/got/ general

Goodnight sweet prince edition


1st for big cocks.

Second for the best whore

>flat chest


>she will never stick her nose up your crack.

What happened to that nigga

>mfw it's a one-episode character episode


Lyanna is best gri11
Lyanna is bae
Lyanna is lyfe

JUST edit when?

goodnight sweet _girl_

Goddamn show fags at least watch the fucking show. He was in earlier seasons.

Drogon is CUTE!


Everyone hypes about this guy. Killed off immediately

who has the biggest dick in westeros?

>Ray was in earlier seasons

You have that facial recognition disease. McShane has never acted on the show before and his character is not only new for S6E07, it's also showonly.

The Night King is the one true king

dey will bayn u!

What is dead can always rise


>You have that facial recognition disease.
I bet he was a stannisfag too.

> best girl

No, he was in the earlier episode with the band of brothers when they resurrect that guy.

who /hoegarden/ here?

She is really chubby in the episode where she kills the khals. She has that bicep fat that women get when they really pile the pounds on. She's going to be a landwhale when she hits 40.


Who makes their armor?

someone post the Khaloreesi pasta

Are you guys retarded?

No he wasn't. A quick google search would remedy your retardation.

Daenaerys Stromboli, of the House Tartarsauce, First of her Weight, the Unburped, Queen of the Arby's, the Rally's, and of the Five Guy's. Queen of McDonald's, Khaloreesi of the Great Grease Sea, Breaker of Chairs and Mother of Burgers.

They have children on their sides. That's why they know how to turn babies into more WW.



Well it could have been an uncredited role, in which case it wouldn't show up on IMDB

What is trip is always fag

Whoever has the box that Theon came in.

Why are they hated so much I don't understand.

>'Daario' captured 93 ships for Dany in season 4
>In the books Euron sends 93 ships to Meereen
>Dany's ships get burned to shit, probably by 'Euron'
>'Euron' says to build him a thousand ships
>Dany asks how many ships she will need
>'Daario' says a thousand ships
>'Daario' wears a dragon horn necklace around his neck

Someone tell me there will be at least one cool twist in the show, and this isn't just shit writing.

So why does he wear that mask ?


What's the point of being an user if you go out of your way to not be anonymous?

Preston stop it. There is no clever writing, the only clever thing was Ramsay using 20 good men to rout Stannis. Now THAT was clever.

So, Yara is the one.

they are seen as attention whores, and no one likes an attention whore

lmao good one.

>Frosted Wheat Cereal Company

GOATIEST moment of the entire series imo.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a tripfriend.


It would be clever if we find out that Little Finger has been acting on Bran's messages all along.

holy shit you're stupid
>ian mcshane

underrated post

Is there any moment that even comes close?

The one that sits on the dead horse and stares at Sam was genuinely unnerving. The King looks a little gimmicky.

How else would she fuck the tits off that whore?

Of Courshe not

remember to not reply to tripfags, they are literally just here to collect (you)s. Just ignore them.

Why doesn't Westeros unite under a common alliance against he impending White Walker threat?


Against grumpkins and snarks?

Blackwater Battle Explosion
Hold the door
Red Wedding
LF revealed to have conspired to kill Jon Arryn

>Season one
>show about political intrigue in medieval times

>Season six
>ice demons
>plasma grenades
>magic swords
>shapeshifting ninjas
>fucking TIME TRAVEL

Is real sansa better than fake sansa?

Cause most of Westeros don't think they exist

Scissoring or Dove fucking or strapon or fingers or tongue or toes or nose


Would have to see those goods first to compare, I'm withholding judgement till then.

From the beginning it is made clear that the fantasy elements will gradually increase. You'e a moron.

>The opening scene of GoT literally features White Walkers

Shit tier b8

its that time again lads!

Which one is queen of love and beauty?



Post loli Mormont pls

Yes, fSansa has great tits but is an Ayy Lmao.

I'd rather catch Earth stds than extraterrestrial ones

Rolling for numbre 2. Also, who's number 2?

It'll happen, eventually. They just want to see this

>ITT:Oysters, clams and cuckolds.

*Sansa, Yes, fSansa ..."

puppyfu is /got/'s official queen of love and beauty

piss off with these usurpers

Bridget Regan
If you hang around Sup Forums long enough you'll see one of the threads about her that's spammed by this autistic Finnish alcoholic



Leave Throneskino to me

Do you think they killed him for spoiling it?


Nah, he knew it was a 1-ep part, that's why he did it

Why'd the name him Pastor Ray? Seemed out of place.

Waste of a good actor. Meanwhile we have Kit, Masie, CIA and fucking Sophie. Every good actor has been killed off.

my dick seems out of place in your mom as well but she's been enjoying it nevertheless

5 because that is Ashra. Based Dayne genes. The only one I could even fathom being Lyanna is 7 because the Starks have a very specific look and she has it.


Holy Shit

You don't think "Ray" is short for Rayghar do you?

How is it possible they have a wheel invented but are still in dark ages? Also look at that

Maisie is actually a good actress you fucking plebe. One of the few female actresses on the show that are actually skilled.


CIA may not be a great actor, but he IS an entertaining actor.

We still have meme dwarf. He is totally not one of the most overrated actors to have ever appeared on television.


He was p good on The Wire

Falling this hard for it.