Why didnt the US nuke Germany?

I mean, they were the biggest threat after all..(made me think)

No need. By '44 Germany was already beaten.

It wasn't ready yet. The first successful test was conducted in the mid-July '45. Germany surrendered two months before that.

Nukes are a hoax

it has to do with what america wanted to do with japan because of the division of europe with the soviets

america had to give the final battle of berlin to the soviets because we had to play nice, little did the soviets know that the us had an ace trick regarding japan, the soviet invasion of manchuria was the signal to play the card

Germany were reasonable from the very beginning. All that the allies had to do if they wanted to end the war was to accept one of the 30 peace offerings that Germany sent

Muh heritage ofc

from what i know, russians knew before truman you had nukes

Germany surrendered before the nukes were operational.

The Trinity test was 16. July, 1945.
Germany signed the surrender at 7. May, 1945.

They would have been nuked if they could prolong the war for a few more months.

knowing is not the same thing as seeing


Cause theyre white

If only they had captured Hitler alive and made him watch Berlin get vaporised

Defeating Germany was a priority. Japan could wait a couple months.

The real question is.. would they have killed him or imprisoned for life?

should've had him killed in Red Square for the ultimate humiliation

Churchill got a brand new electric chair brought for him from America.

You sound mad and a bit melancholic. Did any of your relatives die fighting the German warmachine?

At least they treated them as human beings. but at that time, Nip were treated like animals by U.S. so atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
that's why we had independent either.

more like why the us didn't nuke the japanese emperor and Tokyo.
I think it would have been better because it would made more damages.

if they did that, japan couldn't have surrendered. who knows what would have happened after that.. i heard the japanese civilans had guns (like in the US) to protect themselves from a potential invasion

more like bamboo spear

By the time the tech was done, germany was already done.

yeah they definitely didn't. Firearms wouldn't wasted on random villagers and they certainly wouldn't have had their own from before the war erupted.

Year of our lord of 2017! still believes in atomic weapons