Queen of love and beauty
Eternal /got/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
First for the First men
first for azor arya
Fisted by the First Men
>gotfags trying to be quickest
Told you guys that thread would get deleted
What's happening in this scene?
why don't they just make a shadow baby to kill the night king ?
Hello lads!
Nth for the CHAOS DUO
Hey now mine ( ) was a response to
First for Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light. For the thread is dank and full of memes.
Jon didn't want to touch that
Reposting because the other thread got axed.
Rhollor demands blood?
Sorry, but I don't seem to follow.
>The BWB have gone bad since we last saw them. It's not really clear why yet.
The only mention about them I got was that they're still active and were stirring plebs up against the current rulers of the region or whatever. Not necessarily killing everyone left and right for no reason (other than top^).
'ride. my. cock'
First for naoweetens
>only 3 weeks left of /got/ general until the mods delete us
where will you guys go after?
cia just pulled out his dick
sauce? is it from something worth watching? any nudes?
Lord Stark
4 weeks
/qst/ so we could shitpost in character
Fuckin euro butter face
Yes I know that's redundant
>Dany comes to Westeros
Is she expecting everyone to magically forget all the shit the Mad King when the last Targ ruled Westeros?
Silly ledditor, the got thread is eternal and lasts all year
She's Israeli
The Hound.... The Hound had a hard life
what did he mean by this?
What's happening in this scene?
some how get the feeling that dany isn't gonna make it to westeros
I love King Stannis.
>dem lips, dem eyes, dat nose, dat jaw
nigga gtfo
How could your disgusting waifu ever compete?
If you really want to know, in the books they find Catelyn Stark's corpse after she's been dead like a week and Beric gives his life to resurrect her. She's been dead for so long though that she comes back wrong and is basically a spirit of unholy vengeance. This should have happened like 2 seasons ago, but it looks like they're adapting that plotline now instead. I doubt they're actually going to do zombie Catelyn, but they'll do something else instead.
>is it from something worth watching?
I don't know I haven't watched it
>any nudes?
She believes the poor are praying for her glorious return
First for Stannis, best king and rightful husbando of the seven Kingdoms.
Why does no one talk about house Reed? It's like everyone has a frog in the throat.
They would get reed of the Bolton's in SHORT order.
You crannog even really call it a fight, it would be a swamping.
whats gonna happen when he sees the hobgoblin again
As it happens she was born in Moscow
Yeah dem eyes too far apart, dem slightly bushy eyebrows, dat man jaw
Aw fuck let me grab a tissue. I just came all over that manly visage.
It's funny because when you guys "waifu" characters from my books it's like you're really infatuated with me. I wrote those characters so it feels like they're a part of me.
You guys really should get out more, when I met my second wife on a science fiction convention back in the day and we were both naked and she said my books were so good they made her cry I knew she'd be my "waifu". I mean I was married at the time and she went on with a travelling circus after that but that prostate massage she gave me while I was tripping balls on LSD was something out of this world let me tell you.
Anyway, I'm almost finished with Winds of Winter now. Just wanted to stop by and tell you that, I know how long some of you have been waiting.
Still not European
She's from Moscow newfag
- wooden sword
- pink dress (to make her feel uncomfortable)
- bell and that thing she beated Cersei with
- her regular robe
Fight for Young Rose's affection.
Who would win?
Then she's one ugly russian
Fucking kek.
>pink dress
>implying Russians not ugly in general
Is that young Varys?
So, Lady Coldhands?
I feel like a fool for not getting that connection.
Why doesn't the Blackfish just yield to the Lannisters? Cat is dead.
A wolf is fighting her way back to the young rose right now and only the wolf will protect the rose from the cold of the coming winter.
hey that's not a bad idea
tho i'm not too good at RPing
it doesn't tho
we got deleted on sight last summer
Because he's a stubborn cunt
fuck you bait
from leddit
>Hi all, I just recently travelled to Ireland and did a game of thrones tour which was incredible. Our tour guide was and actual extra on the show and has been since season 4.
>He has been an extra in the Night Watch, Stannis' Army and the Wildings.
>I'd just like to share something with you all that he told us. This season he has managed to get a small speaking role in episode nine of this season. Although he couldn't tell us much, he did tell us that the at the ending of episode 9, he will be carrying a dead body (I asked who's dead body and he said someone important) through the gates of winterfell. He then says some words/statement and the episode will end (He believes that his speaking role is quite important and will leave us with a serious cliffhanger).
Will they finally BTFO Stannisfags for good?
Some of the women surely aren't mate
No, Coldhands is the friendly wight that leads Bran to the 3ER in the books. In the show they made it so Coldhands is undead Benjen and gave him a different role. You're thinking of Lady Stoneheart.
What's /qst/?
Hello Bradamante
Its pretty simple, we stay /qst/ related but the thread itself would just be mind numbing /got/ autism with 750 post limit
How's the flu, you fat fuck?
Top kek
Then he's a dead cunt
russian women are human timebombs
they're good looking when they're young but when they get a little older (or as soon as they get married), they blow up into fat, ugly babushkas
Nah that's a myth
And the Lannisters and Freys killed her. He'll listen to Edmure since it's his castle now.
I guess he carries Rickons dead body, and they talk about lsh
Some of the women of every nation is ok
Russian women's hater detected, cyka
That's what you say about Mexicans. And it's what you say about English girls. And Asians in general. It happens to most women because at a certain point makeup doesn't work as well.
She's a Russian butter face. There's no getting around that jaw of hers.
He'd look so ridiculous in a well lit, colorful environment.
>Night King
>Not Roi du Nuit
Yeah in sure you think some of the women in Niger are goddesses
>you will never be one of the 62 good men serving Lyanna Mormont
Why live?
Ah Jesus Fuck!
Thanks for clarifying.
Anyway, Rhollor is god of fire and can bring dead to life; King of the Night is "god" of cold and can make you into a WW - are they going to fight in the end (and hopefully extinguish one another)?
Also, good Ironborn and bad Ironborn both wanting Dany's dick got pretty damn tiresome and fast at that too.
Also also, could the High Sparrow take a fucking bath yet?
Wolf may go and fuck himself (or dragon girl). Margaery adores big strong tough women.
hahhahahaa, muh great threat.
this spiky smurf looking ass would get laughed out of the seven kingdoms lmao.
no wonder he stays at the north pole where no one can see his ugly ass lmao haha
You're looking too deeply.
Song of Ice and Fire refers to Snow Zombies versus Fire Dragons. That's it.
I dunno, it's not really in the spirit of ASOIAF to end with a big epic battle of good vs evil. I think there'll be more to it than that.
nigga kill yourself
You're dreaming.
>That's what you say about...
don't put words in my mouth
please make it happen
You're saying a guy made of ice, who brings with him the Long Night, and lives in a frozen wasteland, looks ridiculous in a well lit, colorful environment? Shit dude, you've gone off the rails!
does /tg/ care if we post there?
/lit/ seems to sperg out but I imagine /tg/ could be comfy
>You're looking too deeply.
Got the idea of "godly things to be dealt with godly things and human things to be dealt with human things" as in hot'n'cold god on god skirmish (ending magic at all maybe even, but with less attention from the common man) and Dany's Mary Sue army going down on Westeros+Yunkai slave masters as the main event for everyone to remember.
BUT, we got that Dany is even more of a Mary Sue crap with the main fire priestess in the previous ep, innit?
Wouldn't feel right for it to be the main event/series ending event.
Make it play in the shadow of Dany invasion (and hopefully getting her stupid fucking ass slapped finally).
Sweet girl.
/tg/ would be comfy but you have to disguise yourself as a got RPG