OP here. What did she mean by this?
Lena Dunham and cast of Girls back Stanford sexual assault survivor
Other urls found in this thread:
Just marathoned that pic, what'd I think?
if I survived a sexual assault, I wouldn't want Lena or the girls to back me
for fuck's sake, why make it worse
You wanted to make sweet love to Lena Dunham am I guessing right?
Is there any, ANY actual evidence that this Brock Turner guy did anything illegal, other than hearsay?
Captain Sweden and his sidekick Tolerant Sven were eye-witnesses, you shitlord
Just some more bullshit attention seeking from mentally ill liberals, that's all. Deep down she probably doesn't even give a shit about the victim.
Isn't supporting a sexual assault victim basically the default position of people in society?
It's not like society is going OH WHO CARES?! and these women are bravely standing up and going WE CARE! WE CARE, PATRIARCHY!
So this headline is basically "Lena Dunham and the cast of this TV show DIDN'T dismiss the suffering of THIS rape victim."
If this is in any way newsworthy then we have to assume they do not back other rape victims. Or that the casts of other TV shows do not back this one. Which are they implying here?
>Isn't supporting a sexual assault victim basically the default position of people in society?
yeah that's why the Sup Forums contrarians always defend the rapist
Hey remember how Lena Dunham raped his cousin when they were kids?
When is that ever true, unless it's bullshit like Mattress Girl or Duke lacrosse.
oh yeah I forgot you immediately take the victim's side when the rapist is muslim or black
But no one cares about thousands of black on white rapes that happen every year
Rapist defending the Raped
Is Sup Forums being edgy about the Stanford thing?
If that kid were a poor, black guy, he'd be in jail for half his natural life.
Cool elaboration. Fuck off.
Wtf I love rape now
less about being edgy and more about being bitter and hating women.
>Referring to one shitty thread on Sup Forums as "Sup Forums"
Get out, Reddit.
She got blackout drunk and fingeted at a frat party, what is there to survive?
It's not like he had a fucking gun to her head in an alley and raped her.
So what's the big controvery over this rape case, the guy was found guilty and was sent to prison, didn't he?
>If that kid were a poor, black guy, he'd be in jail for half his natural life.
Not if he was a college athlete
literally every time there's a thread about a rape accusation on Sup Forums or Sup Forums the majority takes the accuser's side because ''le women are whores xD''
Yes he would.
The only difference is the university would try to cover it up first.
Because we can say virtually anything on Sup Forums and face no consequences, the site attracts people whose views aren't tolerated in society (rightly or wrongly). People who simply aren't allowed to express their views anywhere else come here because there's nowhere else they can say the things they want to say and be heard.
Also, people who are shunned and ignored by other people (rightly or wrongly) can always be heard on here. What they say won't get them ostracised, demonised or downvoted to obscurity.
Hence the disproportionate amount of distasteful characters posting on here. If they say that shit IRL, they won't have anyone to talk to, or maybe they do know someone IRL who shares their views on race, women etc. but that's not enough to validate them.
Occasional heinous speech is one of the prices of free speech, but it's totally worth it. Not only does censorship silence your own ideas, it denies you the chance to hear the ideas of others and thus limits your potential for knowledge and growth.
>SJW's getting this mad
Don't you have a mattress to lug across campus, shit-for-brains?
I think feminists think there are bias in the media when it comes to the portrayal of the criminals
She did get blackout drunk, but I doubt she wanted to be dragged off behind a dumpster and fingered and jerked off on while unconscious.
Wrong. People would have immediately thought the bitch was lying in an attempt to destroy another fine upstanding POC who dindu nuffin.
Yea sure
>fingered at a frat party
She had foreign objects shoved inside of her behind a dumpster
Yeah, a horrific, sexist bias called "Innocent until proven guilty".
Is this the same girl who carried around a mattress and made a sex tape about being raped?
I wasn't saying she did, I just hate jow they use the word survivor like her life was in serious danger.
Just like how tumblrinas claim ptsd when people are mean to them on the internet.
He got a really lenient sentance apparently.
