What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Black people
Too much "going forward by going backward" bullshit
I'm talking about the OST you dumb cuck.
It was absolutely forgettable, yet it has an oscar nomination when none of the prequels did.
What kind of meme magic is this?
No one cares about the music you retard
Are you retarded?
Too much "Hey you remember these characters?? These were your favorite characters! Y'know Han Solo and the gang??" Harrison Ford was so checked out during the entire movie it was so obvious he was just there for a paycheck.
No! I was only pretending! :v)
no u
Retard detected
Abrams doesn't know how to use music, so Williams didn't care about making anything memorable.
Everything. The writing sucked, direction sucked, OST was a disappointment.
>posting a soundtrack on Sup Forums and getting annoyed when people assume you're talking about the movie
It's not Art it's Marketing and cultural decay.
Most of the good cues got fucked over and weren't used. They reused the same exact music clips for multiple major scenes. JJ isnt a good audiokino director. He's a hack editor too so everything just got cut up to shit. If I were John Williams I'd be pissed. No wonder he wont do anymore.
They reused cues at least 3 times.
> Poe vs Stormtroopers in the village slaughter / X wings just before entering Starkiller
> BB8 meets Rey / R2 wakes up
> Starkiller base blows up planets / Han dies
Fucking sad and lazy
It was never gonna live to the hype but it was not particularly bad. Kylo and his battle with Rey sucked though.
The prequels got a lot of it wrong too but the light saber duels kicked ass. Nobody expected that Rey could hold her ground against the emo guy that could freeze a light blaster on the air but that was pathetic...
The finding of the saber was not good either... made really little sense.
Otherwise the movie was not that bad... better than episode 2 at the very least.
The high points are the best Williams has done in years.
Unfortunately we didnt get the audio-visual spectacle that Star Wars deserves because Williams used to score to a basically finished cut and JJ just gutted scene after scene and therefore had to gut the score in editing.
The editing (and cue selection) on the OST is terrible.
Half the shit isnt in the movie and half the good shit from the movie isnt even on the OST.
directed by JewJew Abrahams
>Rey being perfect at everything
>Rey not getting raped
>>Sup Forums
Not only can you retards not see the image, but apparently nobody even skims the thread anymore before opening their cuck mouths.
OP was talking bout the OST dumb fucks
its a film score. There are fucking threads about Bieber's dad twitter rightnow.
Rey developed powers as the plot demands, ruining any suspense involving her scenes.
It tried too much to crawl up Episode 4's ass, and died there.
JJ has no sense of the vastness of space, or wilfully ignores it in favor of writing what he things (but is wrong about) cool scenes.
You sound mad friend
>posting a soundtrack on Sup Forums and getting annoyed when people assume you're talking about the movie
>its a film score.
It's a fucking movie soundtrack.
>wants to talk Sup Forums on Sup Forums
>gets upset Sup Forums cucks his Sup Forums discussion
>calls everyone a cuck
kys autismo famalama
Tried too had to have shitty lukewarm jokes forced in every scene that had any seriousness in it.