Getting fired at? hide behind shield

>getting fired at? hide behind shield
>getting punched? hide behind shield
>attacked by a demigod? hide behind shield
>a fucking nuke blows above his head? hide behind shield
>falling down 15 stories? hide behind shield
>a grenade blows up? hide behind shield
>tony firing energy beams? hide behind shield
>someone calls him faggot? hide behind shield
>doesn't have enough money for hotel bill? hide behind shield
>gets confronted? hide behind shield

Whats his problem? Is he trying to find a safe space?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because his superpower is being abnormally strong, but not super strong like actually strong heroes (Hulk, Spider-Man)

MCU Captain America is noticeably stronger than MCU Spider-Man.

No. Bucky's right arm overpowered Cap, and Spiderman easily caught Bucky's punch. Cap is just more experienced.

AAARRRGGGGHHHHH Tony please help hes got a metal arm

MCU captain america is about twice as strong as the strongest men.

Spiderman is what, 10 times as strong?

Why doesn't anyone shoot Cap's legs?

What's his shield made out of anyway?


He swings Spider-Man around by his own web.

The guy who was lifting a bus over his head 6 minutes before this.

Spiderman is a lightweight, but still stronger.

he used Spiderman's strength against himself.

What does this mean? Spiderman is light enough for Cap to swing. Doesn't mean he is stronger. Spidey is probably 20x as strong as Cap.

Spiderman had no leverage, and weighs 90 pounds. Why would captain america have a hard time doing that?

Captain America is a Mary Sue

>Spiderman is what, 10 times as strong?


>spiderman weighs less than captain america
>people are confused when he lifts off the ground before captain america does
>thinks this means cap is stronger

Spider-Man is a teenage kid barerly weighing anything and got caught off guard, the fact that he easily bent Buckys arm, threw a car and held up a jet bridge proves he is far above Steve in strength

>6 cuts for no fucking reason

The bridge part alone makes him stronger than Cap. Not by much, but he could be about twice as strong when it comes to pulling off feats of strength easier.

Yeah, Cap pulling back the helicopter really upped his strength feats. Spidey's overall much better with his speed and reflexes included though.

>Not by much
Dude, Spiderman is in a entirely different league from Cap.

He has no problem, he has a fucking shield you mong.

Its not like it matters beyond the fact that he is physical stronger.

All you need to know is that Spiderman can throw arround cars and lift up jet bridges, trying to put clear numbers on their strenght just limit the characters and what they can do

you've literally never watched any marvel capeshit have you

Fucking Spidey fags

Redwing kicked his ass

Being strong doesn't mean weighing more, user. Spider-man lifts 30 tons in the comics but he's just 70 kg, anyone can lift him.

Every cut have a purpose.

You're all retarded, Thor is strong and that's why he weights as much as the helicarrier. Hulk even weights more than the sun.

MCU spiderman is literally 100x stronger than cap

Are you trying to argue that because a drone lifted a 90 pound kid off his feet, that drone is stronger than the kid?

Cause it seems like you're arguing that, based on your previous posts with the same logic and captain america.


they tried in winter soldier he just held the shield lower and redirected the bullets at them

Ant-man kicked his ass too.

Cap pulling the helicopter is what puts him at roughly twice the strength of a peak human. Those things don't generate as much upward force as you would think. IIRC someone estimated it at about 1300 pounds of force upward.

Spiderman is like Thor.

Super super strong, but their arrogance and cockiness gets in the way of that.

Especially fighting strong people for the first time, they underestimate people.

Spiderman wasn't out to defeat Cap, merely a) keep him busy b) sort of apprehend

>This totally inexperienced with a super sense that hurts more than helps teenage hero isn't wining every combat?, the fuck?

He's faster, stronger and probably tougher than most heroes in CW, but he's a fucking kid. Cap barely stopped Bucky's punch and barely lifted a car, Spidey stopped Bucky's punch with one hand like fucking nothing and stopped and lifted a speeding card from hitting a bus, he's clearly stronger than Cap.

How does Spider-man hold all those L's?

The fuck are you on. Arguably, Bucky (at least in Winter Soldier mode, as he was pulling back his punches against Spidey) could wreck his shit up.

he's a kid in his new suit surrounded by "seasoned" adult heroes.

he was being cocky and irresponsible

That model of helicopter actually lifts up to 2300 tons, so I dunno who made those maths, but he should recheck them.

Everybody's stronger than Captain America, just not when they're fighting him.

I for one, can't wait for Cap to take Spiderman under his wing. They've always arguably had that relationship: captain America is the aging heart of the marvel universe, the inspiring leader, and Spiderman is the up and comer heart, just as heroic, but inexperienced, younger, and prone to mistakes.

>2300 tons


>pulling his punches
I hate this meme where ever it happens

2.3 million kilograms, damn

even though spiderman casually holds his metal arm up admiring it

I'm retarded, meant kg.

Cap lifts around 2 tons
Spidey lifted a metal bridge that, according to internet, goes from 10 tons onwards.

It is true though. Notice his fighting style as both WS and Bucky. Bucky uses his less strong arm to punch and is defensive, while WS just relies on offense.

I think it'd be stupid if Cap won a tug-of-war with Thor, too.

3000 pounds is another estimate I've found. That would put him at about 6 times as strong as a peak human.

Still nothing on spidey.

I don't care
I hate the meme in any movie

>bucky uses his less strong arm to punch
Oh, like that time he punched at spidey with the more strong metal arm and spidey casually stops it with little effort?

WS would have recked Spide in CV, but not because he's faster, stronger or tougher.

in the comics spiderman is able to hold a building from falling down.

who said that?

he's alsways running with the shield up but they never shoot at his legs

Kek good thing I'm a Hulkfag

He is not even punching at his peak strength, though, as he realizes it is a fucking kid.

