itt movies that make you want to find a vet and thank them for their service
Itt movies that make you want to find a vet and thank them for their service
Dogs of War
>who's a good boy....
Good film, although I thought the part where Private Connor put the gun in the Vietnamese kids mouth in Hai-Li-Daum village and told them to repent their sins or he'd blow their brains out was very disturbing and unnecessary
That movie needed to be given to a proper director and not some studio yes man that makes patriotic crap for morons.
Starship troopers.
>army dog how was nam
>it was ruff
>to find a vet and thank them for their service
why are americuck suck cucks?
holy shit i didn't realize casper van dien was in it
the whold story and book with fake information are already patriotic crap for morons.
it's about a bunch of young brain washed men, sent somewhere where they have no busness in, first they get slaughtered, then they call for help because 'heroes' the two chopper filled with 40 young men get blasted.
only one guy survived, after 45 american young men died FOR LITERALY ZERO FUCKING REASON, and for america this a heroes tale about doing the right thing, blablabla.
at the end when they show the real soldier who lost their lives far from their home for nothing, i really didnt see any heroism, or moral patriotism, just the awfullness of war, made me so fuckng mad, that this movie existed and that people were like ' OH FUCK FUCKING HEROES RIGHT THERE '
on that whole 'army' part, america is literaly a mentally ill society
Based Michael Bay did it right
you are talking about 13 hours ?
i completely agree, it was about true soldier who believe in something and went and do something because they belived in it, risking their lives.
at some point jim characteres even wonder what the fuck is he doin here in that mess, far from his home.
this was more respectfull the any soldier than any recent movie about war, including that lone survivor piece of shit movie, only the operator stuff was cool some time.
between pain and gain and 13 hours bay is becoming a relevant director again, who whould have though ?
The scene when Connor tries to stop the rape of that 12 year old Vietnamese girl, but he also gets aroused and control himself... war is hell man.
>the last scene where the Taliban fire 4000 rounds and 50 rpgs at them from above
>marky mark gets hit 50 times and keeps fighting
Good movie otherwise
>Down time's the worst, isn't it? Adrenaline leaves and your mind just starts to wander. I haven't thought about my family once tonight. Thinking about them now. Up here in the middle of all this, I'm thinking about my girls, man. Thinking what would they say about me? "He died in a place he didn't need to be, in a battle over something he doesn't understand, in a country that meant nothing to him."
This line sums it up pretty well. It didn't even need to be said. It shows war as being pointless and political hierarchy as fucked up, while still fetishizing the violence and adrenaline that goes with it without moralizing it. The whole movie feels like a horror movie. I think the screenplay must have been pretty solid in the first place and could have been directed by someone else but Bay did a great job with the atmosphere and pacing/tension building.
yea we are on the same page,
it felt really good seeing this movie, i was really expecting another lone survivor copycat. But no despite all criticism he came up with an intelligent and fun war movie.
glad i'm sharing this point of view with someone else around here, i hated lone survivor with all that it represent with all my guts, make me sick that people are cheering this movie, it's the most insulting film of all time to actual soldier and to the american people
>colonel, in war, there are no "good boys"
jesus christ what a haunting movie
What did you think of American Sniper?
i didnt really liked it, the main character was not really interresting, but i didnt see it in proper condition, it just felt flat and boring to me
what did you think about it ? should i rewatch it ?
Those soldiers went in there knowing they could die fahm.
Especially special forces, thats what they do.
They are heroes because thats the least bit of honor people can give them because we arent willing to pay for the rest.
Someone has to do the dirty work so we can profit bullying 2nd and 3rd world countries and keeping ourselves wealthy. Those men died so we can shitpost here tonight.
>find a vet and thank them for their service
I don't recommend it. Most of 'em see right through that kind of gesture and find it insincere.
Triumph des Willens
None. I wanna find me a vet a beat him till there's bone in his feces while I call him a worthless corporate mercenary.
Don't do that shit, its awkward as fuck.
t. vet
>You put a round in that fucking ragheads face or I'll throw you out of this fucking chopper myself, Army Dog!
