimpanzilian.

I'm gonna give you a hint: smug people do not feel the need for change. Humiliated people do. As long as this country remains complacent over its not-impressive-at-all-for-its-potential achievements, nothing meaningful will be accomplished. :^)

I was under the impression that strasserism was just nazism with planned economics.

Economically it supports a mixed economy, but with strong state intervention and planning for necessities like steel production, transportation etc.

Socially it's not openly racist AFAIK

>but race is important andbshouldnt be overlooked.
>Preserving race means preserving culture
kek kill yourself

It's way more dangerous than that.

Like I said before, shitposting won't trigger nationalism or a will to improve.

Trust me, you are just a terrible poster who shits up this board with your retardation, from my analysis of your posts over the months it's very clear that you have autism or some other kind of social retardation, so you should stop trying to understand how humans think.

You are also a terrible poster with your nauseatingly repetitive threads.

but your posts are sure valuable and loved by everyone amirite?

lmao that is so retarded

dumb hitlerkiddies

Very nice argument for a handicapped chimp.

No, retard, I don't want to trigger Nationalism or a will to improve. That comes later with way more effort. What I want as long as I frequent Sup Forums is to make foreigners stop thinking Apeland is a good country in any form.

I want you monkeys to feel humiliated before them. And I'm not done. Right now I'm putting a special effort into collecting data just so I can humiliate you over and over again until you either get the fuck outta here or learn how to be a human. :^)

Shoo shoo, now.
*throws banana*

that is why you post gore all the time? Nice to know how you think

I've never posted gore here lmao

The dude who does it is absent for quite a while now, I hope he returns. He was doing a fine job if u ask me, chimp.

oh yeah, clearly not you hahah :^))))

I bet he worked hard dreaming his country would one day produce this masterpiece:

>make foreigners stop thinking Apeland is a good country in any form.
That's funny considering you said you live in Jardins, and said it's a "pretty nice neighborhood".

So it's exactly what I thought, you suffer from delusions of grandeur like most people in your city, nothing but a product of your environment.
I wouldn't be surprised if you never even left your basement once in your life.

And before you call me a poor monkey, I will let you know that I live in a better city and better neighborhood than you, I'm not even defending this country but rather calling you out on your terrible posting.

Seriously dude, just stop posting here, no one cares about what you think and your posts already got so repetitive that people ignore them.

That's the caxiense.

yes it is :^))))

>your posts already got so repetitive that people ignore them
Thanks for warning me. I'll make sure to come up with better humiliating posts from now on, poorfag subhuman. (v:

ITT Brazilians calling other Brazilians as if they weren't one of us.

*calling other Brazilians monkeys

good luck with that.

but you are the one being subhuman, Jose