Does MCU Spider-man not have spider sense?

Find out in the next exciting issue. Spider-man: Homecoming.

He does, he dodges a car that come flying against him from behind, but like the comics and the original movies it only works when the plot demands it

Could be worse, he could be anonymously hiding behind a computer screen...

I hate how inconsistent spiderman's "spidey sense" is... like Cap would have better reflexes than spiderman.

Cap should have been running for his life every time spiderman attacked him.

>as he realizes it is a fucking kid.
Dude, literally nobody realizes he's a kid till way later

It's not really explained, he has "super senses" but seems more like it hurts than helps, that's why he has those googles, to keep him focused and ignore this "sense"

This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. He has NO WAY to judge Spiderman's strength or endurance at a glance from literally meeting him seconds earlier. How the fuck will he judge how strongly to hit a guy that he NEVER ACTUALLY HIT before? If he was trying to not kill him with an arm that literally can tear metal off of things, then he should have kicked him or hit him with his normal arm.

So easy

>"Hey buddy I think you lost this! "

These characters weren't meant to exist in the same universe.

But they always have you fucking idiot.

Are you stupid?

Just shows that physical strength alone isn't enough to win a fight. Cap could kick Spidey's ass six ways to sunday purely on the grounds that Cap's had several years more experience. This has happened often in various comics.

>literally Amazing Spider-Man #1 (1963) has the fantastic four
>"weren't meant to exist in the same universe!"

lel wut

>fucking Peter on his fucking moped not even having a clue that a fucking green asshole on a hoverboard is hurtling towards him

Spider-Man 3 was a trainwreck.

Due to writer incompetence. No amount of experience will make up for the ridiculous physical difference in their capabilities and powers. Spiderman is faster, more durable, stronger, and has a fucking warning trigger for shit he doesn't already perceive with his normal senses.

>yfw the Airport fight basically gave us this.


What is that gif from? Shit. So pretty...

Well Captain America has his name in the title of the movie

In this movie makes sense.
In comics never made sense, specially because the first time Peter and Steve met, Peter already was a seasoned hero, also Peter in the comics is like 100 times stronger than Cap (he lifts 30 tons on daily basis while cap barely lifts 500 kg), Peter is 30 times faster WITHOUT the spider-sense than average humans, and he can withstand much more damage than Cap. In comics is makes cero sense that Cap can win, if he does is because or Peter is pulling punches like a mofo, or he's treating the combat like a game, or the writer really doesn't know the fucking monster Spider-man really is.

This is basically Batman vs Superman without preptime and gadgets, Batman has no fucking chance no matter how experienced and how many martial arts he knows.

>Hulk even weights more than the sun

This is so outrageous, I like it.

Cap always win cuz he's America, faggot. Deal with it.

>writing in capeshits is shit
who would have thought

People actually paid to see this piece of shit? So Marvel drones basically throw away their money year after year at everything Marvel puts on the screen?

And yet, despite all of these traits, we have seen Spider-Man exhausted to the breaking point fighting characters that could easily be beaten by Captain America.

The only explanation is that spider-senses aren't on 24/7, similar to how Johnny Smith from Dead Zone couldn't see the future whenever he wanted.

The speed, strength, and durability (which is actually his weakest trait aside from an ability to heal wounds a bit faster than average) are all nothing Cap hasn't dealt with before, to varying (and often victorious) results.

Sup Forums is just buttmad that they're AHHH SAVE ME TONY meme got BTFO in the last few movies.


Spidey is surprisingly overpowered but he never gets to fight to his full potential because being that strong doesn't really fit the character of somebody the universe loves shitting on.

I honestly dont understand obligatory respect everyone in mcu show towards him
even his enemies respect him in some way
is it American thing?
weird me out every time it shows on the screen

Yeah, normies keep doing that

>no matter how experienced and how many martial arts he knows.
Karate kid, DC super hero that knows tons of martial arts but has no actual powers, once stopped a 10 km long meteorite with Aikido, this makes you rethink your life choices.



And yet, Batman keeps dodging light speeding speedsters, punching the shit out of Gods, surviving reentry on the atmosphere with no equipment, beating two fullpowered angry kryptonians using only martial arts, surviving being punched by an angry god through several meters of reinforced concrete walls, etc Why? because it's a fucking comic, if it had at least 1% of logic Batman should be fucking dead.

Writers dictate what happens, if a writer wants Aunt May to beat World War Hulk, Dr Strange, Thor Odison with the Odinforce, Galactus and many others at the same time in a fist fight, he will, that doesn't mean it makes sense.

I know marvel's been putting them into each other's stuff to cross-promote for years but that doesn't change the fact that they don't fit in each other's universe.
I actually like the fact that daredevil series acknowledges that he's just small fry cleaning up the mess the big guys left in New York because that's the best "not as blind as he's supposed to be man" should be capable of. Meanwhile every avengers movie has the dead weight characters with no attempt to justify their role in the final fight who are treated as equal members of the team.

If that means making Spider-Man less than what he's supposed to be (a fucking Mary Sue), then whatever it takes.

Because he was an international idol before they were even born and he was known as superhero jesus that died for their sins. There's no doubt that after his "death" his accomplishments and heroic personality were over exaggerated for propaganda purposes. Tony said he used to hate Cap as a kid because all he heard about growing up was how great he was.

I haven't seen it yet, does he decapitate Tony?

You are aware that Spider-Man debuted in the Marvel Universe, right? MCU always considered the possibility of buying Spider-Man. You'd be dumb as shit to think otherwise.

How did Cap not shatter his hand punching Tony in the suit?