Post interesting maps from your cunt

Post interesting maps from your cunt


Republicans just took over our state senate.

They already controlled the House,


Thanks Obama.

This was because they dropped Howard Dean's 50 State System.

not my cunt

Democrats really neglected Minnesota and tried to ignore the fact that 90% of the state is white and tried to steer money from Rural Developments to Urban stuff like Welfare.



Hillary assumed minorities and rust belt liberals would turn out in 2012 numbers

“In multiracial societies, you don’t vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.”
Maybe Lee Kuan Yew was right

Minnesota was pretty liberal despite being majority white because the Democrats used to be pro-rural.

Iceland's is confusing kek.

How come Vermont is so liberal?

>tfw live in the alternate universe where jack layton died
feels bad man

>Native America

Vermont is pretty liberal because it's pretty hard to be poor because of high wages and no taxes on food or clothing.Older vermonters are more conservative.

nobody knows, it just kinda snowballed. in general new england tends to be moderate libertarian, but vermont is nearly socialist

Arizona is the savior of the brown race.

Hillary also took money that was supposed to be directed to other Democrats that were running for office so that maximized the massive losses in the states.

More like thanks Hillary.

>Nicolette County being blue
haha nice meme