Who would win in a race?

Who would win in a race?

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Flash can travel trillions of times the speed of light. Quicksilver can barely hit mach 1.


flash can run into the future

supergirl already beat the flash

Or the past. Or other dimensions.

no she didn't lol

>Who would win in a race to most bad reviews?

>who would win in a race?
Lol, the Mexican of course.

flash in comics has gone like 1 trillion times the speed of light or some retard amount

so, probably the flash 100 times over

Quicksilver. Don't care about children's comics, in the adults movies he seems faster.

Who would win in a race?
Mario (with prep time) or the Flash?

No he doesn't. Flash traveled in time and broke I don't what the dimension to show up in a dream. He's clearly faster.

El Flasho

Depends on who's got home court advantage.

Traveling time is different from speed

Except he runs in order to break the time barrier and time travel, so no, it isn't.

Probably Flash.

>literally running so hard that you travel through time

jesus god fuck what is wrong with comic book characters

like what is the point of even having any other character when that single one can pull shit like that, wouldn't he just end every semblance of conflict in the entire world going at that speed?

Wouldn't Quicksilver be able to tap into the speedforce in the DC universe though? I mean, all the speedsters does, so he should be able too.

Dreams aren't real though

The Flash, unless he slips on a banana peel and ends up in space.

you're right, sweet dreams are made of this

marilyn manson version was far superior though

Which was faster, the marilyn manson version or the original

Nah, it was good but not superior. And was too dark and edgy for me.

Is this the nostalgia critic to the left ?

>Can outrun an explosion and empty an entire mansion of people while checking every room and stopping for a drink and some pizza on the way
>Barely hit mach 1

Nah, it's the opposite. Manson version is good, but the Eurythmics version is far superior.

Lennox is a better singer, and the music fits the tone a lot more.

Naw. His performance wouldn't have been so over the top and the scene wouldn't have been so random just to shock the audience.

Trips of truth. Fuck you, Flash.

Who would win?
Clearly It was me, JD.

The black race.

He wasn't able to do it.
Quicksilver doesn't lose his powers when he goes to the DC universe like Flash does when he goes to Marvel.

The Flash can travel as such speed it's no longer considered as speed. He breaks the rules of physics and is basically everywhere, everywhen.

He has the power of God.

Remember when you posted and got the Captcha wrong?
It was me Barry!

important poll


Flash traveled from an alternative dimension to warn Bruce. I think you have gotten your answer.

>nothing personal
jesus christ

Flash doesn't lose his powers, he just gets heavily nerfed, from 13 trillions the speed of light to barely mach 2.

Quicksilver back in the 90s was pretty edgy, now he's just a fucking dick.

A shame Flash can't run into a decent show.

I don't get it.
Isn't quicksilver a blue guy on a floating surfboard?

That's Silver Surfer.

>think these kind of posts are trolling but there's a good chance they're completely serious

I really wish I had never read comics as a kid

The Flash outran a NUCLEAR explosion and emptied an ENTIRE CITY of people.

An average human being can run at 25 km/h tops.
Mach 1 is 1200 km/h.

So if human speed is x1, Mach 1 is x48. I think it fits.

The original was faster.

Time slows for you as you approach the speed of light tho

Do you have the picture were a building is destoyed by fire, and he builds a new one to the people living there in seconds



he also taught himself how to build an apartment complex then proceeded to rebuild a complex that had burned to ground after he had emptied it of people all within a blink of an eye

what an ungrateful little cunt

shortly after that he completely forgot what he had done

Why are DC characters always so fucking ridiculous, does DC not understand the concept that flawed characters are the actually interesting and egngaing ones?

I haven't read a superhero comic since I was 11, so not the greatest expert, but do adults actually read these things?

We /El Flasho/ now!

Not really. You don't accelarate your perception to the speed of light

I'm not sure how fast el flasho is, if he's garrick speed it could be close.
Barry and Wally could easily beat quicksilver.

Who writes this drivel?
Seriously, how can you make a decent character when you give him so much power? How strong must the enemy be for him to face any hardship and write an interesting story.

