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I like the portrayal of them in the movie better than the books.

What was their fucking problem?

What was their end game?

Why didn't they fly the fellbeasts to the Shire?

Tom Bombadil.

>Witch-king managed to conquer Arnor, Minas Ithil and retake the lost lands east of the Anduin only to hand everything over to Sauron and have him fuck up
Why the fuck did Morgoth make Sauron his general of his armies again? The guy got his ass kicked by a fucking dog.

this is because the movies are far better.

Is Sauron a bitch?

>begged Eonwe not to kill him and then ran away
>tried to trick the elves to make a bunch of rings only to be outed and fleed only to lose a war against them
>was utterly defeated and captured by Numenor and paraded around in a cage for futher humiliation
he was the biggest bitch

> get off the rooad!



What did he mean by this?


But that's just wrong, you vidifag.

This fucker right here

Sauron was still trying to be low-key at this point, and not announce his return to power. The Nazgul were blending in as merely creepy-looking black riders rather than confirmed evil undead monsters riding flying hellbeasts.

Would he make a good Hobbit?

he'd make 20

YFW that screech was literally produced by Peter Jackson's wife.

>20 good hobbits


this scene is so fucking cool

>I used to say noro lim to myself as a child when I was on my bike to go faster
>I've never told anyone else before

rate my autism please

Jesus, they really fucked up their portrayal in The Hobbit.

This is top cute


Imagine all of them getting out of the water with their cloaks all wet and dripping. Not so scary now.

>You will never be an undead murderknight on a comfy road trip with your eight friends, trampling doormen and decapitating nosy halflings

I remember in the VHS you used to be able to see the Nazgul's face who said 'give up the halfling she elf' in this shot here, but it seems to have been edited out in every release since

shit was spooky

im in love

How did we go from this



i've watched the first 2, i can't even bring myself to watch battle of the five armies

More CGI
Trying to live up to expectations rather than staying true to the books and your own love for the lotr/hobbit universe

I feel like I'd want to kill myself from cringe at the big dumb CGI battles

t. three actors wildly swinging sticks around and yelling in a silent green room

I watched it like 3 times and the only thing I remember is Thranduil slaying

Damn I need see this movie again... so fucking good.

what videogame is this?

I don't think I want to watch this even to get it over with, man.

One movie was a courageous effort to bring a beloved fantasy tale to life, the other was a marketing strategy

thanks guys :')

There was no way to make The Hobbit decent, since they stretched into 3 films.

Were the nazgul semi immortal or could a well placed arrow to the heart kill them

*tips wizard hood*

I think they were immortal, but one was killed by a sword that was designed to undo wraith magic or something like that.

I had to close that webm after 5 seconds

I'm still trying to suppress the Hobbit trilogy in its entirety but there's just so much bad stuff in it...

That's just childish imagination, not autism.

Wraiths are immortals. When Elrond destroyed them with his Vilya magic (the wave shit), their body get destroyed but their souls go back to Minas Morgul, in the respawn queue.

There is an inconsistency in the movies. In the books, the Hobbits found a barrow near the Shire during their trip and within they find some ancient numenorean weapons, buried there in the days of Arnor). These blades are magical, and when Merry stabs the Witch King with it during the Pellenor battle, the witch king loses its immortality, and then Eowyn kills him right after that, and he leaves the world for good. The other 8 nazguls probably were unbound when Sauron was defeated.

In the movies, there is no sign/mention of this barrow looting event, or of the blade. Instead, they have Galadriel give them some noldorin blade, probably made in Gondolin, or perhaps in Lindon when Gil-Galad ruled. Nevertheless, these blades don't have the same power against the nazgul as the numenorean blade did. With this blade, Merry shouldn't be able to attack the nazgul, and Eowyn killing him would just incapacitate his body for a short while.

yeah, no doubt. If I did it today that would be different but the books and films were a B I G part of my childhood.

now it's just shitposting

They could have included precious silmarillion moments instead of gandalf galadriel smut
>1st movie: silmarillion backstory
>2nd movie: the hobbit 1
>3rd movie: the hobbit 2 + events that led to the start of Fellowship

Christopher has the Silmarillion behind lock doors for like the rest of this century. They can't have anything related to it that isn't stated in The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings.

>In the movies, there is no sign/mention of this barrow looting event, or of the blade.
Lolwut, in Fellowship Aragorn give them arnorian swords.

im pretty sure that he could return if the one ring wasnt destroyed


It's one of the best sounds ever.

Its actually Peter Jackson's wife, Fran Walsh, screeching, layered with the sound of a horse orgasm and if I remember right, a pig squealing. I never thought I'd type that sentence...

Seriously, he talks about it in the special features of the Fellowship of the Ring Extended edition, the name of the documentary is "Soundscapes of Middle Earth," IIRC.

They looked like the ghosts in the new Ghostbusters movie.


And that's probably for the better 2bh
My heart wouldn't handle seeing the silmarillion get exploited for hollywood profit

Aren't you posting on a board for television and film?

I have the VHS and don't remember this, user...

But now I need to check.

How did that torch get stuck in the Nazgul's face like that?

>went to the premiere
>remember raging at this cunt replacing based Glorfindel

i cringed so hard. that scene. FUCK