
Wow, these movies are overrated as fuck.

Identity: 7/10 (nice cinematography, somewhat interesting)
Supremacy: 4/10 (horrible editing and convoluted and uninteresting plot)
Ultimatum: 6/10 (forgettable and dull, horrible editing and fight choreography)

Why is the franchise so popular? It's so uninteresting and dull. Shit action and fight choreography as well aside from Identity.

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bumping for discussion

Thought Identity was alright. Supremacy and Ultimatum are shit and not necessary. Didn't watch Legacy, and probably won't watch Jason v Borne or whatever the fuck it's called

Bourne V Superman, idiot

Overrated, learn some other words first.. empty criticism.

I don't really care about them. They're so hell bent on being 'grounded to realism' and just overall so very unimaginative and mundane directing/cinematography that it really just dulls my mind. There is nothing to look for in a scene and there's nothing interesting in teh narrative of directing or writing.

Sequels 2 and 3 were even worse, the Renner film was horrible too.

Casino Royale which is mistakenly compared to this trash here absolutely smokes these four films.

>nothing happens
>boring action
>dumb characters
>boring script
>bad cgi
>couldn't decide which storylines to follow
>predictable plot
>lackluster acting
>no emotions
>forgettable premise
>lazy plot devices
>stolen ideas
>overstuffed plot
>dumb audience
>confusing editing
>laughed at how terrible the music was
>sound effects were cheap
>scenes were fake looking
>shower was broken at theater.
>10/10 would meme again

>MFW there are kids on here that will actually beleive these movies suck.

Even Quantum of Solace is miles above these movies.

Casino, Skyfall, and Spectre are nothing like Bourne.

QoS kinda is but it's still much more interesting and enjoyable.

You're correct about the over abundance of realism, it's just too much and makes the movie dull as fuck.

Honestly, if there's anything the Craig films are inspired by, it's Mission Impossible. Even then I feel Casino and the other two has their own flair and exclusive style.

After watching all 3 Bournes, I am convinced the whole "Craig's films are Bourne ripoffs" criticism is just a meme.

OP here, I think they're well made movies, I just don't understand why people like them. They fail to grasp my intrigue and I've sat through them multiple times.

They popularized the "Realistic spy" trope that we saw in 24, NIKITA, Craig Bond and everything of that ilk.

They did some surprising things at the time like how the last film is sort of a prequel and sequel. Dumping the love interest. Showcasing the super spy as a damaged individual vs someone you would want to be.

Damon is also a very convincing actor and looked great in motion.

I honestly thought each film got better than the last (though 2 ends way too anticlimatically). Legacy was pure drivel.

I don't mind realism, but the directing is just so uninspired in Bourne trilogy that it dulls my mind. The first 15 minutes or so in Identity when Bourne wakes up from the boat are intriguing but then the going gets dull.

Maybe the first one, from 2 onwards they've been superhero films (the last two even more so) about Tom Cruise/his character (and I actually like all of them but the second one) that don't really go for the same.

Quantum of Solace was about hypothetical but realistic threat to economy and society that was pretty much untouched previously and Bond isn't a superhero but a traumatized mess and Casino Royale is about how empty Bond is and him finding a reason to live in Vesper. Mission Impossible films aren't this personal.

Bourne stuff might've been influence to take Bond to earth from the awful Brosnan-Moore shit but that's about it.

So what's the issue with Legacy?

It goes against what made Bourne popular. The "grounded" clandestine world of modern spies by adding in super science. Renner's character wasn't as interesting as Bourne either since we had 3 movies to try and find out who this guy is.

The entire point of the film revolves around trying to find some protein/serum to keep him as a low grade Captain America because he was a double digit retard before he entered the program. The finale is also very ho hum and it ends abruptly.

It just doesn't mesh with what came previously and doesn't present an interesting story or characters in its own right. I wish I could explain why it was so ho hum to you better but for once the mainstream got it right by not giving the film boat loads of cash.

well after watching the first 3, I might as well watch it myself.

thanks for the info though. Is the shaky cam and fast edit pacing still there?

I honestly don't remember but I think so. That was probably the worst part of the Bourne series for me.

>Guys talking in an office
>Camera spazs out as if they're filming during an earthquake

Agreed they suck I'd rate the sequels even lower

I feel like they're mostly revered because of how influential they we're on the 2000's era action movie desu

not exactly a good thing in my mind.

they were "super realistic and gritty while not over the top spy flick" before that was a thing

the bourne identity is pretty iconic, the rest are just cash ins

idk, i liked

>though 2 ends way too anticlimatically
You look tired pam...

extreme ways are back again,
extreme ratings I don't know.

They really upped the bar on fight scenes, car chases and general thrill, so they deserve +2 in the same way golden eye gets points for the game.

Get some rest, normie. You look tired.


I shouldn't comment in this thread at all but... I have never watched any of these movies because what little I have seen has bored me to begin with. Uninteresting and dull, thank you for confirming my suspicions, OP.

>why popular? probably because of good marketing?

I like them, especially the first one, because I enjoy on-the-run fiction, the hunt for identity and the cozy European settings

Never cared for the action, in fact it's what I find the most boring in them

>Bourne movies are realistic

Thanks for your 'opinion'. Now fuck off back to rebbit.

Identity is a legit masterpiece of espionage/spy genre. Supremacy is a worthy follow up.

Ultimatum is literally plebbit

Everything after is a blatant cash grab

>7/10 - somewhat interesting
>6/10 - forgettable, dull, horrible editing, horrible choreography

I feel like you have no idea how to rate films out of 10.