>If you truly hate a character some actor is portraying, that means he's a good actor
What do you think about this saying Sup Forums, is it true?
>If you truly hate a character some actor is portraying, that means he's a good actor
What do you think about this saying Sup Forums, is it true?
yeah steven seagals a great actor
It means he is a good actor for that role. I wouldn't go so far as to say "good actor in general." The only time I ever saw Jackie Gleeson outside of GoT was a bit role in a Batman movie.
what if the character isnt supposed to be hated?
>attempting to have a discussion about anything board-related
Go back to gaia, faggot.
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>If you truly love reddit with all your heart, you'll attempt to turn every board into reddit
Poor janny got triggered :^)
depends. the character is more than the actor. being well written and in a well directed production obviously make it easier to feel any emotion towards them
Eh too wimpy and unattractive. I mean Joff is a bitch but DnD over sells it. Plus hes supposed to be tall, strong, and gorgous
Joffrey was fun to hate because he was an impotent coward lashing out because it was his only way of pretending he had any real power. He was a well writtem character.
Ramsay is a villainous Mary Sue with no flaws whatsoever and he wins CONSTANTLY. I hate him because hes poorly written.
Does that mean she is a good actress then?
Nah, the actor still has to make his role an entertaining part of the film. It has to be play fake hate, not true hate. Like in BDSM sex games. You want to feel like raped to some extents, but you also want to know in the back of your mind you're safe. Joffrey was a great character, made me smile every time. Ramsay is pretty boring-hateful type of character. I don't really enjoy his presence on screen.
>Plus hes supposed to be tall, strong, and gorgous
Yeah, he IS the son of supposedly the 2 most beautiful people in the land, one of which is a fantastic and strong warrior.
Perhaps he really was actually a downie
Weird how none of their children turned out like them, Joffrey was small, stupid and a coward, Tommen, Tommen is easily manipulated but kind hearted, Myrcella was innocent and pure.
Traits that neither of their parents seem to have.
I don't know try asking reddit
Joff wasn't small. But Cersei is also stupid
Not necessarily, maybe they're just naturally annoying. They portrayed that particular role well, let's keep it at that.
I think he did a good job, but it's really good casting, not being a good actor.
op you're stupid
>tfw the janny is triggered by his shit taste being called out
i like reddit
you're not supposed to hate her i guess
It's true but there's a difference between hating the actor and hating the character. Some people confuse this and assume that because they were playing a bad guy and everyone hates them it means they are a good actor.
There is also a difference between a poorly written character and a well written prick. I wholeheartedly believe that Joffrey is a good well written prick of a character. His actor is pretty solid.
Guys I just found an AMAZING site that's 100% pro GoT! We won't have to put up with these filthy anons wrecking our threads anymore :-) it's called reddit and it's full of great discussion and even MEMES follow me to www.reddit.com
A terrible actor can make you indifferent to a character.
A mediocre actor can make you hate a character you should love.
A good actor can make you hate a character you should hate.
But only a great actor can make you love a character that you should hate.
I loved Tywin regardless though his actor was superb.
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It's possible to truly hate a character without them being portrayed by an actor at all, it's all a question of writing.
If a character is meant by the writer to be hated but the actor accidentally makes them likeable, then that's obviously bad acting.
If the actor's natural charisma makes an "evil" character likeble, as apparently happened with Connery's James Bond (Fleming intended Bond to be an unsympathetic, blunt tool of the government), then that could be considered good acting if it's the direction the director wanted to go in.
Basically, if the actor elicits the audience response intended by the director, that's good acting.
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I dont think anyone could play Joffrey and be loved in that role. Joffrey as a character is just too much of an asshole, he has way too much power, and he basically goes unchecked for all the crazy shit he did for the first half of the series.
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Geoffrey was based
I'm banned from Reddit. Thanks for bringing that up, asshole.
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>hating based Joff
do normies actually do this?
he quit acting after GOT
What's Reddit?
>hating based reddit
Do GoT fans actually do this?
And that is why I hate summer...
I suppose you hate her acting since she is shit actress, not daenerys as character
He quit posting on reddit after GoT
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And that's why I love reddit...
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tywin at least has some likeable qualities though and you respect his cunning. joffrey is just a little bitch.
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I never loved Joff, but I did pity him on more than one occasion.
Actually Jack Gleeson wasn't acting at all when he played joffrey.
I met him once and he was a horrible person.
He had my father executed in front of me.
He did however give me an autograph for free.
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no u
Go bacķ to reddit
no u
no u
People hated him because he's ugly as shit and a crazy cunt.
If he was good looking like in the books it wouldn't be so easy.
kiddies from Sup Forums think the whole site is for shitposting so they post Sup Forums tier memes everywhere for no reason instead of trying to contribute.
It's a pathetic attempt to fit in.
There is a correlation, but it isn't 1-to-1. Even a middling actor can make you hate an extremely well-written villain. But a great actor can make you hate a villain with average writing, provided the director gets out of the way.
Jeez janny calm down m8.
It depends on how you hate him. Everybody hated Joffrey, but they hated him for being an evil guy. Ramsey, on the other hand, is hated because he's a horribly written character.
well, i'm sorry to hear that
Only if you are meant to hate that character. If you "truly hate" the protagonist of a story or something like that, it pretty much means the opposite.
I think there is a writing tip that says something like if you want your character to be likable, good or bad, he has to be great or skilled at what he/she is doing. Tywin seems great at what he does (he kinda isn't but whatever.) Joffery is not good at much beside being a little shit but he is really young.
Joffrey wasn't even that bad with a sword. If I recall correctly he rekt Robb in a one on one sparring match during an early Sansa chapter in the first book.
Not really, its only because everyone else on Sup Forums hates her so I do too. Shes a good actor.
>is it true?
Not necessarily, an actor may still be a total cunt.
Not that guy though, I hear he's pretty nice IRL.
That must make Anna Gun the greatest actress of all time.
I loved Tywin in the books.
But Charles Dance absolutely nailed the character
James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano.
Tony's a villian but I don't think you're meant to hate him
Uh, I really don't think so?