What do you think?
no one complained about Jake in Prince of Persia
Wow looks JUST like him.
Would probably be a more interesting movie if it was an actual Iranian and spoken in Arabic
good job, you're as culturally aware as leo and the casting crew for this movie
Average Sup Forums poster, ladies and gents
Are you retarded?
That's like thinking Italians speak german
Is he going to go full method actor and convert into Islam for the sake of realism?
more disgusting whitewashing
ya they did
>meme actor cast as meme poet
fits like pottery
Hey that's cultural appropriation
I wouldn't be surprised with a Dastan's cameo and a few quips about time.
they're finally making a film about based "Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī Balkhī جلالالدین محمد بلخى"?
man, i waited all my life for this epic kino experience!
fuck off.
he will be doing that serial killer movie based on Devil in the city or something.
The pure stupidity of Sup Forums is displayed right here.
Well actually almost half of words in modern Iranian came from arabic.
"They should just get ken watanabe to play Bruce Lee, and have the entire movie in Vietnamese!"
It's still stupid to cast Leo
Rumi is the best-selling poet in the US and a cultural treasure throughout the Iranian world, senpai
You know who was really good at portraying Middle Eastern-ers? Anthony Quinn. I wish someone like him could portray any future Middle Eastern roles.
>ya they did
Didn't Reza Aslan say that ancient Persians were whiter than present day Iranians? Jake is half Jew anyways.
It's worse, Italian and German are at least both Indo-European. Persian's Indo-European, Arabic's Semitic; totally unrelated.
Isnt Rumi lived in Turkey(anatolia)?
why would he speak arabic
thats faggotic.
yes, that's it
it shouldn't be only realistic actors playing the roles, the dialogue should always be in the language it's supposed to be and not in english
Lend words dont chage the family of the lenguage
what if
rooney plays rumi
Castizos can look incredibly persian or semitic for some reason