Name the most SJW show ever

Name the most SJW show ever.

Other urls found in this thread:

Game of Thrones


The Apprentice

C - because the others could be in their respective situation out of stupidity. Old lady can't help being old.
Oh and GIRLS probably

C, or B if she's not a cunt which is unlikely

Definitely C

Also never post a picture more interesting than your post

either C or the guy who looks like he just got hit by a fucking train, also there are two empty seats on the right side of the train.

also it's probably Girls

B obviously. C is some Chad who got injured at sports and A is a cunt.

It's not my fault if the slut decided to get knocked up

>bitch with a baby and another on the way uses public transportation
If this was accurate the baby would be mulatto.
I vote to give the zombie the seat, everyone else looks like an entitled asshole with those facial expressions.

B>C>A is the only correct answer and if you think otherwise you should kill yourself immediately.

If you give any of them your seat you get closer to the zombie. Stay put and he'll probably get full eating the others and by that time you'll probably have reached your stop

A little boy and his Dad come home from a trip to the city on the bus and the boy's Mom asks him how the bus ride went. It was crowded on the bus said the little boy and Daddy made me get up to let a pretty girl have my seat. Well, that was nice of your Daddy, said his Mom. But, Mommy, said the boy, I was sitting on Daddy's lap at the time!

Why are they looking so angrily at the man?

Like, do they expect him to just give up his seat because he is expected by society to do so?

Isn't that similar to how negroes were assumed to move to the other side of the street when walking by white women?

>old slut
>crippled chad wanabee

The guy already seated, to be quite honest

that's why C is the correct answer.

You are giving up your seat to the person who is most likely to give up their seat out of custom.

I deserves my seat

none of them deserves my seat

if I'm having a good day I'd give it up to the old lady or the cripple out of generosity but I'm not doing anything wrong by staying seated

>get up for C but A sits down

Looks like there's an empty seat right behind him.

Fuck all 4, btw, I got there first. Want a seat? Arrive early. Like me.

The flight is almost over, please return to your seats.

the last guy, he seems dead tired

>And rape A

This isn't SJW. This is based in traditional values.In the 1920's people would find it disgusting if an able-bodied man didn't give his seat up to a woman, elderly, or wounded.

The one she's holding?

Literally this.

You forget that feminists are a thing now.

Only correct answer.

none of them deserve my seat cause they're all giving me a cunty look and i'd beat the shit out of every one of them in alphabetical order if they tried pulling anything for it

fuck chivalry and manners, it's a fuckin subway seat nobody gives a shit who you are

Both if you feel strong enough and C can help you.

>who deserves my seat


das racist

I just watched Commando, too.

A for the comfort and safety of the baby or C because he is injured. The old woman can hold onto a pole.

D, sleep tight zomber

Just look them all over once, get up and let them deal with it

I deserve my seat. I sat there first. How is this even a question?

I dont know
Because I don't watch it
And neither should you
But GoT is feminazi as fuck, does that count?

me because i got there first

>implying I'm giving up my seat

I dont understand what drives old people to leave their home in peak hours.
Just wait until buses are empty you fucks

They clearly formed a line, so first comes first.


A if I don't have to get up.

Don't your countries have reserved seats that you can only sit if especial needs people are absent?

Each of their lives are worth less than mine, A is worth less than mine as they're a woman, B is worth less as they're old, C is worth less than mine as they're crippled, D doesn't have a life.
Additionally I got there first, so they can all suck my fatty desu lads

No one, just put the baby between my legs.

Nobody. It's my seat.

Everything on Comedy Central, HBO and Cartoon Network

C is correct answer.

I would ask them which of them deserves the seat.

The continue to sit whilst they argue it out.

Best and only correct answer.

Feminists were a thing back then as well. They were just as crazy then as they are now. Like, you do realize that people eventually just kinda forget the crazy side of women's sufferage movements and the like. There were plenty of women who just openly thought that women should be in charge and that this would magically lead to a better society and so on.

I am ignoring D.

This is actually very challenging because there is a good case for each of the three of them pretty equally.

B is an able bodied elderly woman, however being elderly entitles you to some social benefits, you are a senior and you paid your dues in a way.
A is the most challenging for me, because the picture depicts her pregnant and holding a newborn... in what scenario would this be allowed in a family unit, is she a single, independent strong woman, hustling in society while 7-8 months pregnant? Stay home bitch. If she was just pregnant, she could probably stand. Holding a newborn entitles her to a seat. But yes she get priority over the elderly woman in my eyes.
C. Obviously injured. I can't imagine he would be at all safe standing on a moving bus/train, but in what world would he expect to find a seat on a busy train during rush hour? So the order for me will be.

C > A > B. Perhaps the old woman was a cunt.

Get up and watch them fight over it.

>not making other people get up while still staying seated

Not devilish enough, aint'cha, Sup Forums?

