Are there some good, comfy, movies set in early 20th century rural USA?
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Are there some good, comfy, movies set in early 20th century rural USA?
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actually scratch the comfy
any feels welcome
why do you want such a movie...?
Days of Heaven and There Will Be Blood.
Same decade, both rural settings, both have themes of capitalism and community life at the time from different perspectives
Not sure. I just like the period.
Thanks, will check these out.
fampai people just like things, they dont need to have a reason
A River Runs Through It is comfy as fuck
To kill a mockingbird
Make America Great Again.
He's a fucking retard and trying to make people waste time answering an abitrary question he literally made up off the top of his head.
Attention seeking parasitic cunt behaviour.
I love Pro-Trump attention whores.
Everything they do is for attention, but unlike the SJW ones the shit they parrot is not retarded.
rude tbqh
That movie where the locust swarm eats the corn fields and that one guy pretends his lover is actually his sister for some weird reason and then gets shot dead in the end by the sherrif
whore can be used for both genders
and if that is trap i am willing to suck her feminine dick
please tell me she has a cock
>Oh Shenandoah
Nothing beats American folk music. Nothing.
Queen of Sup Forums
I knew I heard the OP's song before.
wait.. so she doesn't have a penis?
>no dick
Yeah i saw a couple of those chicks with MAGA hats on okc the other day, it's a very nice contrast to hear a cunt go off about immigrants instead of feminism and libtardery for a change
Plus they actually take care of their bodies to an extent unlike the liberal landwhales
I am pretty sure they act that way because they want to impress Chads who are predominately pro-Trump tbqh.
And I dont mind.
It is a mystery.
>no cock
I want her to piss in my mouth
lets get comfy
>ctrl F
>0 results for O Brother Where Art Thou
Fuck this board.
But seriously OP, check it out. GOAT soundtrack and probably one of the comfiest movies ever made.
You might want to check what the thread has devolved into
I'm here to counter the derailment
as previously mentioned:
>O Brother Where Art Thou
>Days of Heaven
>There Will Be Blood
>A River Runs Through It
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>The Grapes of Wrath
>Of Mice and Men (1992)
>Badlands (mid 20th)
>The Last Picture Show (mid 20th)
>Cool Hand Luke
>Cold Mountain (a little beforehand, but very similar)
>East of Eden (1955)
Days of heaven
OP here, thank you.
Ford's Tobacco Road is like the evil, deformed twin of The Grapes of Wrath. Imagine if the Joads were stupid and lazy and deserved every bad thing that happened to them.
These are all great tbqh.
cheers, just chiming in as a fellow appreciator of the same time period
I need to check this out, sounds interesting