How is he able to listen to music if he's traveling so fast?
How is he able to listen to music if he's traveling so fast?
duh retard the music is sped up 64x like when you fast forward your media player
The music was for the audience.
fast forwards
i like how you watch a big dumb superhero flick with the blue latex villain constantly saying bible quotes...and youre main question is about a walkman
Fuck you
But he had earphones in
Fuck you faggot.
Would he even be able to hear the sound coming out of the ear phones if he was moving so fast?
Would it matter if he was traveling above the speed of sound?
So if you are in a parked car listening to music and then rapidly accelerate to 80mph you wont hear the music anymore?
How fast he travels and his ability to listen to music playing at regular speed and two different things.
7/10 if trolling
0/10 if this dumb
its just a film
>inb4 it's a flic
I assume he can read books just as fast so like wouldn't he just modify his shit to play at what ever speed he's moving? I know I would if I had that power
When he tries to have sex what happens? Wouldn't he finish and blow his load before the girl could even get her top off?
Unless he's into pegging then I guess he doesn't need to move
You just entered new levels of autism
It's just a stylistic decision.
The air trapped between his ears and headphones is moving with him.
Because the Marvel Universe is actually Hell.
the air isn't trapped in the headphones so as he runs the air gets sucked out of his ears like blowing sideways over a bottle
Better yet, why wasn't he listening to any song from Signals?
speed magic
should've played a rush song instead
clearly what he wears isnt subject to time slowing down
or else he'd have to be naked
If you accept that his speed is turned on and off instead of constantly living in FF, then consider that he creates a bubble of regular time to slip through reality with. What he is in contact with stays at his speed.
If the warp bubble idea is right, then she would be in contact with him and it would just be regular sex, though they could both get off in a nanosecond.
The constant-on power is better here, because then she could ride you and it would feel like you were fucking for a week straight.
I'm surprised Singer of all people didn't think of that
The fuck, it's because his mp3 is moving as fast as him
If he can do things really fast does that mean his ability controls time or the rate at which he functions?
Can he go the other way and make himself incredible slow therefore time travelling to the future?
reminder: there are no stupid questions in the world of capeshit
He's a fan of vaporwave
fucking lol
What if he isn't just really fast, but he slows down time, except for an 'aura' around him.
He could move freely within a slowmotion world, and everything close to him (music player) would be moving at normal speed.
He's basically a slower version of Hiro in heroes
Problem solved.
He's listening at the speed of sound.
He projects a field around himself and anything he touches.
That's why his clothes don't get ripped to shreds when he is running. Or why peoples skin doesn't get ripped off when he moves them.
Or why he is able to stop and have a drink of some soda without having to wait 10 minutes for it to slowly pour out of the can and down his throat.
>wears Rush shirt
>cast at the end has "I love Rush" on it
>no Rush song in the entire film
Sequel confirmed??
he'll race to rebel yell in the sequel
Yeah, superhero movies is serious business, guys.You'll want to get the details right. Otherwise you'll end up sounding autistic.
His music was different to the audience music
This has to be it. Explains why he can eat and the air friction doesn't set him on fire.
Presumably he has some kind of field around himself otherwise at least his clothes but most his body would burn up.
Also he would cause massive sonic booms and shockwaves moving at that speed
Why Cyclops' eyes no melt when he shot laser beam?
He wouldn't be able to breathe either, in fact if he attempted it he'd probably collapse his lungs.
Because not muh comics but seriously they're not supposed to generate heat, it's pure concussive force, you could make a case for friction when it split the tree tho
How do jean use mind trick without breaking mind?
Summers brothers are immune to their powers. They can't' hurt each other.
While the air friction was already mentioned by it should be pointed out that to move through air at that speed would require increased force. Without the same "speedfield" or whatever being granted to who or what he is holding he should really just pass through things, like a human-sized bullet. In some of the scenes when he throws people and objects this seems to be represented so... maybe they kinda thought of that?
how was he able to travel so fast?
How Beast read if monkey?
She's an Omega class mutant and able to use the Phoenix force, you knob sucking piece of shit
>DofP: wears Pink Floyd t-shirt, doesn't play Time during his running scene
>Apocalypse: wears Rush t-shirt, doesn't play Time Stand Still during his running scene
I'm guessing in the next one he'll wear an Alice In Chains shirt and run to Even Flow.
How Professor mind trick but no walk?
They're Kinetic Blasts, not laser beams. It's very rare for superheroes to be affected negatively by their own powers; like Human Torch doesn't burn himself when he activates his powers and Iceman doesn't freeze himself in place until someone thaws him out. Also,
How can nightcrawl go to place through wall?
He'd still be displacing air molecules (partly why he'd create massive sonic disturbance). Think of it like landing on water, if you hit water (which is relatively still compared to your own motion) at low speed you'll displace it and not much force will be exerted against you, if you hit it at high speeds it'll feel like hitting cement.
>Nightcrawler wears Michael Jacksons jacket.
>doesn't get grotesque plastic surgery
>doesn't rape kids
so does he also have a reinforced steel neck and massive traps to compensate so he doesn't break his neck?
He opens a dimensional portal to demon world, enters it, walks to the relative point in space where he wants to be, then opens a portal back to the original dimension and exits.
Why can't the prof just trick his legs into walking? It'd be so easy!
just like his pong machine
How come other people arent spooked by his 3spooky5me teleporter mumbojumbo?
This This And a bag of fish and chips
how can he drink pop so fast?
Because in this movie he moves a relatively small distance so people don't really notice and think it's a part of his teleportation.
Or the writers are just hacks that don't want to confuse the viewers and therefore just make it a simple teleport.
How does his turd not explode the toilet?
thanks for YOU cuckosaurus cuck!
When it exits his anus, it also leaves the temporal field, returning to regular time
Give it time.
>No mention to him going faster than sound or at least doppler effect
It's magic
Perhaps there will be a spin off where Nightcrawler is a rampant child molester and the main villain.
his eyes are portals to a dimention full of that energy