even if the movie wasnt all that
runners up: cap holding the helicopter and batman's batmobile chase
even if the movie wasnt all that
runners up: cap holding the helicopter and batman's batmobile chase
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Serious question how would his bodily functions work? Like when he takes a shit does it just fire out like a cannonball? When he cums does it shoot out at a normal speed or is it a rapid fire situation?
I want the next movie to address this topic.
it's like how he holds stuff and it floats after, he poops at normal speed for him, but as soon as he's not touching it it'll just hang there...
I see it being problematic for him to piss since it'll just ball up if he doesn't keep moving, but I think he can function in normal speed, since he seems to talk and interact with people normally enough.
So it must be like a mutant power he can control, like a superhuman power ability, more then just a condition he's subjected to without his awareness.
he could shit and catch it before it hit the ground easier then you could sit.
know what i liked a lot better than that stupid fucking speed-mutant power scene in that god-awful movie?
all of spiderman 2
...goes to the airport scene in civil war
t. Mickey
>wearing a Moving Pictures shirt
>not playing a RUSH song
best capeshit 2016 scenes so far
1. civil war - the airport battle
2. deadpool - the highway scene
3. quicksilver
4. bvs - when wonder saves batman. that's the only part i like from that trash
It was funnier when it was Fry doing it after 100 cups of coffee, and not another unimaginitive ripoff by the cultural cliche garbage disposal that is the comic book film industry. Ooh wow, an 80s song. 80's 80's 80's 80's yayyy lets sell kids old ideas because its easier than coming up with new ones.
Yeah, most people like entire movies ten just 1 youtube clip. It think it's why we still have movie theaters...
good job normie.
Tom Sawyer would have rocked, but the scene would have had to been 7 minutes long.
Face it man it's [current year] we're not getting an original idea in a summer tentpole action flick.
This is what, the 7th X-Men movie?
Snyder did that song first in Suckerpunch. So did Marilyn Manson.
also, what is MOTIF's, aka old ideas, because people like them better then new ones.
Sad thing is, people like old ideas better then new ones. It's why we buy brand name stuff, because we feel like we're getting our monies worth, and better satisfaction if we've seen the brand 7 times before we buy it.
It's part of human nature, to like familiar and be untrusting of new. You're describing the problem for new artists, more then pop culture.
This is seriously my favorite capeshit movie in a while.
He propels them faster than explosion. They all should be dead from acceleration.
pretty top notch desu
>he puts in earphones before going into deus ex machina mode
>music plays at normal speed
shit movie shit scene triggered my autism
Get some taste. The airport scene isn't even a battle it's just a contest to see who can come up with the funniest quip. All tension is deflated for some shitty crowd pleasing. In real life they wouldn't be spouting one-liners and shit it'd be a tense spectacle between former allies. Atleast the Quicksilver scene felt appropriate.
He probably modified it to play at a faster speed right?
Didn't you know cassette tapes have a bit rate in the petabyte/s range
>Twinksilver will never sit on your face
>He probably modified it to play at a faster speed right?
Did he also modify the headphones to play sounds that travel at lightspeed?
when will they cut out all the x men bullshit and make a stand alone with Quicksilver? I couldn't care less about the rest. Quicksilver Deadpool cross over. fuck the avengers too. they had such shitty writers they killed off their coolest character and stuck with team diversity.
>Tfw you can enjoy these movies without being a shitter
>Quicksilver saved the entire plot in each movie
>Havok was already dead when he went in ;_;
>He can hear the music at normal speed because its touching him and moves at the same speed as him
>Maybe he just slows down time and isn't fast at all
>Quicksilver Deadpool cross over
I'd watch it.
>quicksilver/Deadpool crossover
Now that's an idea
>cap holding the helicopter
>batman's batmobile chase
Okay, what the fuck? No one's taste can be this bad. Fucking superhero movies.
nukes scene was better
The music is so arbitrary.
Maybe he threw all of his songs into a music editor and sped them up 10000x
how did he know the mansion was going to explode?
he just got there and there was no sign of explosion at the outside.
It's very queer/gay friendly. The movie has a lot of this shit. A lot.
Pretty good
Nightcrawler in X-Men 2 is better, though. I guess if I didn't see Futurama do it before I'd give it to this one
The explosions is like Mach 3 and he was going at least three times as fast.
He ran around at light speed looking for everyone and found an explosion
I mean Mach 5.
so are they just gonna have Quicksilver do this in every movie now?
I nominate the Batfleck warehouse scene.
>When Batfleck reached the Indus, he wept, for there was no ass left to kick.
>dcuck movies
It's the best part of both of the movies he's been in so I hope so
that's my point. They should just give us 90-120mins of QS racing around fixing shit in the X-Men universe at this point. a plot just seems superfluous
Wow, really makes you think.
tbqh, MCU powers are more grounded. Not saying that made a better quicksilver.
I remember when they revealed the designs for both of them
We didn't read comics, but we all thought that the x men one looked like a joke and that the avengers one was gonna have a greater impression
Boy were we fucking wrong
A solo Quicksilver movie would be shit. He needs a partner or team. Having Deadpool wouldn't be as good as you think either. They are both funny characters. Funny characters need someone serious to bounce off to be really good.
The father and son adventures of magneto and quicksilver
>the highway scene
you mean like a quarter of the movie?
Where Magneto's off going full-on rage autist on several different occasions and Quicksilver repeatedly has to interrupt himself from telling Magneto he's his son while he runs off to fix shit.
>QS: . . . so like I was saying, you remember a woman named-
>QS: Ah, hell . . .
He was on his way to the mansion anyways. He was just quick enough to go inside and realize what was happening since he's batshit overpowered.
