Life's short and there are lots of films to watch. What's your play speeds bros? For me it's 2x for flicks, 1...

Life's short and there are lots of films to watch. What's your play speeds bros? For me it's 2x for flicks, 1.5 for films and 1.20-1.25x for kino.

Other urls found in this thread:

>not watching kino @ .5x to be fully immersed

2x for flicks watching two at the same time
1.5x for movies while shitposting
1x for films making notes
0.5 for kino rewatching it at least twice, first upside down, second with the eyes closed and on mute
I've been trying to develop a new formula to find the best way to watch a motion picture, and it's like speed = sen(time)^-q, in which q is a coefficient related to the quality of the director.

Patrish would be friends with

horror, sci-fi, capeshit, comedy 1.3 to 1.5
drama 1.2

What the everloving fuck is wrong with you retards

>What's your play speeds bros
make this thread on Sup Forums you faggot

frame by frame, progressing to the next only when i have fully absorbed the contents of the current frame. i am lucky to get through a few minutes' worth of a film in a day, but i absorb far more than your average film "fan" so i feel it is worth it

its one of those things where people pretend to do something incredibly stupid to get responses like .

Greetings website

Don't you feel like your missing out on so much stuff though? I'd love to be devoted like that but the fomo is killing me

get a load of H o t H e a d

>second with the eyes closed and on mute


Thank you


Threads like these are funny to me at first but then I remember I actually know people who have really done this.

My mom and a friend's mom (who my mom doesn't know) are both confirmed to have done this at least once.

Middle aged women confirmed for Sup Forums posters.

shit, I was so hoping it was filtered.

You're saying you've never actually watched an entire film on 1.5x cause it was boring and you wanted to get through it faster? I legit thought everybody did this from time to time

x4-x5 for Marvel
x1.3 for GoT
x0.9 for some films like The VVitch, because their accent was hard to understand.

only time I've seen people do it with garbage they just want to be over with.

I watch the full film on normal speed with no restroom breaks or snacking in between. After which I write a detailed review and post it to my Letterboxd account.


I'm not a total autist so I quit watching a movie if I don't like it.

I watch flicks at 2.0 films at 1.5 cinema 1 and kino 0.5

>school lets out on the east coast
>suddenly this thread


Up until I was like 14-15, my autism forced me to watch every single movie that axxo or whoever was the king baller before him uploaded just cause it felt like a waste not to illegally download and watch free movies.

Now if I'm not into a movie after the first 15-20 minutes or even if I realize I don't give a shit what happens next after 2/3 of the movie, I just close it.


16x for series
8x for bad flicks
6x for flicks
4x for movies
2x for films
1x for Cinéma
0.25 for Absolute Kínò

>Implying kids can even pronounce kino let alone have enough experience to speedmod

nobody else "screens" movies at faster speeds and then re-watches if really interested??

>not superimposing 1x on top of -1x to reveal themes of duality, linguistics, and disruptive innovation

Underage b& and/or low IQ b& and/or ADD b&

I don't even bother watching films anymore honestly, they are all the fucking same

>implying kids aren't the ones calling everything kino

This. I use higher speeds as "trailers"

What are you doing here

skinner box

You're saying you were conditioned to shitpost?

The levels of irony on this board

1.5x for trek tv shows
7 seaons per excluding OG and Voyager

satantango in 0.25 la

That's like seven days straight. Do you into Ritalin?

Watched the entire Twin Peaks series at 1.8

Got through it in a couple day -- i'm all prepared for season 3!

I usually prefer 1.3% for joints.

2x speed for neurotypical directors
1.4x speed for asian and jewish directors
1x speed for asd directors

I can't stand woody allens stammering above 1.2x

I actually watch some series at 1.5 and go 1.0 if interesting scenes
Spartacus and black sails currently

Success. You've made a meme thread on Sup Forums. You picked the best Brendan pic and carefully typed JUST. You've made sure the time's right. Australia's awake. The replies start coming, JUST, FUCK, MY, SHIT, UP. The ever loving memers of Sup Forums have graced you with a combo. Unbroken. A discussion arises, some of it even becomes serious. A piece of OC is added, mighty keks and funny reaction pics follow. Some anons start claiming waifus. The thread is closing in on 300 replies. It's the full Sup Forums experience. You made it. None of it would've happened if it wasn't for you. You're ecstatic. But then something happens that changes everything. The replies stop coming, slowly, your magnificent thread starts saging into oblivion. Intense feelings of agony ensue. You look in the mirror, your hair's all fucked up. No longer a big guy, you seem to have lost all your hard earned gainz from the gym. Your phone beeps. The unthinkable happened. You're being sued for alimony. Your thread's been pruned, or deleted.

