So if he created Tyler to free himself a little and mainly to get with Marla...

So if he created Tyler to free himself a little and mainly to get with Marla, where did all the anti-consumerist terrorism shit come from?How can you go from reinventing yourself because you like a girl to becoming the head of a fascist terrorist group?

it was his resentful feelings toward the system he was living in that manifested itself into tyler. watch the movie you autist

he went a bit too far and lost control for a while.

Norton himself stated in the commentary it was his own self loathing and the fact he couldn't approach Marla about his feelings for her himself because of how much she reflected his personality, so he made a different one.

>The Fight Club

I feel like that word just gets thrown around these days.

both tyler and maria are imaginary characters

Notice the scene where the narrator is overhearing tyler and maria have sex and when the phone rings they immediately stops, he also reflects on how his childhood was spent watching his dad storm in and his mom storm out (or something along those lines); then the exact scenario described immediately happens with tyler and maria

notice the constant reinforcement of God/God as father figure/father figures/masculinity in general that happens in the narrator's conversations with Tyler

notice how maria first appears during the narrator's escape-from-reality visits to the support groups; notice she's a woman at a testicle cancer group and smokes during the same; notice she has no interactions with anyone but the narrator, the imaginary tyler and assorted flunkies who might as well be interacting solely with the narrator

honestly, the only difference between tyler and maria is that tyler is explicitly imaginary while maria is only obviously imaginary, just as the narrator's father unambiguously and physically left him while his mother was absent in all the senses that really mattered while remaining technically present

and norton rewrites movies on the fly every time hes in one, which is why he isn't in movies much anymore

The narrator is a passive consumer. Unfulfilled with the way things are going he creates Tyler who's an active anti-consumer.

He didn't create Tyler because he met Marla. If you've actually watched the movie you'd notice Tyler came before he even met Marla.

Try to pay attention next time.

People do react to her. In the restaurant scene and the bus that stops for her.

She's not imaginary.

>food is served to a table
>a bus stops

yes, certainly there's no way these amazing feats could have been accomplished by one man alone

did you not watch the rest of the movie?

He was obsessed with consumerism (his apartment being a show piece for Ikea), just going along with his job that he hates, being a conformist, never taking chances, being afraid

Tyler freed him from that insecurity and fear

>Couldn't even keep a contract with Marvel.

Dude, the waiter talks to Marla and asks her what she wants. The busdriver waits for her to get in while she talks to the narrator

You just want your pet theory to be true ignoring the glaring problems with it.

>a fascist terrorist group

There literally were niggers in it too you fucking retard libturd


>niggers can't be fascist

just kys now

how is it more logical for marla to actually exist as an unemployed, unattached woman with zero commitments to anything, who's prepared to give the narrator her unqualified attention, who appears for him whenever it is emotionally convenient and who disregards completely any social or other barrier to her behavior?

you just want my theory to not be true and you're ignoring that the only thing in its way is that marla must work 100% like tyler instead of only 99% like him

> who appears for him whenever it is emotionally convenient

let's ignore the fact that he hates her upon meeting her and can't sleep because of her

unlike Tyler who makes him "go to sleep"

Marla is the antithesis of Tyler

You're attempting to classify basic movie logic as absurd to prop up a cherry-picked theory.

The much more interesting aspect of Fight Club is the fact that its a cheesy romance story.

Everything happens because of a girl and goes south because of her. Pretty ironic in itself.

>another retard throws in his 2 cents

He creates Tyler before he meets Marla. If anything it's because of Marla that he kills Tyler.
Marla brings him back to sanity.

You need to read the book. She is not imaginary, and the exchanges Marla has with the narrator and with Tyler are made to seem as though Tyler is his advisor and telling the narrator what to say.

Fascism is not about race!

We're talking about the film here. The book is irrelevant.

Your theory is irrelevant.

I'm not even the guy you were arguing with.

>group of men following strict rules, wearing uniform, in a cult following one guys ideology.
Sounds fascist to me. Don't get me wrong, the film wasn't pro fascist but it still presented fascism.

Just imagine a Constanzaesque series of lies that just sort of snowballs into becoming the leader of a terrorism group.

He created Tyler because he hated his job and wanted to make friends

What about when she walks into the meeting and everyone looks at her?

red too many ikea catalogues and worked too ahrd lol

he was always anti-consumerist its just that he was too depressed\too much of a pussy to thing\do anything about it .

this, all the things tyler did where already in his head, he was just too afraid to act on it.

The big mystery for me is, who wrote all the books in the run down house they were living in?
was it him, was it just some random crazy guy who lived there before him?


You mean leftist. That organisation was pure leftist lunacy.

It's the same shit you retard

>daily fight club threads
Are all the 40 year old grandpas who lurk rewatching this or what's going on? These threads are as shit as the Matrix nostalgia threads.

He was being tranny

Neither am I.

no its not you moron

That's just sounds like a cult following. Fascism is an authoritarian system in place to keep a nation and its people united, involuntarily and if necessary by force.

Watched this movie for first time last night, very disappoint.

i didnt bother to read your post, just scanned it to see how many times you wrote maria, and evidently it wasn't a one off mistake, so I believe its safe to assume you know jack shit about this story

Wow you're retarded.

Not necessarily a nation. Just a group of people who follow strict, disciplined routines.

Then you didn't "get" it. If you're expecting anything other than a satirical black comedy/romance story then you're bound to be disappointed.

I didn't expect any of that, the main guy acted like a complete edgelord and it didn't work out so well, overrated for sure

so truths....

>norton says
>in a movie based on a book

face it user, you're just an idiot