Grim shit, how his innocence just eroded away during the course of the film.
ok, but this whole movie about them is just awfull.
what happened on that day was just manslaughtered, every one including thos ' specops' completely fucked up everything. it was a fucking mess, and no they had no real busness being in that mountain, they werent protecting anything, it was just american imperial recon.
i agree on the most part with what you said, me and the other user were discussing about 13 hours, and how it's way better in every way.
>be staff sgt in finnish navy
>go to new yark on a training-op
>walking around manhattan in our parade uniforms
>people come and thank me for my service
Weren't there some goat herders they let go and they went off to tell the taliban where they were or something?
Should have just slotted then and been done with it. No one would have known and they would have come back.
I thanked them by paying them a wage via tax dollars.
This is the funniest part.
The Thin Red Line
>thank me for my service
They were thanking you for all the memes.
They were afraid of Kurt Marshall. That guy would have hunted them down if they killed the herders.
Why would I thank a brainwashed idiot for volunteering to protect a country that actively lies to and commits war crimes.
>Johnny Got His Gun and Come And See are good though.
>watching movies directed by women
I'm a US Army veteran and I can tell you it's fucking annoying.
There's nothing I hate more than some double chinned right wing slob waddling up to me and grunting "thank you for your service" through a mouthful of half chewed McDonald's just so he can waddle away and feel good about himself.
Fuck you, faggot. You feel so good about it, sign up and join the Army yourself.
On occasion someone actually means the sentiment. I met an Iraqi guy one day who thanked me for my service because he and his family were able to leave Iraq with the help of the us military. That meant a lot to me.
But the guy who's contribution to the war effort was slapping a support our troops bumper sticker on his car? He can go fuck himself.
>free healthcare
>free college
>va loan let me purchase a home at age 25
>hiring preference at state/federal employment
yeah, fuck me, right?
>falling for the b8
Truly summer has arrived.
Head on over to Sup Forums, they love underage posters.
>that scene when he comes home and his puppies growl at him because they don't recognize him
Did he thank you for almost a million Iraqi civilian casualties, destabilising the region and creating more extremists? No? Then he had more steaming shit in his head than you do.
Nah. He was an interpreter who worked for the army. They send them to the states when they're done because other wise they'll be murdered by other Iraqis.
Do you people actually think vets get bothered by people trying to be mean anonymously on the internet?
Once you've had people actively trying to kill you , it really raises the bar on what gets under your skin.
Seeing all these angry posts, I felt like I should be nice and give you all a heads up that you're wasting your time.
feel free to continue though, I'm sure someone out there finds it funny or something
Is that why so many vets are emotionally unstable and are known for losing their shit over nothing? Nice try faggot
>That scene were army dog knaws the gold out of a jap's teeth while he was still alive.
I wasnt ready for that bros.
underrated post
I always got the sense that those who actually saw and did some shit found that gesture to be kind of hollow, and is more about making you feel patriotic than actually thanking them.
Kind of like, "you werent there, you wouldnt understand, now fuck off nerd."
>a bunch of bloated obese NEET's living off of neetbux whose greatest accomplishment is spamming Sup Forums with some epig new forced meme and it failing
>talking shit about United States armed forces
>that scene when they think they can distract Army Dog by throwing a tennis ball and he's lights a cigarette, takes a long drag, and is like, "retrieve these, motherfucker," and he bites the dudes balls off and runs away.
Boy, oh boy.
Also, holy shit does Casper Van Dien have cancer? What the hell is that picture?
>the whold story and book with fake information are already patriotic crap for morons.
>it's about a bunch of young brain washed men, sent somewhere where they have no busness in, first they get slaughtered, then they call for help because 'heroes' the two chopper filled with 40 young men get blasted.
>only one guy survived, after 45 american young men died FOR LITERALY ZERO FUCKING REASON, and for america this a heroes tale about doing the right thing, blablabla.
>at the end when they show the real soldier who lost their lives far from their home for nothing, i really didnt see any heroism, or moral patriotism, just the awfullness of war, made me so fuckng mad, that this movie existed and that people were like ' OH FUCK FUCKING HEROES RIGHT THERE '
>on that whole 'army' part, america is literaly a mentally ill society
wew lad. the edge is real.
>They were afraid of Kurt Marshall.
Don't get me started on that motherfucker.
>United States armed forces
You mean the military that has lost every single war it's been in since 1945? Kek. Why are Amerifats so utterly deluded?