Why do people call A Wolf at the Door the best radiohead song?

Never understood it but seen it mentioned many times. Things like "a wolf at the door is objectively their best song". Explain.

>there are plebs posting RIGHT NOW who don't know it's Paranoid Android

>there are plebs in this thread RIGHT NOW who dont know Idioteque

Street Spirit (Fade Out) is a close second tho, so I might forgive you


The live version of like spinning plates and lift are also acceptable answers

because Thom is rappin

>pick a random non-single from one of an artist's lesser albums
>seriously, completely at random
>meme it repeatedly until other people start pretending to love it too

congratulations, you now have a basic understanding of the hivemind consensus that informs your taste

it's the same reason why people pretend to like Ful Stop, or Separator, or... literally anything on Amnesiac besides Pyramid Song. it doesn't mean anything, it's just a way of accesorising a band's music so you can seem more 'well rounded'

Live like spinning plates is one i can see people saying is objectively their best. Love that version. Probably their most beautiful song.

>do you seriously think people liking unconventional songs is pretend and nothing more? do unique tastes not exist you fucking pleb?

>unique taste

It's not even that most times, it's just what they decided to put on a radio and into the mainstram.
A wolf at the door is arguably a simpler tune than paranoid android, so unique taste definitely dont have a part here.

This song is about Jews

this is not Sup Forums

>pic very much related

>There are plebs posting RIGHT NOW who don't know it's [MY FAVORITE RADIOHEAD SONG]

The answer, OP, is that it isn't. Having a discussion about what Radiohead song is OBJECTIVELY the best is pointless.
I think their best song is Everything in it's right place but that's me and people will obviously argue for their personal favorite.

I don't get the people who praise Pyramid Song as their best either.

literally have never heard someone call Wolf at the Door their objective best. its not even top 3 on HTTT

it's easy for a song to be radiohead's best seeing as they've never made a good one.

Who the fuck says it's the best? I like it but it's very far from the best thing they've made.


Jeff hates jews

Unique meaning different from others, so someones favourite being ful stop isn't just them trying to be cool or whatever you think. Its just that people like different things for different reasons

lmao thats the most Sup Forums thing ive ever read

i love pyramid song, but i love knives out, packt like sardines and life in a glasshouse as well. does that mean im just a poser?

This is one of the most autistic things I've read on this board.

Which says a lot.

But user, Amnesiac is their best!