Best daario?

best daario?

Do you think he got fucked over by his manager to pick the Hitman movie which he starred in playing a returning character in over overblown popular series ?

Easily the second. He'd have been an infinitely better Euron as well.


Francis had charisma at least and a nice accent. New guy is just a cliche handsome guy with nothing special about him.


Best Daario is aryan one.


Ed Skrein was not in Hitman.

Grill here. First one by far. Pure lust

Second one is frienzone material


right one is fucking boring and forgetable.

tits or GTFO

Comment from Winter Is Coming about this recast:

"HBO told him he had to take a paycut, he refused. They said he had no choice.

He told them, “I am Ed Skrein. I always have a choice.”

And so it was.

It was either a paycut for Daario or hiring a foley artist who specializes in fart sounds.

The second one. He's still a shit Daario but I feel it's more to do with the writing than the acting. The first guy was just an awful actor.

>he will never play Vega in a SF movie

Skrein was a real stand out bad actor in GoT. And yes, even when sharing scenes with EC.

He was a charisma void in the Transporter reboot and was better as Francis because his smarm worked in the role, in the way Aiden Gillan is great as sneaky shits like Littlefinger/Carcetti but comes off ridiculous in other roles.

You're all men, right?

Wait, they're meant to be the same character?

Stop larping as a queer/vagina you spherical infant and make your point.


First one is more memorable. Second one is more likeable, but also seems completely forgettable.

Second one would fit a westeros knight instead of a flamboyant eastern mercenary. He has no charm.

“Daario Naharis was flamboyant even for a Tyroshi. His beard was cut into three prongs and dyed blue, the same color as his eyes and the curly hair that fell to his collar. His pointed mustachios were painted gold. His clothes were all shades of yellow; a foam of Myrish lace the color of butter spilled from his collar and cuffs, his doublet was sewn with brass medallions in the shape of dandelions, and ornamental goldwork crawled up his high leather boots to his thighs. Gloves of soft yellow suede were tucked into a belt of gilded rings, and his fingernails were enameled blue.”

- A Storm of Swords

>bookfags actually go through all this shit

The girl one

Are you implying that would work in a visual format? Because it would look straight up retarded.

it would've looked unique as fuck if done right.

>tfw when youre not even friendzone material

And he went on to do Deadpool. Guy made the right choice.


You mean The Transporter?

Girls have such shit taste in men.
