my washburn dreadnought sounds so fucking good i could chew goddamn nails. this thing is a fucking dream.
Dylan Cook
Why would you link to that abortion of a thread?
Brayden Sanders
What are the best value loaded out superstrats? I've only ever owned a lower tier schecter so I don't know what is good. I don't want a floyd or EMGs. Would like a tremolo and either HH or HSH configuration ~25 inch scale length Really nice to play
Is Ibenis the way to go?
Jeremiah King
ibanez has some nice HSH configs that are pretty cost friendly, maybe 400-600$. they have a GIO model that is HSH, i had one and i loved it, i gave it to a kid that had a music scholarship, she's kicking ass with it. now i have a strat with a SSH setup and i love it. so don't let these assholes scare you away from a mexistrat. just making a point.
Nicholas Thomas
I own a SSS Mexican strat but I think I just want something that just goes all out and plays great aswell. Either that or something semi-hollow, I haven't decided yet really
Grayson Cruz
the humbucker is the key. you need a ssh
Noah Lee
I don't want another Fender strat though.
Carson Reyes
then get rid of the sss you have for a ssh. trust me, this is what a strat was made for. i've been waiting my whole liife for a strat with a dual coil pickup