Why won't bbc just apologize him and ask to come back?
Why won't bbc just apologize him and ask to come back?
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political reasons
because he earns double of what he earned at the BBC now at Amazon.
whats done is done. BBC are now stuck with the ginger primadonaFACT
Because he's a straight white cis male.
Because the executives at BBC can only swallow loads from minorities, not their own pride.
The BBC only has to employ a certain amount of niggers.
dude cars lmao
>smoking dirty cigarettes instead of vaping some expensive as FUCK in-house juices
Where does he do clothes shopping? Target?
Because they're tired of dealing with him.
Rich people tend to be the stingiest with their money, especially in a country of pessimists like Britain.
he already has a contract with amazon FACT
he doesnt want to come back FACT
these are FACTS
He's a narcissistic egomaniac and the BBC had every right to fire him. Unfortunately for the BBC he was their cashcow and he knew it, hence why he acted the way he did.
Because he is old and isn't a faggot kiddo.
This guy sucks. I saw a webm of him looking at a world map and smugly throwing america away in the trash. Made me want to shove an american flag so far up his ass he'd be shitting stars and stripes for a week. Fuck him.
>cut-dick gets triggered by a joke
What was the joke?
You're a thin skinned faggot. Learn how to handle the bantz.
t. fellow American
>less time to spend all that glorious money
I suppose he will need it to pay the hospital.
not everyone who vapes is a sub ohming memelord. I quit smoking with it and plan to even stop vaping soon as i'm on such a low mg of nicotine it's pretty much pointless.
nicotine now*
Is that a fact?
Because as much as I love him and old Top Gear, he punched a guy in the fucking face,
Should have gotten him his fucking steak then.
>awaiting test results to confirm or rule out cancer of the tongue
>potentially deadly or a TV career killer
>might be his last filming with his mates
>long hard day
>looking forward to the meal he's been promised
>producer says sorry I made a mistake you'll have to have sandwiches instead
>I would have punched the cunt in the face too
the entire budget of a top gear season is what amazon gave to them PER EPISODE
the bbc can't compete with bezos money
No. It could be much more than double.
barfights should be commonplace
a masculine tradition the west has lost thanks to cucks like you
Are you suggesting the man who had a hissy fit because he wasn't given the food he wanted isn't a prima dona?
>Unfortunately for the BBC he was their cashcow
isn't the bbc funded my tax money/tv license?
Writing FACT doesn't make it a fact. Stop taking pointers from the btl Daily Mail comments
>the entire budget of a top gear season is what amazon gave to them PER EPISODE
Oh. Shit.
Incredible how talented people tend to fall upwards.
You would have lost your job too.
lol nobody is that special.
And international licencing. Top Gear was shown in almost every country in the world.
It is, but not fully. Top Gear was the biggest show on the planet and made BBC hundreds of millions.
Now they don't have that coming in, so even more BBC cuts will happen.
Which is probably for the best as BBC will have "50% female leads in their shows by 2020" and "50% female comedians on panel shows by 2020".
it sets a bad precedent. Im sure the BBC would love to have him back, but hiring him again would show every other on air personality that they can act however they want if they are worth enough money.
>so even more BBC cuts will happen.
As long as they don't cancel Black Mirror who cares.
>"50% female leads in their shows by 2020" and "50% female comedians on panel shows by 2020".
You recognize that in excess of 50% of the UK population is female. Defend excluding them please.
Is there any solid date yet or is it still just "autumn"?
only roughly 10% of female comedians, unfortunately, are actually funny. I like that Sarah Millican slag
>Top Gear was shown in almost every country...
>in the world
Michael Jackson was allowed to play with little boys dicks in his bed and take shitloads of drugs and nobody told him to stop.
>Defend excluding them please
They are not interesting people
50% of comedians aren't female.
>he was allowed
Fuck off.
prove that
I'm not denying that. I'm fine with it. What I'm not fine with is creativity being destroyed.
>Hey BBC, I wrote this drama... It's about this guy who loves 5 different women and...
>Ooooh, no can do Mr Smith, if we greenlight this, it'll push the balance to 55% male, 45% female, remake the protag to be female then we'll chat
>But this is based on [insert historical figure] and changing it would make no sense
>Well then we must end talks here, thanks for dropping by!