X-Men did poorly at least for it's budget and marketing, add to that that Mystique and Wolverine are done with the movies,and Magneto and Xavier also probably done with these movies.
They should drop the X-Men and work on one of the other X titles instead. Deadpool, X-Force, X-Factor, New Mutants. Are reboot the universe as it's still horribly fucked with continuity problems. Not to mention won't be able to have modern X-Men in other movies unless they recast or get the cast that still has no problem doing it.
they're gonna keep doing it until everyone hates it.
did you notice which decade the movie takes place in?
I think the two Quicksilvers have entirely different powers. MCU Quicksilver only has the ability to run fast where as the X-Men Quicksilver can run fast and slow down time around him.
Quickslav was better integrated into the story.
that has nothing to do with what that user is saying. Yes, it's the 80's. Yes, they used an 80's song. No, the song did not fit the situation and the scene was jarring enough without that shit song.
word it better nigga
>MCU QS can just run fast
>Xmen QS can run fast and perceive time fast
he doesn't slow time around him.
Xmen is always the best capeshit.
Except Origins. That was a piece of fuck.
The origins workprint was pure kino though
If only this song wasn't so fucking terrible.
Please elaborate.
fund it
user posted a version with Darude Sandstorm synced up yesterday and it was perfect.
How the shit does this even work?
X-men and Avengers exist in the same fucking Universe yet they never mention one another despite both being at the epicenter of World ending events and QuickSilver exists as two separate people with two separate backgrounds.
>I'm a friend of your sons
>I figured. The cape
There are actually people who think this pile of shit didn't have enough quips
But there werne't even that many quips
they don't exist in the same universe
X-Men is not MCU.
It's funny.
The reason why we killed off quicksilver in the MCU was because Singer did the whole slow motion thing while he is fast as fuck and we couldn't do it because people would claim we were riping them off and we had to act like we don't give a fuck, that would compromise.
Everyone was pissed off. Hawkeye was the one who was supposed to get the boot, the whole script worked better if his death because of his family. He wasn't supposed to come back home.
Like Singer invented the whole "he runs so fast that time just slown downs dude!" thing.
Plus I never really understood why characters like Mystique and Quicksilver are so fucking strongs at the foX-verse.
Quicksilver is gonna feature at deadpool 2. He doesn't age as well, btw.
Are you autistic like sports fans talking like they're part of the teams they root for?
I thought that scene was pretty funny but the Cap scene was fucking inspiring. Didn't care for the Batman chase but the beatdown in the warehouse was cool. Wish he kissed Martha. The film would've been better if he fell in love with Clark's mom. I mean they're close in age right?
>Be me, a loser in his late twenties, living with his mom
>I arrive to this school for other weirdos like me
>Oh no, a car full of teenagers is approaching the school
>Better run into the top-secret basement to check if there are any massive explosions down there
This scene doesn't make any sense. How did Quicksilver know that shit was happening? There aren't any signs of the explosion outside when he appears, but he looks incredibly worried and randomly runs to the basement as fast as he can. Why?
Have a (you)
>Implying it wouldn't have stolen the movie....
maybe he does this every time - running around new places before speaking to its residents. And first time he met them he got the chance to show off his powers.
Maybe he felt shockwaves. Sound does travel faster through solids than air right?
>Quicksilver is gonna feature at deadpool 2. He doesn't age as well, btw.
oh shit
That's the worst thing I've ever seen
>Best Capeshit Scene of the Year
I don't want to see the others then
In an earlier scene Beast explains to Mystique that the Blackbird exits from underneath the basketball court.
In the video, the basketball court can be seen on the left side of the mansion at 0:53 and the explosion coming up through the ground. It's hard to see because of the quality but it was a lot more visible when I saw it in theaters.
Quicksilver scene > airport battle.
I really didn't feel any hype behind that shit other than when Spidey caught Bucky's fist and shit on both him and Falcon.
I think MCU Quicksilver had that power as well, but to a much lesser degree. Watch the scene where he grabs Thor's hammer as he's running towards it. Bullets move faster so he probably could not react fast enough
The Germany Chase scene was far superior to any other action sequence that's been released this summer.
he had to slow them down you fucking retard
It was just a rehash of the same style scene in the last movie
He starts looking like skunkpaste
that was a very kevin smith conversation
movie was miles better than captain america
>dat cringe'y polish
>retards start instantly laughing and choking in the back
>nothing funny happened
>nothing actually happened at all, he just stepped into a frame
That is why I will never ever go to the cinema.
Why would anyone do that? I'd rather wait 6 month or a full year to watch a movie than get my experience ruined by normie degenerates who find absolutely unfunny things laughable.
Or who can't sit for 2 hours without bathroom brake.
Or need to take an urgent call in the middle of the movie.
Or need to eat, producing loud noise.
Fucking cinema is disgusting.
they think he looks funny autist
>I am autistic because I want to actually watch a movie instead of turning that into public eating shitfest bathroom breaking simulation with the phone in my ass and imbeciles laughing around me
Wow, you guys really got to love movies and can value the emotional enjoyment right, if you can't even watch a movie without catering to basic human body needs for 2 hrs.
Might as well go throw a poo on each other in the yard, you are clearly not aiming for any experience and just trying to waste some time before dying.
People buy brand name stuff, especially ones that have been around for a while, because they know they can trust that brand.
If you had a choice between an established brand you are aware has put out consistently good quality
A brand that is brand new, has barely any presence in the market and you have no idea what the quality or experience will be like with them
You would be an idiot to go for the second one.
t. pretentious uberfaggot.
>board filled with threads created by degenerates arguing about which fictional character is stronger
>someone who wants to enjoy a movie properly is autistic