Films where Chad's get BTFO?
It pleases me this Chad's body is rotting in a jungle after all the years he spent working on it and the knowledge in his brain he acquired rotting also tehehe
Films where Chad's get BTFO?
It pleases me this Chad's body is rotting in a jungle after all the years he spent working on it and the knowledge in his brain he acquired rotting also tehehe
This guy looks so happy. He's alright right OP?
Why hate him? Why not pity him? Because he might be ripped, rich and highly educated, but he can still only meet English hags like that.
Doesn't really look like a Chad at all to me.
If that's all it takes to make you jealous, I can't imagine what you look like and how awful your life must be.
Ya, he's just on a gap yah
Man he's so British looking.
That's what you get for thinking you're Spider-Man
I stay in my room and never fall off things
>average guy in a loving relationship with an average girl
Is /r9k/s definition of a chad someone that's lower than 35% bodyfat or what?
Fuck off back to /r9k/, you fat cunt.
>win the genetic Lottery and be born into riches
>have the leisure time to get fit, have the financial backing to get the best education care-free
>waste it all by dying at an early age
sup Chadley
Women detected, no actual male dislikes chads.
That's a compliment anywhere outside of /r9k/.
Lose weight.
/r9k/ is even more pathetic than /mlp/ desu
no shooter has been overweight though
>go to vietnam to get exclusive set pics of Kong: Skull Island and tell everyone you are just going to climb around and stuff
>it ain't me starts playing
>when movies tell you that Chads are pieces of shit and basement dwelling nerds are just shy and misunderstood but reality shows that Chads are pretty chill and the dwellers are bitter entitled fucks who hate everything because it reminds them they've accomplished nothing.
a shooter that shoots cum into pussies aka Alpha Stud
>with his girlfriend Bluebell
Are Brits so mentally deficient that they have started naming their children after Texan ice cream companies?
>died in the jungle at a young age
>still got more pussy than /r9k/ will in an entire lifetime
she's half asian
Guess who wrote those movies?
But whose lap is she sitting on right now?
>willingly go to Vietnam
my uncle would be pissed
I fail to see how that changes anything. She's still got that gross limey blood in her
loose* weight
Americans... i swear
Because your uncle is a fucking idiot. Vietnam is a great place to visit, plus, it's cheap as fuck.
>fall off mountain in vietnam
>it ain't me starts playing
Sex tourist confirmed.
yeah don't worry she's not really cheating on ya
A couple of handies and the occasional assjob don't qualify as cheating because there's no penetration
but muh war
>It's only in your head that this cuck shit is prevalent
He could have done much better than that ratty-looking jew skank.
>Being so mindcuck'd that not only can you not get a gf but you constantly think about her cheating on you if you did
You're fucking doomed brah. Enjoy living in a fantasy world based on a fantasy of my reality. Sad motherfucker laughing even harder now.
dude's a 6/10
best one coming through
>jealous of him
>ugly face incapable of smiling
>ugly girlfriend
>shitty fashion sense
How shit is your life?
>Implying she doesn't jerk off all the coma patients
>/r9k/ faggot with dick on the brain
How surprising. You're all obviously secret fags.
>Deleting my posts but not this shit thread
YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR! No wonder this place is so shit, the fatnitor is a r9k autist himself.
How great is YOUR life motherfucker
To die pursuing a dream, rather than live denying it.
Sounds good to me.
Better than your life obviously you ugly fucking goblin. Enjoy never being loved.
It's a tradition among the upper classes to send their children off to foreign shitholes to experience life-or-death situations, it's character forming. Obviously a percentage don't come back, it's normal.
I wonder how basement dwellers became bitter
huh...rly makes u think...
>Blaming your shit life on us
You are literally white niggers.