>W-wait! No, I'll change it... I need the money and the resume mark... Fine, I'll change it to one woman, 5 men
>Ooooh, can't have that, that implies women are promiscuous and 'slutty', so you'll have to change that as well
>Yeah, change it or no deal. Bye bye now! I want the final draft by next week!
>he doesn't know about FACT
I'm not a huge Clarkson fan - I prefer May - but it has to be said Chris Evans is the biggest tosser of all time and I am eager for Top Gear to fail solely because I want to witness his downfall. FACT.
Faggot lol
What happened?
>being an asshole is bantz
fuck you too you limey, I'm glad england is getting fucked by pakis. you pseudo-intellect snobs are finally getting a taste of the fruits of your own "progressiveness"
Have you seen how he dresses?
I've always wondered about this pic whether the "gay cunt" is pointing to James or Jeremy.
>Clarkson straight out assults a colleague of him AT WORK
>BBC actually acts fair and fire him (like any workplace would, and probably sue too)
>DERRPP clarkson did nutin wrung FUCK BBCC
Jesus fuck you cry babies are pathetic. Yeah the new show fucking sucks and Top Gear is great TV, but Clarkson ruined the show, no one else; Clarkson alone fucked over all his fans who blindly defend him although he's a major fuck up and a loser. I will still watch the amazon top gear show of course.
BBC did nothing wrong.
actually quite a few people told him to stop.
Are you really that stupid? It must be wonderful going through life not knowing fucking anything.
>lol breh those cigs are killin u why arent u smart like me and smoking some mixture of chemicals sourced from China out of a plastic piece of shit that was probably made in China and has lead paint totes wont give u cancer breh, its just water!
Seriously what the fuck is it with all the famous people getting tongue cancer lately?
lol this poof cares about his health
The real cuck is the person who idiolizes some old guy just because he starred in a funny show about cars.
Not him but you're fucking delusional if you think there are as many women comedians as men.
Jesus christ.
Does anyone really defend Clarkson?
He's always been the worst part of the show. Even Hammond is better.
The three of them are entertaining so fuck it.
I'm still convinced that's not the whole story. Clarkson doesn't punch anyone without a reason, and considering the news came from BBC first it's possible it was spun the way we all see it now.
There's no reason the BBC should apologise to Clarkson. What he did was a dick move, and the producer he punched actually handled it in a classy way.
But he is still very good at his job and there's basically no other single presenting talent I can think of who could inject that kind of spirit into the show.
This. I'm more mad at Clarkson then the BBC. He ruined a good thing. BBC will just get their money elsewhere. Inb4 a 10 episode season of Sherlock.
It's a jewish conspiracy to ensure that people won't spill the beans about their satinstic pedophile rings to the press.
>No, it is you who is the real cuck!
good job kid, you got 'em
They did. He said "no".
they are pretty much a marxist broadcasting station.
I'm not the same person he replied to. Doesn't change the fact that it is absolutely pathetic to idolize a celebrity from a tv show just because you like that show.
>“I hope Chris enjoys running what, for the next couple of weeks, is the world’s biggest car show,” he said.
FACTs are FACTs user, no amount of whining will change that FACT.
Because he's a man, and real men smoke cigs, fucking fag.
>makes fun of asians
>fired by whites
>gets hired by asians
>for the next couple of weeks
50% of women in the population doesn't mean 50% of women are comedians. Because women aren't funny.
meh, 2/10
Chris Evans gets unnecessary criticism for the effort he puts in, FACT.
Chris, you suck. FACT.
so it's a masculine tradition to be unreasonable and throw a tantrum because you can't have what you want?
t.Cuck Evans
listen...nah, just listen...Gordon
aaaaanf Matt Le Blanc
I would watch it
Ugly fucking ginger.
Glad he's a failure.
nah, he should have used his tongue and insult him properly
not punch him
yeah and he ended up JUST as fuck
He had earned it.
He changed his skin from black to white for us!
if that doesn't entitle him to some macaroni what does?
>10 episode season of Sherlock.
lol they can't afford that
cuminsnatch and lester nigger are in demand
he had a reason, it just wasn't a good one. he wanted a steak but the hotel kitchen was closed, they only had ready made stuff or something. so he got angry and punched a producer or something as if they controlled the hotel kitchen or were keeping the steak from him out of spite.
>Incredible how talented people tend to fall upwards
also, schmucks
Actual rich people don't give a shit about their clothes.
You are a fag. FACT
>implying that isn't effay as fuck
normie pls leave re
It's almost like he was trying to piss you off or something