Why did Chigurh kill Carla Jean?
Why did Chigurh kill Carla Jean?
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He didn't.
Because he promised Moss that if he didn't deliver the money to him he'd kill her.
If you like the movie read the book. Tons more Chigurh. You even get to know what happens to the money.
Anyone else really pissed about The Counselor? Had literally everything going for it
>one of the best directors alive
>screenplay written BY MCCARTHY
>amazing cast
>GOAT trailer
Ill admit Cameron Diaz is a huge piece of shit but still
>one of the best directors alive
>amazing cast
He outright tells it in the scene you dumbfuck.
>The Wrong Scott
>Best directors alive
l m a o.
ALIEN was a 100% fluke.
my god it will never end
I love the scene in the book where Chigurh get's into a straight up shootout in the middle of the town at night. In the movie they kept it only between Moss and Chigurh but I wish they added the Mexicans to it.
I loved when Chigurh forced the guy to look into his eyes as he executed him.
Why would I be pissed? It was a great movie
Question for the people who read the book.
Does Carson Wells get chigurh'd as easily in the book as he does in the movie?
Hola :^)
it's pretty much done ver batim from the book as it is in the movie
Damn, so fast it's almost comedic.
I really liked the character :(
yeah, but such is life in the world of cormac
I guess there's just a meanness in this world.
I didn't know he wrote screenplays
There's a deleted scene that shows she goes down on him to stay alive
He didn't and it was the movie's much crucial flaw.
I thought it was great.
I was expecting a dance number with a catchy indian song.
It was a very fun movie that suffered from McCarthy's purple prose (unfit for a movie) masquerading as exposition and Scott's endless tonality shifts with 'neat' setpieces of extreme violence.
I'd like it more if it hinted at Cormac McCarthy writing Blood Meridian 2: Mexican Cartels.
Because a galaxy far far away is actually Hell
You should read the book, and yes, the movie itself is a pretty good adaptation of how inexorable the threat of violence can get. It's seemingly a genre novel that has all the tension and atmosphere only great writers can conjure.