I actually once watched a movie at 1.5x speed. It was the day before the test, I hadn't read the book and it was already like 5 am.

Why didn't you spend the rest of the day wathing and studying if you were up at 5m and the test was the next day?

I open uncompressed YIFY releases which reach 60GB with notepad and I just read at the speed of light.

All right, on the same day you goddamn nitpicker. You know, how TV guide puts things airing until 5 am on Sunday morning on the Saturday page.

He needed to prep the bull

Why didn't you manage your time better?

Not even him but are you guys his mum or some shit

Where did I say I would do anything differently? I played Unreal Tournament all day and night and it was a perfect use of my time.

t. him

wrong. Unless it's for critical analysis for a project or an article or perhaps your own version of editing/study. You have no business meddling with an artists/director/editor's vision.


The rest of you should be ashamed of yourselves. I'm not joking.

I calculate the speed with this formula:

1 + (( 9 - [IMDB score]) / 10 ) * ( [runtime]/90 )

I only watch youtube at 1.5 or 2x because retards don't know how to make a proper video without having half the video being pointless filler or having unnecessary commentary.

What video player you use?
MPC is the goat but doesn't work for speeding
Please no VLC meme

A better question: how many movies do you watch at once?

so for instance, shawshank would be 13.66x?

vlc is good for film. mpc is superior for animation, particularly the island mass of Nippon.

I use
0.3x on flicks
0.7-0.9x for films
2x for kino
5x for cinëmà êbsolūt
This way i can watch 3-4 masterpieces a day but only have to suffer through one marvel flick

I got a friend who legitimately "skips the boring parts" of films he's never seen. This ranges from some fast forwarding to entire chapter skips.

for me it's never more than two with the rule of one of them being plebshit (+shitposting)
to demonstrate:
81/2 + ted talk + monitoring 4/5 just threads

Potplayer was fucking great

I wish there was a mac version.

I watch everything at 3x but I'm diagnosed hyperintelligent, I can simply process thematic and aesthetic data faster than you normal people.

It would be 0.95, which rounds to 1.00 if you did the math.

implying there are non-hyperintelligents on Sup Forums

i usually watch 2 or 3 flicks at the same time with 4x speed so i can get through them faster

Thanks, gonna watch La Meglio Gioventù at 0.21x

can you take me through solving the equation? sorry poor math skills.

1x, but I have a rare genetic mutation called dual mental threading, which allows me to process two completely separate trains of thought at once - for this reason I watch two different movies on two different TVs at once to save time.

My mutant brain is capable of isolating the sound of each film to one ear a piece to perfectly consume media in this way

oh nice I heard about that. I've a relative with a similar condition. does it drain your energy faster though?

>this actually exists
i wonder if those split brain people can really do this

the first time i saw psycho was the art installation 24 hour psycho. i thought it vastly improved the movie and since then i slow everything down to between 24-48 hours

I got 1.5777

If a movie was made before 1970 I watch it with 1.5.

If it's also black and white I watch it with 2.0.

Any foreign movies get watched in 1.5 unless they are action movies or asian.

would hitler have saved you or exterminated you?

i watch porn on 2.0

equation guy deleted his threads fsr

you sir need to impregnate as many females as possible in hopes of spreading your mutation to younger generations

Here's Sup Forums's official guide to patrician watching:

Flicks: 8x speed, muted with your own music playing if you so choose
Movies: 4x speed, and it is recommended having a tab open in the background filled with nude pictures of the actresses from the movie
Film: 2x speed, no boards other than Sup Forums and Sup Forums may be browsed whilst watching
Cinéma: 1.25x speed, limit of 3 Sup Forums tabs open at any one time
Kino: 1x speed, full screen in the dark, no distractions or breaks
Charme Discret: 0.5x speed, with only /r/truefilm allowed open in the background

patrician af

>browsing reddit
post ruined

>>When it meets

you're such a loser holy shit

y-you too

Holy shit some actually decent bait on this board