Why is everyone taking the OP image seriously? It has a zombie in it .It's clearly intended to be satire. You're all autistic.

judging by the looks on their faces they're all entitled shits and none of them deserve the seat, but if the mother were to drop the baby it would probably die so A.

t. Dr Frankenstein.

Yes but ignoring the zombie, it is a good question between A-B-C

Honestly. I keep my seat. Those entitled fucks dont know what kinda day I had. Its thursday afternoon and this is the first day I got a seat on the way home all week. My back is killing me. The wife is at her sisters and has left me with her son.

All I want to do is browse Sup Forums and shitpost about Game of Thrones while listening to Exit Music for a Film by Radiohead.


Law & Order: SVU

I usually avoid obvious SJW shit, so I'm sure it isn't the most SJW show ever, but the most SJW show I watched was "How to Get Away with Murder".

It seemed like a nice mystery series, with some courtroom drama. 4 episodes in, the protagonist is a black guy who is trying to get a white girl, all the female characters are strong independent womyn who need no man(Unless it's a strong black man), all the straight white males are cucks or douches(Sometimes both) and there's tons of gay sex.

Also, I would give my seat to the pregnant lady, since it seems she got there first. If she wants to give to the grandma or the kid it's not my problem.

His thread topic is going to make us all riled up anyway.

I only give my seat if they ask

Giving up your seat to a woman implies that you think they are weaker and need the seat. If you give up your seat then you are a misogynist

>It has a zombie in it .It's clearly intended to be satire.

SJW's regularly sneak le random xd humor into their propaganda.
It never detracts from their message.

>he is an outside visiting normie and is typing REEEE on my message board

if you irritate the zombie, hes just gonna eat everyone.

Sense 8

It's certainly true that there is a group of batshit insane women calling themselves feminists while being disgusting overall. However, it's weird how overrepresented this considerable small group seems to be on everybody's hate list. Especially when you factor in that those cunts are annoying, but usually not harmful beyond that.
Aren't there much, much more disgusting people than 'feminists'?

>Who deserves your seat & why?


That's a strong fucking word.

tell them i'm a feminist and keep my seat obviously

none of you faggots are ever around to back me up on twitch chat when I get cornered by sjw mods and get permabanned. Or in RL when I'm in college and girls are talking about chopping dicks off.

tell me what college and Ill back u up nigga

FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BITCHES, survival of the fittest. but probably B because she reminds me of my granny and i miss her

> However, it's weird how overrepresented this considerable small group seems to be on everybody's hate list.

They are by no means a "small group" anymore. Retarded Feminist dogma is now the mainstream belief-system, not the minority.
Do you legitimately believe a minority of the population believes in the Wage Gap myth? It was in a fucking makeup commercial yesterday.

I'd just give my seat whoever came first honestly.
Hope there are decent enough people on the bus enough so that all of them can sit down.


>too autistic for norms
>not autistic enough for 4chins

Life is suffering.

same. my grandma is one of the best people in my life. probably because back in her days, there were no sjws and "feminazis"

Trick question. There are multiple seats taken up by able-bodied people, so you get up and tell the degenerates next to you to do the same. A, B and C can then decide which seat they want and D can stand with the rest of you.

I deserve the seat
Fuck everyone else

>twitch chat

>irl when I'm in college and girls are talking about chopping dicks off
tumblr isn't a college

Underrated post.

they can all sit on my dick

>cornered by sjw mods and permabanned

maybe be a respectful human being instead of a raging memer and this wouldn't be a problem

>girls are talking about chopping dicks off.
>gets enraged and wants backup
are you new here or did you just never learn not to be trolled?

A can sit on my lap

It's my chair up until the point I no longer need it. Those four can fight to the death for it after I'm done.

Please tell me, how do you suffer from the wage gap discussion? In what way does that harm you?

Also, I'd like to add that confusing people who want equality with people who claim female superiority is not healthy. The first group is basically alright, while the second one is annoying.

I was raised to give seats to A, B, and C because it's the polite thing to do. But DESERVING, well this writer needs to check thier privaladges.
Tbf she could have had the child intentionally. Can't judge that really.

So will the pregnant woman, user. So will the pregnant woman.

Dude. Bro. Sick response.

look at the fucking rules of 98% of these places. and why can't i be myself and befriend the broadcaster? who said I'm being a "raging memer"?

back me up it's 5 against 1, and that's not counting the guys that want to befriend the cute girls. "GASP! YOU CAN'T SAY THAT user! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!"

appreciate it pham, but it happened a long time ago. Damage is done.

Not a chance in hell I'm giving away my seat to someone who are pissed. You better smile and be nice if you want to sit down :^)

They all look pissed off at me for existing so fuck em, it's my seat

>look at the fucking rules of 98% of these places
Whoa, you can't sperg out about feminists, blacks, jews and muslims on some girl's twitch channel. What an unreasonable rule.

You convinced me, user. You're being oppressed.