He only got 3 months, and his father said some bullshit about he's sorry for him because he's not going to eat steaks. Also the judge only give him 3 because he said jail would affect him negatively. It's all retarded. It's sad to see how contrarian this place really is to the point where they will defend a convicted rapist because LE WOMEN R EVIL
I also think it was after he was found guilty at court, but I don't give too much attention to american drama so I'm not sure
>the majority takes the accuser's side because ''le women are whores xD''
Sure it's not because women have lied about rape over and over and over and over again and gotten away with it scott free?
That sounds like a more likely reason.
Don't bother fighting Sup Forumsmblr, it's a waste of time.
It's confirmed she didn't lie. And false accusations don't happen as nearly as actual rapes.
You're trying to marginalize it by saying she was just drunk and fooling around at a frat party when she was unaware of what was going on, physically dragged behind a dumpster in an alley or something, and then fingered, jerked off on, and had random shit shoved in her before the guy was scene by two passing people and took off.
Claiming PTSD after a disagreement on the internet is pretty fucking shitty, but I don't really see how using the word "survivor" here is comparable.
>And false accusations don't happen as nearly as actual rapes.
They're pretty close.
>it's another irrelevant celebrity pulls the SJW card to hopefully get a news headline episode
Minimum sentence and there's been a circus after the kid and his family have been making themselves out to be the victim because his life is ruined because he has to serve any jail time at all, like 3 months, his swimming scholarship was revoked, and he has to register as a sex offender. Along with the kid basically admitting he was guilty, but not saying that he's guilty of being a rapist, just that he made bad choices concerning drinking and that drinking is the only reason he raped someone. And that he wants to start "programs" where he teaches kids about the dangers of drinking, instead of, you know, not raping people.
Didn't Lena Dunham do the same thing to her little sister once?
yes, she wrote about it in her book
What? It was horrible what the little prick did to her, but when was her life in danger?
I would still bang Brian Williams daughter
Can you read?
>some guy jacks-off on a girl's coat while she's passed-out
>it's apparently a travesty that he only gets three months
Wow, what a miscarriage of justice.
That's still three more months than most women are sentenced when after 5 years they reveal that the guy they sent to prison on a false rape-accusation was for shits and giggles.
Because it didn't go to trial cause they paid her to keep quiet
>poorly made infographic with nou sources
Boy sure I was proved wrong there. Can't wait for you to pull another one of these. Maybe try faking it better, add a study that doesn't exist as a source, or a study that says something completely different from what you're infographic is saying.'make me day.
>Lena Dunham
>campaigning for a girl that had foreign objects shoved in her vag by some crazy molester
Yes. DNA evidence and witnesses.
Feminists have been open about the number of rape-accusations that are bullshit and stated they simply don't care.
You being salty about it doesn't change that.
Stay mad, Tumblr.
I love girls
Yea my first reaction when a woman says she was raped is to shame her
The conviction by a jury of his peers.
Don't know about you, but Sup Forums would probably call her a liar and gold digger
But those women aren't going to Sup Forums for help, they're going to the police or a friend
>muh feminists
What the fuck does that have to do with me and your shitty infographic?
Oh, I'm laffin'.
>a woman complaining about getting raped to the man who raped her
Nah that was the girl from Columbia.
Yes a video that's not even 2 minutes long is going to make the fact she was raped better.
Confirmed by who? From what I looked up she did lie but didn't want to admit it because she didn't want to be punished.
should Sup Forums really be contrarian over this?
>woman accuses man of rape
>trial commences. evidence along with multiple witnesses
>Man is convicted by jury of his peers
you guys really need to learn how to pick and choose your fights
I just want to punch lena dunham in the gut tb.h.
>woman has a guy jerk off over her while she's passed-out drunk
Fucking frat-boys get subjected to worse hazing rituals than that every fucking week.
They do give their consent to do these. The women didn't and couldn't since she was passed out.
Still, having Lena Dunham support me would make me feel pretty bad
She was suing the school, not Winston. Two separate investigations and a conduct hearing cleared him of rape, but she sues the school to scrape some money due to a Title IX technicality and that somehow means Winston is guilty? And Winston is suing her for defamation or something so we will see how that goes. I don't get how this board can have so many racists and SJWs in one spot.