Did you miss the fact where he outran the fucking explosion propagating through the air at the speed of sound?


This thread is autism.

You should all kill yourselves you fucking autists.

Flash. No argument. He literally runs to the past to warn Bruce Wayne.

QS can too timetravel (in Son of M). not running fast, but resonating or something like that


Flash wins in a fight, because he is faster, so he would win in a race also.

Never start who would win with flash fans.
They believe wally could beat anyone in a fight including silver age superman.

Well Marvel has The Runner, who ran to the end of the multiverse before he finished a single thought.

So hey, all fuckers are broken in some way.

barry is one of the few speedsters that are affected negatively by the speedforce, he perceives everything in super ultra slow motion


Wasn't that Wally?

wally had that thing were he speed aged

Wasn't that Bart?

That's because there are so many mutants in Marvel they should probably outnumber regular people. It's hard to keep them straight.


>at 13:57 and .00001 microseconds a quantity of bloody mess roughly equivalent to half a million Koreans seemed to materialize on a hilltop 35 miles away from the blast

Speed Force nigguh I aint gotta explain sheeit.

Speedforce nigga.


Barry and company can steal kinetic energy from other people, this way they can have passengers in their travels.

This is the panel that ends every discussion of who's the fastest.

I thought the speed for connected to the people Flash was moving with

The Flashiesta part in BvS was absolutely disgusting.

>dcucks won't question this

>instantaneous travel
>flash leaves streak behind

The thing with capeshit and comic book characters is that the writers can make either of them win with some bullshit. What's the point in arguing?

Hollywood kike executives

I don't know. We'll have to wait until the justice league or the flash movie to see how fast the movie version of the flash is. All we do know is that Fox's version of QS is incredibly quick, much faster than the comic or MCU versions of QS.

topus kekus

people think flash can run extremely fast because he goes back in time and to other dimensions and shit but that's not from pure physical speed it's from speedforce magic bs

he can only run at like 700mph on his tv show while quicksilver is pulling at least 10,000mph in the movie

DC cucked again

The Flash outran death.

I'm pretty sure they would still be fucked up from that distance.

Well, mario's alternate universe speed is probably capped to 32 bit integers, while the flash's speed is infinite I think. Or faster than infinite. The flash is bullshit.

Quicksilver in the movie at his fastest (when he's doing those "zips" when he appears as a silver blur) is going about 700 + times the speed of sound, or over 563,000 mph

Don't know how fast Flash is in DCEU but probably faster, either way QS is cooler

>over 563,000 mph
Citation needed

>Don't know how fast Flash is in DCEU
In BvS Flash has a milk bottle in his hand, then he rushes to stop the thief and when he comes back the bottle is in the floor.

Quicksilver saves a girl, left a soda can floating and comes back to drink the remaining of the can, also when he started the whole race, he left some twinkie and a card floating in the air.

So far from what we have seen Quicksilver is faster than Flash in the movies, Flash could still develop his powers.

Explosion velocity of the jet thing would be 3000 m/s if we lowball it

From the moment time went slomo to the moment Peter arrived at the scene of the explosion it traveled about a meter

In that time Peter dashed about 120-140 meters to the house and downstairs, confirmed with Google maps

The rest is maths

That's not his speed when we see him doing hijinnks and shit though, that's only when he does those dashes. Which makes sense as he'd want to be "slower" to accurately manipulate his environment/save people. In DoFP his average speed was about Mach 20

I forgot all about that scene, true. It's almost a guarantee that Flash will break the light barrier at some point though, he'll have to or fans will go spare

>Faster than sound
>No sound barrier breaking effect

>picks up someone to take to safety
>they don't instantly liquefy in his hands

flash ran so fast he bent space time to delivery a message to bruce 10 or so years in the past. with the speed force flash is undoubtedly faster than quicksilver could ever be.

People don't liquefy at the speed of sound though, they suffer a lot damage sure, but many have survived, back when planes were able to surpass mach 1 USAF tested the damage of the sonic boom and other shit on test pilots, almost all of them survived, with injuries though.