How did this man survive all that blood loss?

How did this man survive all that blood loss?

Sloths have a slower metabolism, therefore their blood vessels flow in a retarded pace.

she bleeds double that atleast once a month senpai, she can handle it

She's a strong, powerful wimmin :^)

Plot armor and the power of bad writing

if you believe the next episode's trailer she's seen jumping across a roof....

Drinking from that pool of poison gave her superpowers.

he didn't, the guy that came out of the water was a ghost

>using retarded literally
I'm honestly impressed to see this

it was a dream sequence

It was all in her her head she didn't literally get stabbed.

look at this dood

girls are used to this kind of bloodloss.


the hound survived too which is just as retarded

shut up, it's the best character! What ever necromancer brought him back, I'm glad for it.

It was his unborn foetus' blood.

ITT: retards who dont know stabs wounds to the abdomen take 2 - 3 days to kill you irl

It's not Arya

thats not her


If you watch the scene back when she's walking on the bridge a girl that looks remarkably similar to Arya walks by her dressed in the same way Arya dressed when she was selling oysters clams and cockles.

It doesn't seem strange?

it's like these kids have never been stabbed before

spoiled american suburban kids who think they hard from watching movies and playing cod


this is plausible but i don't understand how she made another tiny girl put on her face or whatever the hell those guys do

If you think this is arya you am big retard lel kek memefag

Syrio will save Arya.

>It's not Arya
But then why does it look like Aryan?

I swear to god, if they somehow magiced someone else to look like Arya and have her height, I'm going to be pissed.

At no point did Arya have her face removed so someone else could wear it.

Shes a small gal

>hey girl can you put on my face and give that sailor two bags of money and then go to the bridge and stare longingly at the ocean?

waifu and arya are the same person(fightclub style). when waifu kills arya, she will be no one.

I feel like you're going to be right, and I'm already angry at the stupidity.

We didn't see him die.
We didn't see Stannis die.

Therefore I put it to you that Syrio was actually Stannis all along and because he was from Braavos he was actually a faceless man.

on which episode of le epic hack guy are you

second pic reminds me of those threesomes where the chick is getting fucked and the other chick is rubbing her clit.

Not too crazy, just hit me like a fookin train

Hey retard, it's pretty common fashion/hairdo style for girls in Braavos. Retard.

good heavens she is just getting progressively uglier

The sewage in the river formed a protective barrier around her wounds.

I know. Basically Jaquen would need to go to Arya in the dark sewer and be all like "Hey, can I borrow your face to test the Waif? She wasn't supposed to be nearly as much of a cunt in training you so a man needs to test her n' shit. Here, have a spare face until a man is done with yours."

"Ok, lol." *face/offs*

I don't know, but I am impressed James McAvoy found the time to appear in GoT and also X-Men Apocalypse.

who /smirkfu/ here

She's a disgusting harlot

I can see it

She looked cuter as a boy

>google image her
>also has perpetual smirk face

wtf you're right

Yeah I see it too

Nice one

Kill yourself maisie fag

Dem baps doe

Why doesn't she just breast feed arya instead of trying to kill her?

I like reddit's funny shooped arya pictures

Wtf I hate the waif now

If it wasn't her it just makes the scene pointless other than to say LMAO TRICKED U to the viewer. Sadly I bet the writers would do this.

miles more attractive than Quasimodo

>Accepting that peeling off someones face and putting it over your own makes you look exactly like the person instead of leatherface
>Not accepting that they might be able to duplicate the magic face masks


I want a slow loris gf!

Looks like a budding methhead. Nice waifu material fag

why did my post get deleted

>All actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers. Off-topic discussion will be deleted.

Sup Forums has changed

Jans are being extra cunty tonight

>watching feminist fan fiction

nah I'm okay with it actually, hadn't posted on Sup Forums in a long time

I actually left because the memes got to be too much

shes leaking that water alright

Sweet child.

Why is she so qt at the last panel

Go bäck to reddit


Faggot detected.

I think you mean sweet summer child.

why do you keep quoting every post in every thread? i've seen you do this like twice today

is this an actual, real mental illness i'm witnessing?

I see this pic posted all the time, but if this theory is indeed true, why didn't real arya react if she saw herself walking down the streets?

Go bacķ to reddit

Kek I've only done it here. Glad to hear it's catching on

...the sentence was still grammatically incorrect tho

not an argument

Go bacķ to reddit

reddit, you are all a bunch of slow idiots.





This is what it means to be a normiefag


Go bacķ to reddit

why arya does look like gay sex simulator

why do GoT fans know about gay sex simulators?

Now this is redditposting.
Is this you in my pic?

because she is no one so no one is bleeding :^)


go outside dude

Fuck no. Arya is a creepy kid with a death list but she won't just fucking sacrifice an innocent for a bait.