Fun Fact: girls don't consider blowjobs as cheating
Kind of retarded doing something like that alone though.
at least he was never a jealous loser like yourself
>source is /gif/
>white families are so cheap they send their kids to the fucking jungle to stop paying school and clothing
really makes you think huh
Abso-fucking-lutely. Don't think for a second that the main character of Into the Wild is anything but a complete idiot.
That guy was too.
But at least he lived true.
>Mountain in Vietnam
We all know what really happened...
>he might be ripped
He's just skinny. You could look like that if you laid off the biscuits and crisps
That isn't skinny you obese delusional halfwit
>She was the last person to hear from him after he called her to say he had fallen down a mountain and was injured.
Well what happened after that? Did he pass out from blood loss before he could describe his surroundings, or did she just decide right then and there that he became more effort than he was worth and hung up to open Tinder?
sex in itself is pretty overrated though
relationships arent though, good ones anyway.
He's kind of ugly to be a Chad and his girlfriend is like a 6/10 (she's not fat)
Climbing a mountain in Vietnam seems dumb though
I don't know if it's like that but they seem pretty casual about sucking dicks. This bothers me a little
>all the reddi/tv/irgins defending Chad ITT
damb that bitch is ugly, wouldn't be surprised he faked his own death just to escape her.
Guarantee I've been posting here longer than you, you /r9kuck/. You will die alone and no one will ever care.
im half as attractive as that dude and my gf is twice as hot easily
Boy 4chins sure love being a contrarian huh?
It's britain. That's the best he could find.
I have a /core/ for everything
every statement in this post is false
>implying /r9k/ is one person
>implying "4chins" is one person
Your posts reek of KYM and reddi/tv/irgin
One less Anglo in the world.
This guy isn't even a Chad you fucking retards. Normally I'd agree with you but he looks like the average autistic /fit/izen.
How did I imply that I think /r9k/ is just one person? I know you are fucking retarded but maybe you can get your handler to explain how what you posted is wrong.
>some uggo whos in decent shape is a Chad
The reddi/tv/irgin got triggered!
Don't you know, /retard9kuckold/ posters have deemed anyone who has ever been happy or had a gf a Chad. They are that fucking stupid.
Picture related, to them it's a "Chad".
Oh yeah, you sure triggered me by proving that you're retarded and are going to die alone. Goddamn, how will I ever survive this burn?
>strawmanning is only okay when I do it
Why do you SJW cuckold liberals have such an affinity for the same logical fallacies you attempt to deconstruct?
>If I use enough buzzwords I saw on the internet it might eventually create a post that actually makes sense
Not this time though!
skinny is an exaggeration but he has a pretty small frame
he looks like a skinny kid who started working out half a year before the pic was taken
>posts a selfie of his effete liberal SJW reddit nu male face
>thinks it'll do anything but insult himself
Classic triggered Nu-male Cuckold
>nu male
>complains about buzzwords after posting a selfie and overusing exclamation marks in an attempt to not seem triggered
Brah how long are you gonna keep projecting for? I should call you IMAX because this is theater tier projection
Do you even know what the words you use mean when you post them?
This better be a troll.
>reddit virgin cuck is samefagging from his iPhone and his iBook
Classic Cuckold
>reddit virgin cuck is samefagging from his iPhone and his iBook
Classic nu male
My brother is a "chad" and I'm a basement dweller. He's a lot nicer than I am.
Thank God, I thought you were actually retarded.
How is this guy a chad?
Are you shifting the goalposts to do damage control after I BTFOd you for posting your photo, nu-male?
Don't waste your energy on me, you've got a bull to prep you be-spectacled passive aggressive liberal millennial cuckold
>mfw Carl the Cuck sighs, and adjusts his Warby Parker fashion glasses saying "ARE YOU KIDDING ME" before he replies to each post
But he calls me a "kuckold" so he's CLEARLY from around here
Ask and I shall deliever
>ITT: r9k posters so pathetic they think the guy in the OP is a Chad
You guys haven't even met a real Chad, but Chads are still better people than r9k basement dwellers with no life experience.
>How High listed twice