At least they were kind enough to use "sexual assault" instead of the far more popular yet legally incorrect "rape" in the headline
Just cuck all white men senpai
>implying anyone would rape Lena Dun-ate-all-the-Ham
I know it was traumatic for her and all, but isn't there a better word to use? If she kills herself in six months time from PTSD or whatever she won't be a survivor.
I know they probably don't want to use "victim" and I honestly can't think of anything else but "survivor" is such an I'll fit
do not get drunk around women, especially drunk women. Enjoy a drink or two, socialize, have a few laughs, but do your serious drinking as an adult does, in solitude, in your home.
All these stories should be mentioning that both parties gleefully drugged themselves to oblivion in the compnay of strangers.
He dindu nuffin, its always someone elses fault
Except when a woman is drunk and fucks a guy, they never get accused of "rape"
they use "sexual assault" not to adhere to what is factually correct but out of deference to the victim, who simiarly is called a survivor instead. It's about protecting the victim's psychology.
>rape sucks
>unless it's me raping my little sister with pebbles
um lmaoing @ u cow
reading is hard.
>He dindu nuffin, its always someone elses fault
He kind of did something - but not nearly to the extent that these psychos wish he did.
They want their scalp - their rich, white, male scalp - and they will do/say anything to turn this into "rape" when in fact it was just a chick cheating on her boyfriend by getting blackout fingerbanged in an alleyway by a almost-as-drunk rich geek.
actually, you gigantic fucking weirdo, it's really easy to have drinks and fun with girls without it ending in a rape accusation. You simply have to not to have sex with someone unconscious, it's really not that hard.
I can't believe you beta faglords are so scared of women that even getting drunk around them means a trial because you don't know how to act like a normal fucking human being
Women and their fedora orbiters unironically support destroying someones life because a woman regretted having sex.
That's because you're a dindu nigger
>He dindu nuffin
>He a gud 'ol boy
>He went 2 frat parties e'ry weekend
>He wuz fixin ta get his life on track
>He jus needed mo trust fund money fer dem Wealth Management programs
the girl was unconscious and literally behind a dumpster, she had pine needles literally in her cunt
your post is so fucking irrelevant and stupid is hurts to read ow
it doesn't really matter to what extent...she was taken advantage of by this dude, dragged behind a dumpster and sexually assaulted...
>i can predict my behavior under debilitating amounts of a mind altering substance
\These people were not enjoying getting drunk, they were fucking plastered.. There is a very good reason that people in relationships generally don't get drunk with around their preferred sex when their SO isn't present, or why getting drunka t a work event is a terrible idea. THe odds of something awful happening are low, but the consequences reach dispoportionality rather quickly.
>numbers about rape*! wow #omg cryemoji
>*rape is whenever a girl said rape just listen and believe shitlord bigot chauvinist
btw tumblr is invading over this shit, just look at this thread
>college girl gets blackout drunk
>makes bad decisions
Oh you poor baby! Women need to be protected!
>college guy gets blackout drunk
>makes bad decisions
what equality
they were both braindead drunk but only one sex gets the punishment
they literally found her unconscious in an alley behind a dumpster with dirt and pine needles all over her and in her
the least you could do is read any article about it you maroon
Lena Dunham IS an expert on sexual assault.
she went there on her own. She was not dragged there. If you take your apnies off and sit on pine needles they'll end up in your orifices. It doesnt' mean anything in and of itself. If I take my swimsuit off at the beach adn roll around it doesn't mean I was assaulted because I've got sand under my foreskin.
THere is a paucity of infomration in this case that makes discussion difficult.
see the difference between you and me, you autistic jabroni, is that I'm a stable and normal enough human being that even though I'm drunk I'm not going to try to fucking rape someone or make moves on someone who clearly doesn't want it
so no, I don't have to worry about my behavior drunk because I have self-control and know how to function normally
jeez try getting out sometime, dude
>and pine needles all over her and in her
So? People pass out after sex all the time